Female Cancer X Male Leo

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"Please keep this a secret."

"I will don't worry, Leo."

Leo smiled and hugged Cancer close to him. "Thanks Water Girl, I'll see you after school on Friday..."


Libra checked Cancer out as she looked around to see if anyone was watching her before reading in her book. Libra was the popular girl around the school. She liked Leo, the best soccer player in the school, and wondered why a guy would be hanging out with a girl like her.

In her high heels Libra walked up towards Cancer. "Hello."

Cancer jumped, hitting her knee under the table as she did her best not to curse. "H-Hi..."

"What are you reading?"

"J-Just a book on fiction..."

"I see, is it a book Leo is hiding from me?"

Cancer rose an eyebrow at her. "Excuse?!"

Just then the real evil in the Libra let out as she gripped the edge of Cancer's chair. "Look here Loser Bookworm, Leo is my man so whatever Leo has told you about his secret I should have the right to know. I didn't hear it but I hear the last part when I came out from the other door. Now, tell me before I make your sorry ass tell it."

The library grew silence as Cancer narrowed her eyes up at Libra. "Just because Leo told me a secret doesn't mean I or Leo have to let you know about it. So why don't you just take you fake boobs and walk them out of there, because on one likes a hoe or that fake ass mouth of yours."

Everyone was tense as Libra was shocked at the shy girl's behavior. It was as if a darker side that this was just waiting to unleased. Libra growled and slapped Cancer across the face, making Cancer fall off her chair from the seer force. "You bitch! Know your place in this school before I can make your life a living hell!"

A hand came out of nowhere as Libra's coffee which was in her other hand was dumped all over her, and it was hot too. Libra screamed in horror and stopped in her tracks to find it was Leo. "THE HELL WAS THAT FOR?!"

Leo glared down at her coldly as even Libra was getting the shiver from it. "If I EVER catch you bullying someone like that again Libra I will make YOUR life a living hell with all the eyes in here for proof. So, I suggest you run away and never come near Cancer again unless you want a death wish."

The color in Libra drained away as she was silence while walking out of the library. Leo helped Cancer up and checked her cheek. "Is it still hurting?"

"A-A little bit..."

Leo kissed it making the red mix in with the pink. "That should make it all better. Come on, I'll show you what I got."

Just as Leo promise when everyone was out of school and the new about Libra spread she was in trouble now. Cancer smiled to herself as Leo took her to the back of the school. He took out a ring from his back pocket.

The promise was Leo told you he had a crush on this girl who liked the color blue a lot having him in the end by a ring of fire crafted blue with the colors of the ocean top and bottom on it. It was very beautiful when the light hit it just right.

"So are you going to tell me who you got the ring for?"

"Yep." Leo took her hand and slid it on.

Confusion grasped Cancer as Leo smirked at her face. "The lucky girl is you silly."

Realization slowly hit Cancer, making her cheeks become rosy red. "H-Huh?! Why me?"

"Well one. You're cute, second. You're smart, third. You have one of a sassy mouth on you when you're angered. Made me get a little spark inside too see my shy girl becoming the sassy shy one."

A giggle came from Cancer making Leo's smirk become a happy smile. "Well the bitch was making me mad... why not, I'll date you no matter what Libra said."

Leo smiled and pulled Cancer into a hug. "That's my girl~" He cut her off with a short but cute kiss while putting the ring on her finger.

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