Female Cancer X Male Pisces

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It was the same project for over the six weeks Cancer had been bugging Pisces lazy butt about it for weeks. He wasn't responding to his text messages for the weekend and the project was due tomorrow, but Cancer wasn't going to work on it alone.

She found out Pisces address from one of his friends and knocked on the door. It took a long time but he came down after two minutes. His hair was up everywhere in every angle... he looked like a dead man, which he probably was at this point.

"What do you want...?" Pisces mumbled.

"Why haven't you been responding to my texts messages?"

He blinked at her. "Because I'm sick..."

"Too sick to pick up the phone?"

"Yes!" He suddenly yelled, "Why aren't you getting that?"

"Because we have a project due tomorrow and I wasn't going to work on it alone."

"Why you-" He glared at her, "Just come in and finish it in here."

Cancer nodded and walked right on in. Pisces didn't have a bad house for a middle class guy. He laid down the couch, putting an ice pack over his forehead and sighed in relief. Cancer started to feel bad. It didn't look like he was lying about the sickness.

"We're your parents?"

"They're out of town. I caught this on Saturday morning and been crap ever since."

"Oh... well... if you want I can help take care of you."

Pisces laughed a bit. "Oh now you want to help me and not work on the project?"

Cancer nodded and grabbed a blanket from the chair and laid it over him. "Now my health suddenly became for important." Pisces asked.

Cancer nodded and went into his kitchen to bring him a glass of water. "For now. I'm going to work on the project. Just don't move and rest there on the couch."

She gave him his water and went on his computer. It was an essay project for English that was to be fifteen pages long. Once in a while Pisces would look over at her way, watching as her fingers type fast over the keyboard.


Pisces didn't realize he fell asleep watching Cancer, but saw it was midnight and Cancer was fast asleep, head on the table, back going up and down slowly. Pisces felt a little guilty about letting her doing all the work.

He felt a lot better after that long nap and got up to work on the essay himself...

When Cancer woke up in the morning Pisces was already up in new clothes, making himself some coffee. "Do you want some?"

She shook her head, rubbing the back of her neck. "No thanks I got too-"

When she looked at the computer screen her eyes widen. The project was done with all fifteen pages. Cancer looked up to see Pisces give her a simile, "Got too what?"

Cancer shook her head with a smile. "You're amazing at times."

A tiny blush came over his cheeks, but faint enough for Caner not able to see. "Now you suddenly know the power I have."

She rolled her eyes and grabbed the cup of coffee for her, drinking it with her own blush and smile on her face.

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