M Virgo X F Libra

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"Come on Virgo!" Capricorn pushed him through the streets of the neighborhood, "Just tell her your feelings!"

Virgo was getting dragged/pushed down the street to lovely Libra's house as she was a nice kind of girl, but a bit of a popular girl.

Virgo panicked inside and tries to get out of Capricorn's pushing force, "Not today Cap! Maybe some other time!"

Capricorn groaned at him, "That's what you say every time and then chicken out!"

An irk mark appeared on Virgo's forhead, "I am not a chicken!"

"Then go and tell her your real feelings!"

Virgo growled deeply and dangerously at him, "Fine you jerk!"

Capricorn smirked as he leaned his arm against the telephone pole as he watched Virgo go up the steps.

Virgo stared at the door as his heart seemed to beat right out of his heart each minute. He shakily raised a fist as he started to knock. It was light at first until almost like a pounding at the end.

"Coming!" Libra's beautiful voice ringed out into Virgo's ears as he melted inside.

Virgo turned his body to bail out before the door opened to a pretty blonde girl with forest green eyes.

"Hi Virgo! What are you doing here?"

Virgo sweatdropped as his face locked up in a emotionless state, "I-I ummm.... came by to tell you..."

Libra raised an questioning eyebrow, "Yes... and what is that?"

Virgo swallowed hard as the lump in his throat seemed to be the dagger in his heart, "I-I-I-I l-l-l-like y-you!"

Libra blushed a bright pink as Virgo blush a deep red, completely embarrassed.

"Oh..." Libra said, "This is a surprise..."

Virgo sighed as be hung his head low, "I guess this must mean you hate me."


Virgo's heart shattered into two as he felt tears rising but shun them away, "O-okay... I'll get out of your life..."

Libra giggled which made Virgo jumped and look up at the girl.

"No silly. I don't want you to leave me."

Virgo was now completely confused, "Ummm... what?"

Libra smiled at him as he twined her fingers into his hand, "Becuase I hate you for not telling me sooner you didn't like me. I like you too."

Virgo's heart seemed to repair back into place as a smile broke onto his lips, "R-really?!"

Libra nodded, "Yep! Let's get something to eat to celebrate this moment! I'm hungry!"

Virgo smiled as he nodded back, "Okay. I'll pay for you."

Capricorn jumped in glee as he finally got his best friend the girl of his dreams.

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