What I think of the Signs names

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Aries: Your a god. A god of war, like... awesome...

Taurus: I want that meat

Gemini: Oh god, TWINS! If I ever had a twin I would cry

Cancer: You are awesome X10

Leo: Hear me roar! *Meow!*

Virgo: I especially expected you to be pure... never mind

Libra: You guys are wishywashy, but awesome

Scorpio: I live in a desert and make sure to avoid you people XD (Not really)

Capricorn: Like the Percy Jackson half human and horse thing? COOL!

Sagittarius: All I got to say, is you guys are fun to hang around with

Aquarius: Doesn't show much... but does care, which I love about you guys!

Pisces: Hmmmm... salmon...

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