Signs On A Date (Prt 2)

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Scene 7- Capricorn and Cancer (At the park)

Cancer: "Wait for me, Cap!"

Cap: *laughs* "Okay, okay! One question: which ice cream flavor do you like?"

Cancer: *perks up* "Ice cream?"

Cap: "Yes, Ice cream."

Cancer: "Cap... Are we buying ice cream?" *wiggles eyebrows*

Cap: "I can't keep anything from you, Cancer!" *scowls*

Cancer: "Aww, Cap, stop for a moment!" *tugs hand*

Cap: *stops and looks at Cancer*

Cancer: *creases Capricorn's scowl with their hand* "Much better. And... I think I'd like some chocolate if you don't mind?"

Cap: *smiles* "Of course. Come on, then." *pulls Cancer to the ice cream bar and orders*

Cancer: "Thanks Cap!" *kisses cheek* "It's really good!"

Cap: *blushes* "Your welcome, Cancer."

Cancer: "Although..." *dabs Cap's nose with ice cream* "I think you look amazing with it on!"

Cap: "Hey!" *cringes* "Come here!" *grabs Cancer and wipes a spot of ice cream on them* "That's for getting chocolate up my nose!"

Cancer: *laughs* "And this," *cleans cheek on Cap's sleeve* "is for getting me back."

Cap: "You're impossible, Cancer."

Cancer: "You know you love me!"

Cap: "...unfortunately"

Scene 8- Leo and Libra (Milkshake Diner)

Libra: "Yeah, but I'm your noob!"

Leo: *flips hair dramatically* "Well I'm not so sure now!"

Libra: "But Leo..." *sniffs*

Leo: *glances to the side secretly but doesn't budge*

Libra: "Leo... Come on love, you know you can't live without me!" *Places hand to heart*

Leo: "I totally could!" *crosses arms*

Libra: *pouts and pretends to cry*

Leo: "Well... Maybe I could."

Libra: *still cries*

Leo: "Okay, okay, I give in! Come back to me, lovely!"

Libra: "You're the best Leo, I would hate to leave you!" *hugs Leo from across the table*

Leo: "Oh Libra, I'm so happy we made up!" *pretends to cry too*

Waiter: "Um... Are you guys ready to order?"

(Haha oh Leo and Libra <3)

Scene 9- Aqua and Sag (Paintball Fight)

Sag: "Haha whatever!" *grabs Aqua's ankle and drags them to the floor*

Aqua: *gasps* "What-" *gets shot by Sag* "You... Cheater...!"

Sag: *evil laughter* "I'm not stopped by a single shot, you should know Aqua!"

Aqua: "And here I thought... You would go easy on me..." *closes eyes slowly*

Sag: "You're so dramatic, weirdo."



Sag: "Aqua?"


Sag: "Stop playing with me now, for real."


Sag: "Aquarius!" *kneels down and holds Aqua's head in their lap* "What's happened to you?!"

Aqua: *giggles* "Haha nothing!" *grabs Sag's face and kisses their cheek*

Scene 10- Aries and Gemini (Rollerskating)

Gemini: "Oh stop bragging, you." *places hands to the side so they won't fall*

Aries: "Too bad, Gemini. See, you go like this..." *shows Gemini how to stop with their toe*

Gemini: "I think I can do that!" *tries and falls*

Aries: "Arg... I got you!" *catches Gemini*

Gemini: *grins* "I think I should fall more often, don't you think?"

Aries: "And I would always be there to catch you, clumsy one."

Gemini: "Promise?"

Aries: "Well... it would be kinda funny to see you fall on your butt and-"

Gemini: *punches Aries' stomach*

Aries: *groans* *drops Gemini*

Gemini: *screams* "Aries! I'm gonna-"

Aries: *crushes Gemini with their body* "Oh, Gemini! I'm so-"

Gemini: *kicks Aries' face on accident*

Aries: *elbows Gemini's ribs on reflex*

Gemini: *Claws*

Aries: *head-butts*

Gemini and Aries: *groans*

Gemini: "Such a great teacher..."

Scene 11- Taurus and Virgo (The Beach)

Taurus: "I'm going to throw you into the water when I catch you, Virgo!"

Virgo: "Hmm, except you'll never even get close to me!" *continues to run across the beach*

Taurus: "Stop lying to yourself!" *laughs as they run*

Virgo: "Who said I was-" *trips on large molecule in the sand* *face plants*

Taurus: "Virgo! Oh my, hahaha...." *tries not to laugh*

Virgo: "I can't feel my face..." *digs hands into the sand*

Taurus: "Hahaha.... You okay there?" *helps Virgo up*

Virgo: *sand pours from their mouth*

Taurus: " maybe you're not okay..."

Virgo: "Taurus... I think I caught some seaweed in there, too." *sticks tongue out to try and look at it*

Taurus: *laughs* "Aww, you poor thing." *hugs Virgo*

Virgo: *stiffens* *hugs back* "You make me feel better, Taurus."

Taurus: "You make me happy, too, Virgo. Even if you ate some sand for lunch."

Virgo: *playfully poles Taurus' side.* "Whatever! Don't you know it's good for the heart?"

Taurus: "You know what's good for the heart?"

Virgo: "Hmm?"

Taurus: *looks at Virgo lovingly* *brushes hair from their eyes and leans down to whisper in their ear* "Food..."

Scene 12- Pisces and Scorpio (Under the stars)

Scorpio: "But it's raining?"

Pisces: "Aww come on Scorpio! You know what rain's best for?" *takes both of Scorpio's hands*

Scorpio: "Hmm?"

Pisces: "Dancing."

Scorpio: *smirks* "Well in that case..." *bows* "May I have this dance?"

Pisces: *smiles* "I think I can make room for one."

Scorpio: "You better." *pulls Pisces around the field, both dancing together*

Pisces: "I don't mind the cold when we're doing this." *grins the whole time*

Scorpio: "You're cold?"

Pisces: "Just a little. But I'm o-"

Scorpio: *yanks Pisces closer* "Better?"

Pisces: *giggles* "Much." *wraps arms around Scorpio*

Scorpio: *takes turns twirling with Pisces until they're left just holding each other* "So much for having a picnic, hmm?"

Pisces: "I'd take this over a picnic any day."

Scorpio: "I'm glad, since I would too."

Pisces: *signs with content* "And plus... You're the best dancer I've seen in a while."

Scorpio: "Well of course, Pisces! Did you think I couldn't dance?"

Pisces: "Well I just-"

Scorpio: *kisses Pisces* "Just shut up and dance with me."

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