As princes

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Aries: "I'm gonna save ya! Just stay put!"

Taurus: "If I tie the rope her I'll be launched in the air and by the law of velocity..."

Gemini:" Hell no! That's a f#cking dragon dude !!F#ck that!"

Cancer:" I can't do this!I'll die and I have to say goodbye to my cat!"

Leo:"Hmmmm I look good ......this blade is efficient as it reflects my perfection."

Virgo:" Can I save her after I commit suicide? It'll only take a second.."

Libra:" Sure I'll save her but why should I again?"

Scorpio:"*to dragon* Bitch did you just spit a flame hoogey at me? That's it I'm have dragon ass tonight!"

Sagittarius:" Hahahahaha!!!!!! That's how long your hair is?!?!? How long is your leg hair?!?!"

Capricorn:" Wait is that a damsal or a witch? Where the heck is my glasses?"

Aquarius:" I got this......Nope I don't ! Hey watch the cape!"

Pisces:"I'm a lover not a fighter....{And that was the last heard from him as they never found his corpse maybe the dragon ate it? we will never know......}


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