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 November, 1999

     Snow slowly swirled down from a dark sky, catching among branches and needles of the evergreen trees. Fairbanks, Alaska was in the middle of a blizzard. The dizzily swirls of snow landed in a soft powder, already covering most of the forest floor. The powder acted as a muffler, the night sounds much quieter than usual. 

     Other than the sound of a softly crying child, all was silent within the trees. A baby, an infant at that, was lying on the roots of a tree, swaddled in a thick blanket. However, it was quickly becoming overrun with snow and the baby would not make it much longer. Soft, crunching footsteps sounded at the edge of the forest. 

     A woman, wrapped in a shawl and thick coat, paused at the edge of the trees. "A baby?" She mused, beginning the trudge into the forest. The thick snow had made traveling worse and the woman became easily tired. Still, the woman did not stop until she reached the baby. Footsteps from its parents had been covered by the falling snow and the baby had only been saved by the low-hanging branches above its head. Gently, the woman bent down and scooped up the child, a letter falling from its blanket. 

     Blinking in surprise at the abandoned child and unwilling to leave her outside to perish, the woman carried her to her cabin, not too terribly far from where the child was abandoned.


     Crack. The woman started a fire in her hearth, the light making the cabin's living room a warm, homey glow. The cabin was made of mostly wood with stone accents. Due to the lack of furniture and absence of others, it was obvious the woman lived alone. The baby had stopped crying now, no longer in the snow and cold. However, she didn't appear to have been harmed by the snow, other than being freezing. 

     Once she was sure the child was situated, the woman sighed. Her chair screeched on the wooden floor as she stood, the letter falling from the table by her movement. Eyebrows furrowing, the woman sat down again, holding it in her  calloused hands. With a sigh, the woman gingerly opened the envelope. It was addressed to no one but a simple name: Maristela

     Gingerly, the woman went to open the letter, only to find it had been opened before. She slipped out two neatly folded, weighted paper, almost like parchment. Handwritten in gentle cursive came the letter.

   Dear Maristela Family, 

          It has come to our attention that on November 19th, 1999, your child was born. But he/she was not born from flesh alone. Your son/daughter has a strange legacy that has been passed down from generations. Someone in your family carries the blood of stars, and that has now been passed down to your child. 

          Under zodiac sign Scorpio, you can expect your child to begin exhibiting powers related to this star sign, mainly under the category hydrokinesis. Simply put, this is the ability to control water. 

          Your child is special, please take extra care with them. Thank you.

   Best Regards,
                    The House of Light

     Pulling a second paper from behind the first, the woman read on.

   The House of Light

        The House of Light (HoL) is an organization that formed to keep the world as we know it intact. The House is a way for Starborn, such as your child, to be kept safe and learn about their powers. Furthermore, it is directed to stopping the advancements of the House of Darkness (HoD). 

        The HoD worships a god known as He Who Devours. Essentially, He Who Devours is a black hole, hungry for the blood of the Starborn and life itself. The goal of the HoD is to bring He Who Devours to Earth, so that they may become one with him and destroy the planet. 

       There is a third House, though not much is known about them. Currently all that is known about the House is that it is called the House of Twilight, and is thought to be like the Illuminati. For all the intelligence we have collected, the House itself could be a myth.

       The HoL is in search for more Starborn, to help continue the fight against He Who Devours and other evils threatening our world. If you become interested in finding us, simply go towards Los Angeles, California. Answers will be easily found there. All true members of the House of Light will know the way. 

       Good luck, Starborn.

     The woman closed the letters, her mind swirling. This child could be powerful! Looking down at the baby's sweet face, the woman felt a stirring of warmth. Powerful or not, she was still a child. Though she searched the letters for any indication of a name, she found none. Sighing gently, the woman carefully folded the letter back up and placed it on the table. 

     Cooing, then giggling, the baby looked up at the older woman with ice blue eyes, now awake. The woman softened, her eyes mirroring the smile on the baby's face. "I suppose you need a name, little one." The woman spoke softly, gently caressing the baby's cheek. 

"Your name shall be Angel. Angel Maristela, Starborn."

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