Confessions for the Little Game! ♡

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This was for my previous chapter "A LITTLE GAME" questions for you guys to answer and send in my PM, I want to thank all of you guys who messaged me up and confessed how they felt about my long journey with my Zodiac Trilogy. Here are thew questions below, for all who's late can just comment below instead of messaging me it.....

Name:                     Age:                  Zodiac Sign:

i) how you felt through this long journey with these books,

ii) why you liked them all so much?

iii) do you think I'm reliable enough to write more fun and exciting books/stories..?



Name: Eduarda

Age: 12                                   

Zodiac Sign: Leo

i) I learnt a lot about myself! Once, I had a crush that is a Scorpio and I read that Leo and Scorpio aren't a good match, so I wanted to believe that I was a Cancer! But with this book I realized that i'm a Leo no matter what! Thank you!

ii) I loved zodiacs and you made it more funny that really is!

iii) OF COURSE! And if you decide to write, text me! I'll love to read it!

Well, that's it! You're amazing! I really loved reading it! Congratulations! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Bye! 


Name: Meera

Age: 15

Zodiac Sign: Pisces

i) Your books are really AWESOME, and I really enjoyed them and I loved all the scenarios as well as the facts. These books actually used to make me feel calm and happy.

ii) Well I loved them all because they were really entertaining and fun and I used to write most of them down to read with friends . (I also loved all the sassy zodiacs in the book)

iii) My answer is YES YES YES you're very reliable!!!! Please please please write another book. I don't mind what you chose because I love all your books anyway!


Name: Areli

Age: 12 1/2  

Zodiac sign: Libra

i)I felt happy that my Zodiac sign was like me and get to meet other people that had Libra.... It made me feel part of life...

ii) I like the books a lot because it was fun reading what my sign would do in certain occasions. I especially liked the "What songs the sign were.."

iii) Yes I think your even better than reliable. Your three zodiac stories I've read were the best and funny stories. I am (a little) expecting Zodiac stories or updates because it's so fun to read a laugh. Whenever I'm sad, I read this, and it makes me smile, and even the tiniest smile I make, relieves my stress.


Name: Awi Rejyl C. Ganlang

Age: 13 

Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius

i) When I read your books I felt very inspired to make characters or a story about Zodiac signs but it is still unfinished.

ii) The reason why I like your books is because some of them were very accurate and it made me want to read more.

iii) Yes, you are reliable to make more books as much as you like. Just keep doing what you want to do.


Name: Jackie

Age: 14

Zodiac Sign: Capricorn  

i) Throughout your books I kind of was able to accept what people were doing. I was also able to come to terms behind the true intentions behind my actions, not what I told myself. I learnt a lot about myself.

At first I thought they were inaccurate but thanks to you, I learnt that my rising sign was Cancer and my moon sign was Aquarius. You made your parts interesting and funny too!

A lot of people might be writing the same thing to you as I am, but that's only because we all sincerely mean it.

ii) There's so much to say about how much I fell in love with your zodiac books. They were funny and heartfelt, as well as honest too.

Your parts were a good length too and I looked forward to every update. I mean, half of my camera roll is filled with screenshots of your book. You have so much personality, and even though I'm more of a ghost reader in terms of comments, it was only because I'm a bit lazy and had already voted and blazed ahead to the next story part.

iii) Though your Zodiac Trilogy books and Zodiac confession book are my favorite, I have read two of your other books, including "A Christmas Wish" and your advice book. I definitely think you are creative and reliable, you are a Pisces after all!

You could come up with other stories if you wanted to, past romance. Maybe you could do a mystery with some action, romance, and a bit of humor. You are very funny


Name: Faith

Age: 13

Zodiac Sign: Aries

i) I felt like you just made my world a little bit better. It helped me sort of escape from the crappiness of reality. I joined your journey forward the end (I think?) of the second book, and I enjoyed every update.

ii) I liked your series because it actually showed me parts of myself existed (if that's possible) and gave me inspiration for a ton of stuff, like presents and how I should redecorate my room.

iii) I definitely think your reliable enough to write more stories, because it seems like you never run out of ideas, and I think that's amazing.


Name: Kennedy

Sign: Leo

i) I have loved all of your zodiac books!!! I would literally spend half an hour just scrolling through everything!!!!

ii) I liked reading them so much because most things about Leo was SO TRUE!!!! It was always funny to see how many things actually realated to me. Most zodiac books just have a Leo down as a self-centered diva, not you ;)

iii) YES, you are reliable!!! 


Name: Lea

Age: 13

Zodiac Sign: Aries

i) It felt pretty awesome to learn all this new stuff about Zodiac Signs. In fact, you inspired me to write my own Zodiac thing, (I didn't take Any or you stuff, only you can do all that) which got the most reads so thanks:)

ii) I like them so much because it's cool, and you get to learn something new everyday.

iii) I think your pretty reliable because this was hilarious and i was Excited when you updated. 


Name: Zoe

Age: 13

Zodiac Sign: Libra

I love your books because they make me so happy and they make me laugh. Especially the stalking one!❤️.

I hated that a lot of people would just forget about writing but you are just like ON TOP LIKE WOW. I love it! I can stay in touch with your writing and it's awesome! I love you so much and thank you for writing all of your books! ❤️❤️


Name: Kasey

Age: 13  

Zodiac Sign: Cancer

What I really like about your books is that when one of the answers doesn't suit me (I am not complaining) I think long and hard to see if is actually true and if is not then it makes me feel special. I also like to compare answers to people I know or are characters in anime that I watch( I am a little obsessed) and I laugh if they are true. You and your stories have made me very happy and I support you. My condolences to your grandfather. Well with that said Thank you!


Name: Alyvia

Age: 13

Zodiac Sign: Aries

My thoughts about answering the questions in your lastly written chapter in the book are below.

i) How you felt through this long journey with these books?

[Honestly, these books were greatly written. I agreed with most of the things said about my sign and disagreed with some. But altogether I enjoyed reading the material the books had to offer!]

ii) Why you liked them all so much?

[I liked them because it was a great book. Cliche saying right? But it delivered the right kind of material; comedy, sweet love situations and more.]

iii) Do you think I'm reliable enough to write more fun and exciting books/stories!

[For the final question, the answer is a definite yes! Your style of writing accurately flows along with my interests.]

(Short note to you.)

[First and for most, thank you for writing these creative books! I've enjoyed reading them and laughing along with them as well! Keep up the good work and I'll also continue to look forward to reading your future books/stories! It's also been a great opportunity to be able to write my thoughts on these topics. Thanks!




These are the best entries! Thanks a lot for all the other messages, I really don't have much spare time :o So I didn't post all, but I read them all..... LOVE YOU ALL MUCH MUCH guys!! ❤️



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