Signs Stranded In The Woods Together

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Pisces: "Guys... Is anyone keeping track of where we're going?" clutches backpack

Aries: "I'm not..."

Libra: "I thought Cancer was?"

Everyone: looks at Cancer

Cancer: "Me? But I thought it was Capricorn?" (Was actually supposed to keep track)

Cap: "I'm leading the way, so someone else was supposed to remember which direction we're going."

Scorpio: "Well just great guys, now we're lost, and only have a limited amount of supplies." groans softly

Pisces: "Don't worry, Scorpio! We'll find an exit." smiles at Scorpio

Scorpio: "Yeah, whatever." crosses arms and looks away, but then glances at frowning Pisces "Thanks."

Pisces: grins

Leo: "So how long have we been going, then? Not that many hours, right?"

Gemini: "Mm... I'd say around two hours, but I'm not one to remember something like that, you know..."

Aquarius: shrugs "Getting lost can't be that bad. After all, maybe we'll see something new?"

Aries: "Like what? A giant bear with a unicorn head?"

Aqua: shoves Aries lightly "No, stupid, just something different from what we're used to."

Libra: "Ummm...."

Cancer: "What is it, Libra?" looks at them

Libra: "Has anyone seen Virgo?"


Taurus: "Virgo? Virgo!" stops shuffling through their bag when they hear Virgo's gone

Scorpio: "Ah, crap."

Cap: "Who was with Virgo last?" clenches hands

Everyone: looks at each other suspiciously

Aries: "Don't look at me, I was with Aqua."

Gemini: "Weren't they with Cancer?"

Everyone: looks at Cancer

Cancer: sweats "They were with Capricorn, though!"

Cap: "I told you I was leading the way, nobody was with me up here." gets frustrated

Scorpio: "Alright, alright, stop accusing each other. We need to find Virgo."

Leo: "So... What? Do we split up?"

Libra: "I say we go in pairs!" grabs Leo's arm

Taurus: "But... What if we don't find them?"

Pisces: "It's okay, Taurus, Virgo will be with us when we get out of this mess, okay?"

Aqua: "And plus, we have this to lead us!" picks up bloody cloth

Taurus: gasps and shrieks

Cancer: "Oh my!"

Aqua: "Haha just kidding... I spilled ketchup on my shirt earlier."

Aries: "We need to stop fooling around, guys. Virgo could be seriously lost right now."

Gemini: "Sag, you're a great finder of things, can you- Um... Uh oh." glances around rapidly

Cap: face palms

Pisces: "Where's Sagittarius? Virgo? We're losing our people!" tears bubble in their eyes

Scorpio: "Calm down, Pisces, we'll find them." gives Pisces a side hug, standing by their side afterwards

Cancer: "This is such a mess..." runs hands through hair

Leo: "Well let's not just stand around and wait, hmm?" starts following the trail

Libra: walks after Libra

Taurus: "Alright, go into pairs. Shout out if you find something, since there isn't any phone connection." goes a different way

Two hours later

Cancer: "Cap... Cap look!" nudges Capricorn and points to the trees in front of them

Cap: "We did all that searching to end up with this?" watches

Virgo: "Sagittarius! Get off of your butt right now and let's go!" yanks on Sag's shirt, trying to pull them from the little squirrel sitting there

Sag: "Shh, Virgo... You're going to scare it away with your face..." softly pets the squirrel "Hi there, little guy."

Virgo: "My face?!" pulls harder "Come on, just please hurry up. I want to go back."

Sag: "Just one more minute..."

Virgo: flops down on the grass "That's what you said two hours ago..."

Cap: "Having fun?" crosses arms

Virgo: looks up and sighs with relief "Capricorn! Thank goodness!" runs up to them and hugs them with gratitude

Cancer: "Yeah, you're welcome." stares at Virgo "Ready to go back?"

Virgo: "Very much, yes." glances at Sag "Come on, and let go of that squirrel fetish of yours, Sagittarius!"

Sag: "You're no fun, Virgo." pouts but saunters up to the group "Let's go..."

Cap: chuckles nervously "We will... After we look for the other four groups..."

Cancer/Sag/Virgo/Cap: groans

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