Signs in Relationships

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Aries- very flirty and tends to take things a little too fast. Direct and and even daring. Childlike and fun!

Taurus- can be threatened by fast paced relationships with high energy, loyal and loves buying you gifts and showing how much they love you.

Gemini-very witty, doesn't like being tied down. Likes to have fun in their relationships.

Cancer- very committed. Sensitive lovers. Loves security and comfort.

Leo- loud and boastful about their lover. Isn't afraid to show you off. Loves affection and attention.

Virgo- not so flirtatious, very dedicated. Sensitive in love, reserved. Will try to help you in anyway they can.

Libra - impresses you with kindness and willingness to make the relationship work. Likes to visualize their relationships. Very charming.

Scorpio- intense love, strong and loyal. Gives you their complete attention. Loves intimacy.

Sagittarius- needs to be able to grow in their relationships. Like a Gemini they like their freedom. Loves to have fun and learn new things. Big smiles and laughter.

Capricorn- displays self control, responsible. Likes predictability. Doesn't express love as much. Can be a little too practical. Can be a little shy but will give you their all in the relationship.

Aquarius- openminded, unique and rebellious. Can appear standoffish. Doesn't like restrictions, will love in their own way.

Pisces- dreamy, soft-hearted partners. Playful and a little moody, loves romance. Unconditional love. Enjoys tender and romantic moments.

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