The Introductory Chapter

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WARNING: Expect this book to break the fourth wall occasionally (sometimes it gets expensive).
I might be aloof but I do enjoy my share of fun. I am a Libra. I like to keep things fair. Everyone is important. Libra is the second eldest and is the daughter of the god of constellations, Crius. She was the scales used by Virgo or the goddess Astraea, the celestial virgin. Scorpio is eldest after Libra and the son of the goddess of spring and queen of the Underworld, Persephone. Then Sagittarius, who was an apprentice of Chiron.  Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces and Aries makes the second group. Taurus, Gemini, Cancer and Leo are the youngest. Ophiuchus was newly taken in as Libra's guide for when she takes over. Cetus will be added later. You might think that I'm making Libra the protagonist since Libra is my sign, but I prefer to be the manager of the one in the spotlight. It'll be apparent on who I'm focusing on. More information will be revealed as I go but I won't really focus on their mythologies and I won't make them save the world, though they'll occasionally visit Earth. This is just the zodiac one shots book. My Zodiac Book will be posted soon.

I'll just post some trial oneshots before I post the requests. Just wait, GoldenGirls1134!

Hey and um, you can visit my fandom account m-blogger. I posted a wattpad confessions book that you may participate in.

"Okay, children! Come here to your mother!" Leo screamed at the rest of the zodiacs to sit on their meeting room seats, proceeding to sit on his seat beside Cancer who sat on the right hand of Libra.

 "Whoa, wait. I said I was mother! Leo, you are the youngest. Besides that, you're a boy. You can be the lazy uncle! 'fits you anyway...' " Libra shouted, running in the room and sitting on her "throne". 'A boy can only dream to be a mother..' Leo murmured.

"Alright, attendance!" Libra called and everyone ran in to their seats before the doors locked. When everyone was seated, their seats activated a belt that they wear. The belt works as a resistance projection that enables their powers when powered with adrenaline. It is only activated by using the machine of their desks that is opened by sensing the heat of a constellation embodiment. 

"Here, miss." Ophiuchus passed Libra the button keys and proceeded to stand beside her, tending to her every need. Everyone waited with anticipation for their assembly, as Libra arranged the keys. Ophiuchus was called over to Capricorn, who sat on the left of Pisces, who sat on the left of Virgo, who sat across Libra, who sat on the other end of the table that she claims is the "throne".
"You know, Ophi, you're like Libra's personal assistant." Capricorn started.

"Shhhhh." Ophiuchus silenced her. "I'm her guide."

"Alright." Everyone flinched. "Let's begin." 

"Hey, are you all fine? You seem tired." Ophiuchus cut Libra off.


"Right. Aries, report!" Libra started.

"I want a cat." "No."  "Then, shove it in already!" Aries screamed impatiently and Libra pushed the key in Aries' button, making him powered up.

"Taurus, report!" "I am suffering from the worst case of hunger, ma'am! Where is breakfast?!...-ma'am.." 

"Gemini, report!" "Please buy me a charger." "Why didn't you ask for it when Virgo went to the mall yesterday?!" "..." 

"Cancer, report!" "If Aries can get a cat, why can't I get a giraffe?!" "I said I'll get you one in the next life." "We have no next li-"

"Leo, report!" "There's an old man knocking on our door. He says he's Virgo's husband's  aunt's son's babysitter. He said he needs extra pay." "... Virgo, he's here again." "What do I do?!" "Give him a fruit basket or something.."

"Virgo, report!" "I gave my husband's aunt's son's babysitter the fruit basket." "Okay."

"Scorpio, report!" "The guy stole a chair." "WHICH GUY." "Um.. Virgo's husband's aunt's son's babysitter.." "Hah?"

"Sagittarius, report!" "We need a new toilet in the Fire Signs' room." "What happened to this one?" "...I blame Leo." "What? Me?! It was so Aries with his killer sh-"

"Capricorn, report!" "We need new zodiacs." "Badly. I know." "I suggest we take away Pisces first." "It's cool." "You're fine with that, Pisces?!" "I said it's cool, Libra. Bu-but, I just hav-have to say goodb-WAAHHHH! I don't want to leave!"

"Aquarius, report!" "Hey, umm. Do you guys know where my toothbrush is? I left it on the sink earlier but it disappeared." "Maybe your stalkers took it." "...I will never notice them."

"Pisces?" "Take Taurus!" "Hah?" "No, you are not taking away Taurus!" "Geez. Calm down, Cancer." "Quiet, Pisces!"


That was just an intro on what they do before breakfast. You can start requests! Tell me if you like my writing style or if you think it's not understandable. Thank you for reading!

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