Chapter 14 Something's Fishy Here?

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           Luka, Nino and Chloe all think it strange that all three of them should receive the same mysterious text message from an unknown number in the same day.  They think what is up with this anyway?   

            Chloe and Nino decide since they already told whoever it is they would meet up that they must do so. Otherwise, it would draw suspension they knew he or she is up to no good.  

              Luka does not like this idea.  He worries what will happen if something should go wrong!  

             "Wait, you do not really mean to meet this person do you?"  Luka ask.

             "Yes, man!" Nino replies.

            "Yes."  Chloe responds.

           "What?  How could even consider this when it could be a trap?"  Luka blurts out. He is not keen on the idea that Chloe should put herself in any unnecessary danger.  He grabs her arm.  He thinks, perhaps if I get her to be more reasonable then she will not go through all this.

        "Luka, I know you do not like it.  However, I must see this through.  I have to do it!" Chloe says. She sounds as serious as she can be right now. She also sounds full of  determination.

        "Oh, yeah!  Name one reason why!  Why must you risk your life like this?" Luka says.  His voice shows he is angry now.  He might even be more angry than the day he found out Kagami was a cheater, then again is that even possible?

         "It is because I owe it to Chat Noir!  I owe him big time for everything!" Chloe says with tears in her eyes now.  She looks so sad.

          "What do you mean?  How could you owe him anything?  I do not understand."  Luka says.

          "I knew you would not understand.  It is just that in the past he saved my life on many occasions and he was the one to tell me not to give up when the crooks took my mother and again when they took my father.  He helped me some much!  How can l let him down now when he needs me?"  Chloe remarks.

        "Uh, Chloe, I hate to break it to you, but how does any of this, help him? " Luka remarks.

         "He does a good point there!" Nino says.

         "Good, finally someone agrees with me on something."  Luka says.

         "Whoa, whoa, man!  Hold it!  I never said a word about staying here!" Nino says.

       "What?  You mean you intend to go to the meeting as well?"  Luka says. He thinks, great what will I tell ZC when he gets back, or Rena Rogue,and Chris,let alone Plagg?

        "Goodness, it seems someone is stubborn as ever!" Plagg retorts.

        "Yeah, you can say that again, Plagg!"  Rena Rogue says.

         "Nino, do not go!" Chris whines. He tries to cling to his brother's leg.  He thinks if Nino leaves something bad may happen to his older sibling.

       "To bad, my mind is made up!  You know me, when I make up my mind about something, I intend to see it through."  Nino says.

        "Same here!"  Chloe says.

            Chloe and Nino leave.  They slam the door on their way out.  Rena Rogue, Chris, Plagg and Luka stand their dumbfounded.  Did what they think happen just really happen or this all in their heads?
           Ten minutes later it is clear to the others that Nino, and Chloe really did just walk off and go to meet up with some person they do not know.  It is also clear it is to dangerous for them to be there and that this time even Chris could die if he went there.  This said, Rena Rogue and Chris remain at the apartment with Plagg.  They protest as Luka says, "Well, if you will go after them, then I will!"  

           Luka stands up as he speaks. He walks to the door and leaves.  Now, Rena Rogue, Chris and Plagg all think the same thing, will Chloe, Nino and Luka ever return?  What happens if none of them do?  Then, what?  Rena shudders at the thought. 

           "Well, it looks like it is just us then!" Plagg retorts.

          "Oh, forgotten about us already, have you, buddy?" ZC says.

           "Yes, Plagg, we are back!"  She says. She is glad that she left the dumb disguise behind as it will really do her no good now anyway.

            "Wait, Marinette!" Rena squeals. She is glad to see her best friend!  She hugs her.

            "Cool, Marinette's here!" Chris says.

            "What did you mean by what you said earlier,Plagg?"  Zombie Chat ask.

           "Where is Chloe, Nino and Luka?"  Marinette blurts out.

          "Uh, should I say?" Chris ask. He looks at Rena for an answer as he is not sure what to do now. 

       "Sure, go on now!" Rena Rogue says.

        "They left."Chris says.

      "What? Where did they go?"  Marinette ask.

      Rena and Chris both shrug their shoulders since Nino and Chloe never told them exactly where they were headed.  For that matter, neither did Luka, other than the fact he said he was going after the other two.

    "No one knows other than Nino and Chloe got some odd text along with Luka. Then, Nino and Chloe leaves after Chole and Luka argue.  A few minutes later, Luka storms off saying he is going after them."  Plagg  replies.

     "Thanks for your help, Plagg!" Marinette says. She thinks, hmm, I might need a bit more help for this job. She smiles and thinks, here goes nothing.  

      "Tikki spots on! Yeah!"  Marinette says. She transforms.

       "Wow, you are Ladybug!"Chris says as if he knew it all along.

       "Wait, you did not tell me you were ladybug when I am your best friend?"  Rena says.

        "Alya?" Chris and ZC says together.

      "I did not tell anyone else either.  I only told Chat today." Ladybug says. She has a far off look as if she holds another secret only she knows anything about now.

       "Okay, I get it girl!  Now, what you waiting for lets go after them!"  Rena says.

        "Uh,no!  You stay here with Chris!  We cannot endanger his life unnecessarily."  ZC says.

          "Okay, fine!  Fill me on the details though when you get back."  Rena says.

          "Sure thing!"  Chat says.

                  Now, Chat and Ladybug leave just like old times expect now Chat is a zombie and she is not.  They go to search for Luka, Chloe and Nino.

                Meanhwile, Chloe and Nino have been at the meeting place for awhile now. They both think it peculiar that the meet up should be in a place that smells so bad.  What is with the foul odor anyway?   They almost trip over some nets and buckets full of fish.  They decide immediately this is where the smell comes from anyway.

               "Nino, do you see anyone else?" Chloe ask.

              "Not yet, do you?"  Nino calls out.

              "No." Chloe says.

                 "Something's Fishy Here, you know!" Nino remarks.

                "Haha, it is all the fish, duh!" Chloe says.

                 to be continued in Chapter  15  Swim For It?           

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