Chapter 4 Marinette Scared?

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         Marinette takes a look around her.  She senses something strange lurks about her.  She is not sure what or who it could be.  It is not like she believes in ghost or any of  that other nonsense like most people do.  She is way to mature for such childish fantasies.   She just thinks perhaps, her lack of  a good night sleep might have to with it. 

     "Yeah, that is!  It must be so!"  Marinette says to herself.  She notices Alya is not here either.  

    Hmm, she must have gone to school,  Marinette thinks to herself.  She figures it is just as well since Alya still has Nino.  It is not her fault  some crazy person took Chat away for good from all those who care about him.  

     "Hey, Marinette!  Fancy seeing you here!  Why are not in school?"  The zombie Chat ask.

     "Wait, a minute!  Who are you?  I mean it, who speaks to me right now!"  Marinette says.

      When she gets no answer she thinks maybe she has gone insane.  Insanity would explain why she feels like someone watches her even now.  The whole thought is so silly, she giggles just a little.

      "Meow, princess you wound me!  Why have you forgotten me already?"  Chat ask.

    "Wait, Chat!  Is it really you?"  Marinette ask. Shet thinks, it can not be when he is dead, but I will just play along to see what happens.

     "Yes, it is me! "  Chat says.

  "Impossible, you can not  be here!  You are dead!"  Marinette says.

    "Yes, so if I am?"  Chat remarks.

    "Then, how are you are even here?"  Marinette ask as she hears her voice shake a bit.

    "I am a zombie Chat!  I eat bacon!"  Chat remarks.

     "A zombie Chat!  No, you are not real!  You are just my imagination come to get the better of me."  Marinette protest.

    "Oh, yeah, princess!  Why are you so afraid of me then?"  Chat says as he steps closer to her. 

    Marinette looks at him and gasps.  She can see the scares, the bruises and the blood stains plain as ever.  She is not to sure what to make of him.  She knows he is dead that she is sure about since it was shown on the news.  Only thing, now he is in front of her, he talks but he looks different somehow.  She thinks, he looks like a freak of nature, like one of those haunted house exhibits or something.  She shudders at the very thought. 

    "Ah, you whatever you are get away from me!  Get away now!"  Marinette screams.

    "Princess, my ears!  It makes them ring something awful when you scream like this.  Now do try to calm down, my love!"  Chat says.

    "You are a monster!  You are creepy!  Now back off!"  Marinette screams again.

     "Stop it , before you parents come up here to see what all the commotion is about Marinette!  They would not understand! "  Chat zombie says.

      "Understand what exactly?"  Marinette says as her voice quivers before him  in  fear.

      "They can not understand that I am here.  In fact, they must not find out about my little surprise visit to see you!  I am a  zombie, after all! "  Chat says.

        "Ah!  Ah!  Ah!    This is to scary!  Ah!  Be gone now will you?  Please go!  Scat!  Ah!"  Marinette continues to scream.  She does this until she faints from the total shock of it all.

       Chat nods his head in pain. He sighs as he looks for some bacon.  He finds none in her room.  He goes to the kitchen and sees some.  He takes it and leaves a note.   "Dear Mr. and Mrs. Dupain-Cheng,I am sorry, I had to take all your bacon!  I just got really hungry, I mean a friend of mine did.  Hehe, so yeah!  Anyway, he thinks you for it!   Sincerely, Z.C."   He heads back to his place.  His head down.  He feels sad that he only manages to scare his princess!  He goes to the kitchen in his house and cooks the bacon.  He makes sure to turn the burner off when he finishes.  Why if if is old  home were to just burst into flames more questions are bound to be asked.  Even more so since his mother is still dead and his father ran off.  His father left town a few days after his death.  He never found out the truth about his son, but it was just as well.

     Chat's  POV:  Sorry, princess, I only meant to tell you how much I miss you!  How I plan to seek revenge against those who took me away from you!  Honest, I will not hurt you!  I really do only eat bacon.  The stuff is salty, but delicious, I might add.

       Marinette comes too.  She looks around her.  She feels silly that she fainted like this. Why the very idea that Chat came to see her is so silly.  She shakes her head and thinks,  perhaps it is all Alya's  fault for her insistence that we watch that silly Halloween romance film together the other night.  Yes, that is it!  It is my imagination gone wild!  Goodness to think it seems so real!   Haha, well I will not fall for that  trick again!  No!  I am prepared to be strong next time.  The only thing is that still does not explain why I feel like someone lurks around the corner who plans to grab me up at any moment.        

     Marinette's  POV  :  Chat a Zombie?   Is this even possible?  I mean I do not think I ever heard of anyone being such a thing in real life before today.  It is just my silly self coming to such conclusions because of my grief, right?  It is not like he could really be a zombie that comes to see me and only eats bacon, could it?   Nah, be reasonable, Marinette!  There is no such thing now and there never will be for that matter.


     to be continued in Chapter  5  Zombie Chat Investigation?  

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