Chapter 8 Win or Lose?

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               Zombie Chat decides it is about time he sets up a situation that is bound to be one full of excitement.  He just not quite sure how it should go.  He eats some bacon that is fully cooked as he tries to think of where the place to start should be when it comes to the game. 

             "Well, well you seem deep in thought!  Although, I must add for a zombie it does not change your sad shape one bit!"  Plagg remarks.  He is glad to see that Chat appears to be back to his old self, or rather a nice replica of  it anyway.

              "Plagg, I just thought of something!"  Chat says with excitement in his voice.

            "Okay, let me hear it!"  Plagg says as he sinks his teeth into a piece of Camembert.  He admits to himself he is rather curious as to what his former holder came up with anyway.

              "The thing is we lure the man out.  We set up a game that he is bound to want to play!" Zombie Chat remarks.

             "Oh, and just what is the name of this game?"  Plagg blurts out.  No sooner has he spoken than he regrets the decision to speak up in the first place.

               "Win or Lose?"  The zombie cat replies. He smirks a  look of satisfaction for one who is already dead.  He cannot help it.  Besides he reasons, what can he loose?  

            "Are you serious now?"  Plagg says as he almost chokes on his food.

             "Sure, I mean, what harm could come from it?"  Zombie Chat says.

            "Hmm, I do not know, maybe the man will win and your chances of  bringing your killer to justice will be gone right along with him!  Maybe he will take it out on those you love as a result." Plagg says.  He tries to reason with him.  He finds it hard to believe it all comes down to this.

            "Plagg, you do not get it!  There is no way he can possibly win!"  Zombie Chat says.

         "Oh, yeah!  Why is that exactly?  Do you have rabbit you plan to pull out of a hat, or a genie from  a bottle or something?"  Plagg retorts.

           "Do not be ridiculous, Plagg!  I am not a magician.  Not now or in my past was I ever good at the sort of thing."  ZC  says.

            "Well then, how do you intend to make him fail ?"  Plagg ask.  He uses a bit of sarcasm to show his annoyance at once with the idea of such a thing.  He thinks the results are to risky.  Why risk the off chance the man finds out it is a set up, and skips town?

             "Do not worry!  You just leave all that up to me.  All you have to do is get him to show up."  Zombie Chat remarks.

            "Fine, I will do it for you, pal!   Just want you to know that I hope this does not make you fall flat on that little green face of yours."  Plagg says.  He sure hopes that Chat does not go through with this idea. Then, again, when Chat sets his mind to something he usually follows through with it.

             "Haha, so funny, I forgot to laugh!"  Zombie Chat states.  He knows it is impossible for him to feel much emotions these days.  Perhaps, it is because he has no heart, or guts.  Yes, that could be it, or maybe it is because he died so young in life.  

                 Two days later, the man shows up at the meeting area.  Plagg and Zombie Chat are both there to see  him arrive.  Plagg is hidden though so the criminal does not freak out at the sight of him.  It is not like that many people understand what a kwami is after all.  

               ZC, stays in his place in the bushes when the man comes around the corner.  He thinks, now is my chance!  He wants til the crook looks around in dismay at all the trash.  He is glad to see at least the person does not believe in litter.  He can tell this is true as the man stoops down to gather it up into the trash can nearby.  

             Once all the trash is cleaned up, the man looks around in the hopes to meet the people responsible for this mess. He is furious that someone should dump it here in the first place!  Why would someone want to pollute the place anyway?  It is not like it is that hard to throw away garbage as there are many trash cans, dumpsters, and other ways to dispose of it properly.  

                Now, the crook gasps when he sees a mirror that shows his reflection in it!  He is afraid. He is not sure why, but he is though.  He does not like to see his face!  It is a face that reminds him of to many things he wishes to forget.   He screams out of  sheer horror!  He cannot seem to stop the screams from coming!

              The police arrive on the scene to take him into custody.  The good thing is now they know the face behind the most recent robberies in town and have the means to put the person responsible for them behind bars. This is the good news.  The bad news is that the person to murder Chat is no where in sight as in he is still out there on the loose!  This means they still have yet to track him down.

          When the police leave, Zombie Chat sighs. He thought for sure he had his killer.  Now, he feels like the looser!  What is he to do now?  What will he tell Ladybug?  How will he tell Marinette, he was this close to finding out the truth only to fail again?

           Plagg shakes his head in pity. He thinks, I try to tell him,but he still refuses to listen to me after all this time.  He eats more cheese.  He even hands some to Chat.

          Chat Zombie refuses the cheese. He nibbles on more bacon. He looks around him and thinks, ugh!  Why?  Why does this always happen?  Why do I always set myself up to fail?  How will ever find my killer now?

            to be continued in Chapter  9  Catch Him, Catch Him if  you Can?                     


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