Driving lessons

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Piper said to wait, yet I am still waiting. With every second that goes by, I find myself wanting Mabel more than ever. Sure, I have Piper now, but she and I will never share what Mabel and I had. My sister had a special bond with me. She was always there when I needed her and I was always there for her. I would be the one to talk to her and calm her. I was always there to let her cry on my lap after a nightmare. She told me almost everything all the time - how she felt and deep, personal things she would never tell anyone else.

There was no way I was ever going to be that close with anyone else, even if was Piper. Every day, every week that passes me by without me knowing is like watching me grow more insane. I didn't even know if she was still alive and if she was, she will never be the same. She becomes just another walking, mindless, dead soul, probably too weak to fight and becomes trapped inside herself with no escape... just like everyone else who got infected.

I sat in a tiny, rundown diner almost in the middle of nowhere. Piper and I found it as we tried driving further in Oregon. She decided to stop and see if the gas station in front of the diner still worked. I told her I'd be inside to go look for supplies, but the truth was I needed a break. I needed some privacy to breathe and think everything over.

I day dreamed out the diner window, wishing Mabel was here with me. She always did say that she liked tiny and cute diners. She would always grab the spoon and put it over her nose. Also, she would take the sugar packets for the coffee and eat them, one-by-one. She also liked starting conversations with the old people who sat behind her for some odd reason.

I guess she enjoyed hearing their long, timey, folksy, stories of when they were younger. That didn't bother the senior citizens, however. In fact, they loved Mabel's cuteness and charisma. Gosh, I miss her like hell. If she were still with me, I would tell her everything that I forgot to tell her and how much it hurts when she's gone. I'd tell her to never leave me alone ever again. I'd tell her everything.

I felt them ride up from my gut and drip out of my eyes. My breath became shortened by my cry. I put my head and arms down on the table. Minutes later, I heard the doorbell above the door jingle. I lifted my head, although was kind of hoping it was Mabel. Unfortunately, it was just Piper.

"Hey, Dipper. They have ga-" She stopped and took a good look at my reddened, teary face. "Are you alright?" She approached me with a gentle manner, yet, kept her distance between us. Piper sat down at the same table, across from me. "I'm fine." I said with a shaky voice. I rubbed away my tears and did my best to avoid eye contact. Instead of looking at her, I turned my focus to the cracked, dirt-covered window.

"Hey, don't be like that. Tell me. I'm here for you."

"No, really. It's nothing. I just...miss my sister. That's all."

Piper frowned. Then, her smile came. "How about we go do something fun. C'mon, man! Let's go be kids for once! Let's pretend...we have nothing to worry about - no apocalypse will take our humanity that easily! Let's go show the world we can still have a good time." While, she spoke, she spoke with excitement rising in her voice.

"What? How do you think we could do that?" I sniffled.

"Lemme ask you something, man. Have you ever driven a car before?" She held up her keys, hanging them on a single finger.

"A car?" I asked.

"Yeah! C'mon!" She took my arm and forcefully grabbed me out of my seat, pulling me unwillingly out the door. "I'm going to teach you how to have some fun and not worry about everything all the time." At that point, she had me running to her car. I witnessed her almost stumble to the ground and couldn't help a laugh from escaping my throat. The way she acted like a child made it extremely difficult not to laugh.

The sunlight made Piper's purple hair glisten and her smile, radiant. Though, her appearance was perfection, her running was not as graceful. She swung her driver's seat door open and hustled me inside. She gave me the keys and slammed the door shut. I saw her through the windshield as she skipped over to the passenger's side. I even heard her squeal. I knew she was eager to show me how to drive and I didn't want to ruin it. But for the first time in a couple of weeks, I was smiling. She practically leaped into the other seat and closed the door hard. She clapped her hands with a big, dumb grin on her face. "Well, what are you waiting for, dude?! Start up the car!"

I twisted the key into the ignition and the engine roared awake. "Alright! Now we're talkin'!" I didn't realize it at the moment, but, Piper was just the beginning of my life being turned around.

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