The One in a Million

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“Mabel! Mabel!” Stan shouted, waving his hand in front of my face to try to get my attention.

I snapped back into the real world and looked up at him. “Yeah?”

“Are you alright?” He asked me, I could see the concern in his eyes.

I couldn’t help but glance at the dead girl sitting on the couch. A girl who was alive just moments ago. “Yeah, I’m ok,” I told him.

Stan shuffled in place. “Are you sure? You’re just a kid and seeing something like that must’ve been really tra-”

“I’m fine.” I insisted. “Seriously, don’t worry about it.”

Stan sighed. “Alright, well I’m going to go check on your brother. I’ll call you for dinner once it’s ready,” He said. He began to walk off but paused. Stan turned back to look at me for a moment and then started up the stairs.

I walked into the gift shop and sat down. My entire body was overcome with a numb feeling. A disgustingly familiar feeling at that. I took deep breaths and tried to keep my mind away from where it was going.
I closed my eyes, trying to will the images from my mind, but it was too late.

When I opened my eyes I found myself on the desolate highway again. The air was hot during the day as the sun beat down on me and when night came I could barely sleep in the freezing cold.

I dragged that stupid bag of worthless items on the ground behind me, I didn’t take in much of my surroundings. It was all the same. Everything was destroyed and overrun with zombies.

My legs hurt but I could barely even focus on that. My arm was still disgusting, completely torn open and surely becoming infected. But it didn’t matter to me.

Every night when I went to sleep I was sure the next morning I wouldn’t be in control. I felt the virus fighting me, seizing every corner of my body. About two weeks after I had been bitten I began to notice my fingers would randomly move on their own.
Sometimes my legs would veer me off of the road and it would take all my willpower to get myself back on track. Even though I had no plan, I wasn’t going anywhere. Anywhere other than forward.

I checked through my supplies. There was barely enough food and water left to survive another three days. But it didn’t matter to me.

I would surely be mindless by then.
Tears stung my eyes as I ate my rations that night. The night everything changed.
I sat down on the cold hard ground and looked up at the sky. I took in the sounds of the unforgiving world I had been forced to live in for the last time.

I felt myself start to drift off to sleep and thought about Dipper. Was he alive? Did he get to safety? If he ended up like me, and I had left him out there all alone for nothing… I didn’t let myself finish the thought.

Yet to my surprise, I woke up that morning. And the next. I began to feel better and I was able to control myself again with ease.
I felt a new drive to keep going, to find food, water, shelter, and get to safety. I tried my best but I couldn’t place where I was anymore. I was able to get my hands on some meager supplies by raiding a convenience store.

I couldn’t figure out why I was suddenly improving, especially when I was so sure it would all be over just the night before.
Every morning I woke up I felt better, my bite was even healing somewhat. A thought crossed my mind as I began to recover from the bite over the next week. What if I was somehow immune to the virus?

One night I went to sleep not thinking about what would happen if anyone found me. I simply made camp in the first abandoned home I could find that would provide me protection from the zombies.
It was a basic one story home. The door’s lock was working and all of the windows seemed to be intact. I didn’t want to be too far from an escape route so I decided to sleep in the back corner of the living room.
I woke up to hear loud gunshots outside the home, I dove behind a tipped over couch located in the living room of the home and tried to get myself out of the daze.

The door fell open and I peeked behind the furniture to see two grown men run inside with their pistols drawn. Light poured into the room and I heard the sound of birds singing outside.

“Hello? Is anyone here?” One of the agents called.

I thought I was properly hidden behind the couch but the agents both focused on me.
“Little girl, come with us. We’ll take you somewhere safe.” One of the agents said, he put his pistol away. The other kept his weapon drawn.

I begrudgingly stepped out from behind the couch, both agents immediately looked at my arm. The second agent aimed his pistol at me but the first put his hand up. “Don’t shoot her! That wound, it’s healing. She’s one of the Immune.”

The two agents took me with them to their giant complex and brought me through the halls until suddenly I felt myself go under. I didn’t fully wake up again until Dipper rescued me some time later.

I was finally freed from the memory. “Of course it had to happen to me.” I mused to myself.

Suddenly I felt something nudge up against me and I turned to see Waddles trying to get my attention. I began to pet the pig and smiled. “Good pig.”

I looked outside at the tops of the pine trees blowing in the wind. They still stood even though all that wind was blowing against them.

I glanced down at my arm where my bite was still hidden. Why did it have to be me? Why not Mom or Dad? Why not that girl? Why did I have to be the only one safe from this disease while every other innocent person died around me?

I scratched Waddles behind the ears. What if those doctors could’ve saved everyone had those operations gone through? Was it Dipper and I’s fault that thousands of more people would die and everyone would continue to suffer?

I stood up and took a deep breath. There had to be something I could do. I glanced up to see Ford walking upstairs. There WAS something I could do. 

I ran up the stairs. “Ford!” I called.
The elderly man turned around as he reached the top of the staircase. “Oh Mabel, what is it?”

I caught up with him and smiled eagerly. “There’s something I have to tell you.”
“Oh, well alright then.”

We sat down next to the window. “So,” I rolled my sleeve back and showed him the bite.

Ford’s eyes widened and I noticed Stan staring at us in the doorway of Dipper and I’s room out of the corner of my eye. Stan slipped back into the room. “I-I know it looks bad but I’m not infected,” I told him.
Ford stood up. “Go ahead, keep talking. I’m just… a bit of a pacer.” He told me.

My heart began to pound in my chest. “I got this bite over a month ago, it turns out I’m-” I stopped when I heard a clicking sound.
I turned to see Stan pointing a weapon at me. “I-I can’t do it, Ford!” He said.

Ford groaned and grabbed the pistol from Stan. “No wait please I-I can explain.” I put my hands up and backed up against the wall as Ford pointed the weapon at me.
“NO!” I heard Dipper scream, and then I heard the sound of a gunshot.

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