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{Author's Note}

{Hello Readers! 50 reads already!? Thank you all so much! I have couple things I need to bring to your attention real quick.

Firstly, there will soon be a new perspective. It's gonna be Erin's perspective (aka Aurey or Aureylian) but I'm not getting rid of anybody else's perspective

Secondly, Sydeny's perspective is usually gonna be shorter than the other perspectives, just because there are less characters around her perspective. So sorry!

Lastly, I want you to know I love all the youtubers I mention. If they have some unfavourable traits in the story, I'm just trying to devolop them, or I want to keep it intresting. I have nothing against any of them.

Thank you again for all your reads, votes, comments, and feedback!}


“Turn around!” I yelped, focusing on the hand. All the boys whipped around and starred at the creature in anguish as a terrifying, yet humanly, monster revealed itself. It planted its bloody palms against the pane, and banged on it fiercely. “Okay, time to go!” Mitch called, pointing to the garage. “What about Louise?” Jerome asked, terrified. “We’ll find her. But we need to go!” I replied quickly, snatching his hand and rushing him to the garage. “You coming Ryan?” Mitch asked, turning around swiftly, glancing at Ryan. “y-Yeah.” Ryan pulled his gaze away from the monster, and followed, almost reluctantly. We all piled into Jerome’s car, but Mitch drove. 

“So, where are we going right now?” I asked. “To rescue Louise. Or to try at least.” Mitch replied, with a hint of remorse. “We could have handled a single zombie, you know.” Ryan growled. “We need to move anyway. Bunkering down isn’t a solution right now.” Mitch challenged him. There was no response, and we drove on in silence. The road was littered with corpse like beings. Some were remarkably fast, but nothing to compare to the car. Especially now that speed limits were non existent now. Within a good twenty minutes of driving, we came to the site of the government’s safe haven. It was basically a fenced pit, full of refugees. “I don’t like this at all.” Mitch muttered. There were six armed officers guarding the camp, and a line of people waiting to register their names to get in. “I don’t want us all blindly going in. I’ll go in, get Louise, and meet you guys by that parking lot over there.” Mitch explained, gesturing toward an abandoned parking lot, a block or two away. “I’ll come too.” I volunteered boldly. “Did you not just hear me? I don’t want us all in there, in case… Well, if something happens.” The way he said it came off rather harsh, and I glanced at him in a bit of shock. “We can find her quicker. I..” Mitch cut me off quickly. “We’re wasting time. Sorry Ash.” He then left with that. Ryan leaned towards Jerome and whispered something. Luckily, men aren’t exceptionally well at whispering sometimes, and it was quite audible what he said. “I wish he would’ve taken her. Then we would haft to listen to her whine.” I was offended for a moment, but blew it off. We were at the end of the world, and it wasn’t time to take offense to such petty issues. “Who’s driving then?” I asked. Suddenly, I felt anxiety at the thought of Ryan driving us, so I tossed the keys to Jerome. “Jerome it is. Let’s go.” He switched seats so he could sit in the driver’s seat and put the keys in, and started the car. We pulled out, and were about to leave for the parking lot, when we saw itch and Louise emerge together at the gates. “Never mind, we can wait for them here.” Jerome stated. They were leaving, but the guards stopped them. There seemed to be some sort of conflict, and Mitch began to look angry. Louise suddenly looked even more scared than she did earlier. Then, a guard pointed his gun at Mitch, and he backed up, hands up. I gasped in confusion and fear, but suddenly, ear shattering screeches erupted from within the gates. the guard stared at the gates, baffled and distracted. Mitch took the opportunity to throw a good punch at him, knocking him to the ground. The gun came clattering at his feet, and he snatched it, quickly holding the other guards at gunpoint. He yelled something at them, then took off toward our car with Louise. The guards turned away, and focused on the terrified screams from within. Within moments, Louise and Smith piled into the car with us. “Drive!” Mitch whispered, gasping violently. Jerome slammed on the gas pedal, and we took off at a ridiculous speed. They had both jumped into the closest door he could reach, which happened to be where I was sitting. He had practically jumped on top of me, and was sitting right next to me, catching his breath. “Are you okay?” I asked compassionately, resting my hand lightly on his shoulder. He shook his head ‘No.’ “Those screams.” He spoke between breaths. “They were screaming because the zombies… They got in….Death trap..” Nobody interrupted him, but he stopped speaking. Gradually, his breathing became naturally. “Louise, you came back.” Jerome murmured, obviously shocked but overjoyed. “Yeah,” she murmured guiltily. She turned to look at Mitch and I for a moment. “I’m so sorry I didn’t trust you guys. It was a trap. They wanted to contain as many people as possible, so that when they… turned, they could be contained. They wouldn’t let us go either.” She explained. “That’s actually really clever.” Ryan sneered. I starred at him in shock, and he looked back at me with his cold glare. “Well, we’re all together to now. That’s all that matters.” Jerome stated clearly.


“I say we head South.” We were all gathered around an Atlas of the United States, and were trying to plan out our escape. Cincinnati was north of us, and New York’s infestation was rapidly spreading toward us from the east. Thus, we were left with the choice of heading west or south. If we headed west, we would face the monsters head on, but if we headed South, then West we would have a better chance of avoiding them. Mark looked at me with a twisted face. “Is Canada opening to refugees? ‘Cause if they are, we should  head North, we could escape to it.” Mark said, pointing northward on the map. I shook my head unknowingly. “I don’t know, but I doubt it. Besides, we couldn’t possibly survive the trip north.” I responded. “I beg to differ. We could push through it.” Dan contradicted me. I looked at with squinted eyes. “It’s Day Two of the Apocalypse and all of us have been in serious danger already. Clearly, we’re not zombie hunting material.” I responded sharply. In fact, you two would be dead if I hadn’t hit it with the ladder. I thought sourly to myself. “I suggest we go South. That’s my opinion.” I restated. Dan and Mark exchanged glances for a moment, and looked at me. “Okay Syd.” Dan sighed eventually. “We can head South, if thats what you want.” Mark shrugged his shoulders in agreement. “Whatever makes you happy.” He said, almost aloofly. “Good. Let’s get cleaned up and packed.” I took charge. I knew I sounded irritable when I was demanding, but I really just wanted to survive. 

We spent the morning preparing quietly. The water was still working, so I took a shower, savoring every moment of it. I didn’t know if I would ever take another. I dressed moderately and simply, with a t-shirt and jeans. I also put my hair in a tight waterfall braid. I packed a backpack and two suitcases. My backpack held the most valuable items that I would need access to, and my suitcases held mostly clothes, and other less needed items. Unfortunately, I didn’t have any prime weapons like a rifle or something, but I did have a sharp knife. Dan and Mark were already pretty packed because they had just come from the airport the other night. “We’ll take my car, of course.” I explained. We loaded or items into the trunk and empty seats, and got in. I didn’t know if I’d ever see my house again, or even my parents. “I’ll drive first.” Dan volunteered. “You two can take a nap or something.” I would have typically objected anyone driving my car, but the idea of a peaceful slumber sounded heavenly. I tossed him my keys, and got into a comfortable position to sleep, and eventually drifted off into a slumber.

{Sydney’s segments are generally shorter because of the lack of characters. Sorry to all of those who enjoy her perspective most!}


“What is?” I asked dumbly. Like I didn’t know. My question was completely ignored, and the tense, terrible feel of dread filled the room. “How many?” Tom demanded. “I saw three.” Tucker answered. “And the one by the fence heard Grizz, I’m sure.”  Aurey added. “Okay, um, do we run, or hold out?”  Jordan asked. Through the chaos, I watched silently. Anything I said would be worthless, or so I thought to myself. I wished I was in Canada. “Hold out. We can take three or four corpses down.” Tom arrogantly decided. He quickly assigned all of us positions and weapons, and we all dispersed to where we were told. Aurey and I locked ourselves up in the master bedroom closest with nothing but kitchen knives, as told. I was shaking, and I could see Aurey had a tear rolling down her cheek. “It’s okay.” She whispered to me through her distress. She didn’t deserve this. “Aurey, I wanna see what’s going on. Do you wanna come?” I asked her, standing up. Sitting in the darkness without any knowledge of what is in the light was torturous. She grabbed my wrist tightly. “You can’t be serious?” She asked fretfully. “I can’t stand just waiting to see if they’ll come out alive or not. Stay here then. I’ll be back in a moment.” I wiggled my hand free, and left the dark closest. The light from outside trickled through the windows, momentarily blinding me. I didn’t want anyone to catch me wandering around, so I attempted to be ‘sneaky.’ I could hear them yelling commands at each other. “It’s at the window!” “I hit it once!” “I got you!” “Help!” “There’s too many!” I broke into a hasty walk to the top of the stairs where I could see them fending off the zombies. Surprisingly, the front door was wide open, and there was a plethora of zombies invading. Jordan and Tom were back to back, fending the creatures off of each other, but to my horror, Tucker was isolated from them, defending himself from two other zombies. He had a long, ancient looking sword that was once just a display item to keep them off of him. Another monster had gotten in. Without thinking, I flew down the stairs to aid Tucker. The newest arrival was going for him from behind. I dove at it, diving my simple kitchen knife into its throat, half a second before it reached Tucker, taking it to the ground.  I struggled to keep it off me for what seemed like an eternity, until it stopped wriggling, and attempting to kill me.  I got to my feet, but my deed was done. Tucker had killed one of them, and was focusing on the other one, and Jordan and Tom were finishing off the other three. I noticed that my clothes were stained with blood. When the chaos cleared, and the situation was controlled, the boys finally took notice of me. “Sonja!?” Tucker immediately came to me. “Were you and Aurey attacked?” Jordan quickly demanded, heading to the stairs. “I-I came to see what was happening.” I began. “And Tucker needed help.” I realized what I just said might of offended him, but his eyes didn’t show anger. “Were you bitten?” He asked, looking over me. I shook my head ‘no.’ “Sonja.” Tom sighed. “Why can’t you just listen? I’m sure Tucker was holding his own fine. This is how you’re gonna get yourself killed.” Tom sounded so disappointed and frustrated with me. I shrunk back, embarrassed. “Wait Tom, look. There’s the three zombies that you guys took out over there.” Tucker began, gesturing to them. “And here are the two I got.” he continued, pointing in front of him. “But theres another one behind me.” He continued, pointing at the one I had taken down. “I didn’t kill that one. It would have easily infected me, if Sonja wasn’t there. So, ben though she didn’t listen, she did save me.” He concluded, smiling at me gratefully. I smiled back, almost shyly. Tom examined the information he had just learned, and nodded. “Well, I guess you did save Tucker. Good job, I guess.” Tom congratulated me. His eyes looked a bit guilty for scolding me. “Where’s Jordan?” Tom suddenly asked, looking around. “Upstairs!” A voice called back. He had gone to check on Aurey. “Okay, so we’re all okay.” Tom sighed a breath of relief. “But we obviously can’t hold them off. Should we leave soon?” Tucker asked. “Not yet. If we leave, we need to know where we’re going.” Tom replied. “We need to find a place soon though, before it gets too bad that we can’t hold them off.” I pointed out, a new sense of confidence filling my voice. “Yeah, I know.” Tom responded. His voice seemed more timid and shaken than usual. “Sonja, go see if the water is still running. If it is, wash yourself up. Same to you Tucker.” He directed. He went and shut the front door so no more could get in, and continued to look out the window. We obeyed him, and I went and washed off all the blood. Tucker and Jordan did the same thing, and eventually Tom did the same. After we were all cleaned, we went to see if any radio channels were broadcasting emergency programs. Most were just static, but one channel was broadcasting. It was hard to hear over the static, but through the difficult speech, they announced they were opening rescue centers in Dallas, Texas, and Seattle, Washington. We know knew where we needed to go.

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