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After 2 hours of driving, Addison and Bree made it to mountain college. As soon as they parked, Addison jumped out of the car, scanning the parking lot to see if she could see if Zed was there yet. "Relax, Addy, Bonzo texted me saying that they would be here soon", Bree said, "I know, it's just that I really want to see Zed", Addison replies, "I know, let's just go get our schedules and dorms while we wait", Bree replies, "ok" Addison replies. A little while later, Addison and Bree are in their dorm, (they are rooming together), and unpacking their things, when Bree gets a text, "Addy!! They're here!!", Bree exclaims, "well what are we waiting for!?!? Let's go surprise them!", Addison yells before they run out the door together, excited to see their friends and boyfriends.

                                 Zed's POV
After hours of driving and listening to Wyatt tickling Eliza for 2 hours, they finally made it to mountain college. As soon as they finally got out of the car, Bonzo spotted Bree, "Breeska", Bonzo said to Zed while pointing towards her, "BONZO!!", Bree yells before running towards him and giving him a hug, "hey Bree", Zed says, "hey Zed", "hey Eliza, hey Wyatt", Bree says, "hey Bree, where's Addison?", Zed asks, "oh, I actually haven't seen her since we left our dorm, but I'm sure she'll be here soon", Bree replies, "ok, thanks", Zed replies, sounding disappointed. Suddenly, Zed hears footsteps behind him, and feels 2 arms wrap around his neck, then he grabs the 2 arms and pulls them around so they are in a hugging motion, "hey Addy", Zed replies before looking down at Addison, "awww, I wanted to surprise you", Addison replies, "it's ok, I'm still glad to see you", Zed replies, "so, how was your drive here?", Addison asks, "good, apart from having to listen to Wyatt and Eliza acting like children for 2 hours", Zed replies before giving Addison a kiss. "Oh, so you call us childish, yet when you guys display your affection, it's fine", Eliza says sarcastically, "hey Eliza", Addison says, "oh, by the way, are you guys going to the freshman mixer tonight?", Bree asks, "of course", they all say in unison.

A few hours later, Addison and Bree get ready for the mixer, and go down to the main gym. A little while later, they are having fun, when all of a sudden, the ground starts shaking!! Suddenly, the ground separates, and standing in front of everyone is a pale, fanged, vampire. The vampire only says one thing, "This place is mine now!!"

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