Chapter 3 (First contact 1/3) Rewrite

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3rd POV~

9:15 Am, June 7. 2017

The city that "where can anyone can be anything."

The streets are filled with different types of animals of both predators and preys walking together on their usual business others are talking with their loved ones, friends.

It's truly breathtaking when you see different of animal species living in peace and their beautiful city.

Meanwhile at Downtown

Nick's Pov~

It's been a 9 months since I joined the Z.P.D and I'm making the world a better place thanks to my dumb bunny that change my world ever since she comes to my life and I truly lov... Oh nonono! not what you thinking folks I truly grateful for that she comes to me after the little incident at the conference a year ago and she actually apologize to me and I have to admit I was truly furious at that day I was glad that we solve the case together.

We are currently on the patrol that chief buffalo butt that assigned to me and my partner carrots.

I was currently looking outside the window admiring the view in front of me with my mate...
WHAT MY MATE!!! What I was thinking I never have a feeling's to her... Maybe a little.. aghhhhh.

I rub my forehead in frustration with a groan and a blush on my cheeks until judy notice it.

Judy: "Nick what's wrong?" She asked concerned.

Nick: "Nope nothing's wrong I just *sigh* worried." I mumbled the last part.

Judy: "Worried.. Why?" She asked curious.

Nick: "W-well in the past few weeks there is a recent attacks again do you remember? That 'Ceberus' the group of thugs and the Reptiletopia" I explained to her worried.

In the past weeks there is several reports of savage animals and this group claimed that they are the ones who attacking several victims, carrots and I are overworked that weeks and yet another problem that is we are worried the Reptiletopia the land for reptiles which every mammal in Zootopia hated so much and they sending a bunch of diplomats to create friendship to our country and trading then the mammals disagree the reptiles on the other paw is increasing their so called 'military' while we keep them turning them away over and over, hahh politics.

Judy: "Yes Nick I remember that *sign* I hope this attacks stops who ever is the mastermind he or she should brought to the prison where can't escape." She explained with a worried yet with anger in her voice while her ears drooped.

Nick: "Yeah I hope." I said sinking at my seat while looking outside.

"*Sign* I hope that "Cerberus" stops the attacks." I thought.

Judy Pov

I was currently driving to snarlbucks to buy for our breakfast.

Oh yeah it's 5 minutes left before our lunch.

5 minutes later

When I see the snarlbucks I immediately find a parking spot for the cruiser and I look to see nick is sleeping while his mouth slightly open that's cute.

I shook my head with a smile.

Judy: "Nick wake up were here." I say with soft voice.

He yawns and begin to stretch.

Nick: "Let's go carrots I don't want to miss our lunch." He says with smile

I nod.

3rd Pov~

The upon entering the cafe they immediately find a spot to it while nick insist he will order their food.

Judy finds a spot then sits while admiring the view outside.

Nick come to their table carrying tray of their food.

Nick: "Here you go Judy your black coffee and your carrot sandwich."

He says with smile while placing the tray in front of Judy.

Judy: "Thanks nick." She says with a smile

Nick: "Any time carrots." He says with a toothy grin.

While they eat they discuss random topics, meanwhile they in the mid of discussion Judy notice outside that some mammals stops on their tracks and looking in the sky while the others pulling out their phones.

Nick: "So he was like- Carrots are you listening to me?" He asked Judy confused while he notice where she looking and looking around the cafe that the other animals are looking on the window others stop doing their business.

Judy immediately left living the confused fox.

Nick: "He-hey carrots wait up."

He immediately follows her exiting the cafe.

Nick's Pov~

I was confused why she and the other animals acting so weird.

I immediately follow her exiting the cafe.
When I was in her side I immediately asked her.

Nick: "Carrots what are you looking at?" I asked while looking at her shocked face.

She said nothing with wide eyes and her ears are drooped while pointing her paw in the sky.

I follow her gaze and I gasp while looking in the sky.

I don't know what it is but I never seen that one before in my entire life.

It is a UFO or a government secret project to use against the reptiles? Or its from the reptiles?

I don't know then the thing is doing nothing while circling in the blue sky like a eagle hunting for its prey while creating a faint un-recognizable sound.

(Note: zootopia didn't develope any airplane only a helicopter cause they don't understand or how to create a engine and aero of a airplane ever since their industrialization era except for the Reptiletopia were they are currently on testing which the zootopians didn't know.)

After 5 minutes of circling in the sky the "thing" left disappear into the clouds.

I can't say a word due to shock that I witness.

Judy on the other paw decided to break the silence.

Judy: "Wha-what its that nick?!" She said shocked

Nick: "I dunno judy... What ever that thing is it's not ours."

When i said that the animals around us panicked.

Zootopian Wolf: "What's that a alien ship?!"

Zootopian Sheep: "Are we been invaded?!"

Zootopian Rhino: "The aliens are coming!!"

My god maybe they should reduce watching alien movies.

The animals arround us begin to panic.

Judy: "Everyone calm down!"

Zootopian Deer: "How are we going to calm down huh?! That "thing" is a alien i swear to you!"He shouts to judy in anger and the other animals agree.

Nick: "Sir calm down be thankful that "thing" didn't attack of whatever that "thing's" doing."

He began to calm after i said that.

Zootopian Deer: "O-okay your right sorry for shouting you officers."

Judy: "It's okay sir we make same mistakes sometimes."

He nod and he said his apologies once again and left.

The animals begin to dispersed while they mumurs about that "thing".

Radio: <<All units report to the station I repeat all units return at station at once for emergency briefing.>>

Well that voice belong to my one and only chief buffalo butt.

Judy: "Nick let's go before chief get's angry because we are late." She says seriously

Nick: "Yes ma'am." I saluted to her and she rolled her eyes with a chuckled.

And we begin to go to make our way to the cruiser... Wait I forget something?

Nick: "Wait carrots how about our food?" I said while looking back at the cafe.

Judy: "Nick that's not important!" She said irritated while crossing her arms.

Nick: "Well we can't leave them until they come to a better place." I said while gesturing my stomach.

Judy: "*sign* fine." She said while making her way back to the cruiser.

I grin at her only to get a glare from her "aww what a cute bunny~~".

After I takeout our food I make way to my partner.

Judy: "Nick let's go I don't wanna be late!"

Nick: "Okay-okay miss short temper."

Then she elbowed my ribs which it hurts.

Nick: "OW!! What was that for?!"

Judy: "Enough joking slick let's go"

Nick: "Copy that."

After that we made our way to the Z.P.D station.

3rd Pov~

11:46 Am

After duo made their way to the station only to see that all police officers are recalled back.

Nick: "*Whistle* Well looks like all officers are recalled back." He said while looking at the crowd of officers.

Judy: "Yeah, this is too serious."

Nick only hummed.

Judy's Pov~

After Nick and I made our way to the briefing room which is a bigger one it can accommodate many officers in a single room.

So after we enter the room only see that some officers are confused.

Delgato: "Hey why are recalled?" He asked his partner which is a polar bear.

Sergey: "Well i don't either but some say it's a U.F.O."

Delgato: "Huh?"

After we made to our desk waiting to chief Bogo to enter.

1 minute later

After some small chat with nick chief Bogo entered making the room to bang their desk it's been a tradition to the department.

Bogo: "Alright enough, shut it!" He shouts making the room silence.

Bogo: "Tell me there is a reason why I called all of the officers?"

Nick raise his left paw.

Bogo: "Wilde this is NOT a elementary school you don't need to raise your paw" He said irritated.

Some of the officers gave a small laughs.

Nick: "Let me guess sir...Tea party." He said grinning widely.

The room filled with laugh and I only smile to nick and he give me a grin face "what a dumb fox" I thought.

Bogo: "Very funny wilde one more you have one month of parking duty so shut it wilde."

He says irritated and nick face on the other paw became pale then he shuts up.

Bogo: "Now we received several reports of unidentified flying objects." He said while arranging the folders.

Zootopian Hippo: "What so you mean sir there's more?!"

Chief bogo nod and the officers began to mumur and chief raise his hoof to silence them.

Bogo: "There are 3 of them they spotted on different locations Savannah central, Bunny borrows, and Zootopia fishing port."

I gasp that one of them came to my hometown then Chief shows the pictures of the UFO and entire room wide eyed except for me and nick.

Grizzoli: "Sir, what is that?"

Bogo: "It's still unknown. According to the companies statements that producing aircraft "none of them are made from us." so clearly it's a alien aircrafts." He said.

Then he show us the emblem of the aircraft on the both wings white and blue circle shape with a two star one in the middle and one is bigger that has the same color of the background but they facing the opposite directions.

Meanwhile at the 4th Carrier strike group 1:20 PM

The leading of formation (Equador-Class Battleship)=1

Left side of the formation- (Arleigh Burke- Class Destoyer)= 4

Right side of the formation- (Slava - Class cruiser)= 4

Center of the formation- (Gerald R. Ford Aircraft carrier)= 1

Rear of the aircraft carrier the (Osumi-class multi-purpose carrier)=1

(A/N: Correct me if i am wrong on the rules of ships.)

Left and right of rear formation (Independence- class Littoral Combat Ship)= 4

Underneath on both sides of the Equador battleship (Akula- nuclear-powered attack submarine)= 2

Total of ships: 17 ships

Command Room in Osami-class

Saturn's Pov~

It's been a 2 hours since we set sail and the recon aircrafts return to homeland 1 hour earlier in haven city "aragon" air base after the Capitolio notify us that there will be a modern city but the inhabitants are unknown later the president will make a statement on the earth quake and will show the captured footages and she will explain that the entire country is transported after the earthquake.

I look on my watch to see that only 2 hours left to reach the mainland and suddenly I hear a commanding voice.

Captain: "Attention to all ships this is Torres I want all ships be on high alert and always check the perimeter on suspicious movement surround us do you copy?"

Then all ships report to by giving him a "yes sir!"

Then I hear footsteps beside me to see it's Capt. Maria Torres with a smirk.

Capt. Torres: "This is overkill many of our ships in one fleet and the natives will think that we will invade their homeland."

Saturn: "Well, that is gunboat diplomacy for you." I said then he chuckled.

Saturn: "Well to be frank this is to much intimidating." She give a small laugh, then I gave a small chuckle.

Capt. Torres: "Yeah. So how's are our diplomatic team?"

Saturn: "They in the crew cabin reading some books that they bought."

She made a mouthing a 'ohh.'

Until a male sapient siberian husky radar operator reports.

Radar operator: "Captain Torres we are detecting 10 small vessels heading towards us and they are travelling at 30 knots Sir."

Saturn: "Well it's time to work I am going to notify the diplomatic team."

She nod and i says goodbye then left to notify the diplomatic team.


Torres Pov~

"Can you confirm if it's a pt (Portable Torpedo) boat or a patrol ship?" I said while looking at the screen.

Radar operator: "Still unknown, ma'am."

I hummed in satisfaction.

Meanwhile in Zootopia, City Hall 12:50 PM- Earlier

3rd Pov~

Mayor Lionheart is currently watching on his phone about the unknown aircrafts that is being spotted minutes ago and its viral all over zootopia.

Last year mayor Lionheart is re-elected for mayor when they found out that he is not guilty and it was trying to protect his city.

*Knock* Knock*

Lionheart: "Yes, Shelby?" He asked still focused on his phone.

Until a female brown horse peek the door.

Shelby: "Sir, the zootopia coast guard commander Dennis wanted to see you."

Shelby is the new secretary and she is a brown horse and she is working with mayor Lionheart for a year now after Lionheart is re-elected she has a good record for being a secretary that's why Lionheart picked her and she is close friend of his.

Lionheart: "Let him in." He said putting down his phone while Shelby nod closing the door and the Lion is waiting for the Coast guard commander to enter his office.

30 seconds later


Lionheart: "Come in." He said while standing up.

The door opened and a grizzly bear entered the room.

Lionheart: "Commander Dennis good afternoon." He said with a smile and the grizzly bear smile.

Dennis: "Likewise Mayor Lionheart" He said while approaching the chair.

They both pawshake then they sits down on the chairs.

Lionheart: "So Commander Dennis, what are you doing here today?" He asked curious.

Dennis: "Sir, we detected a unknown ships on radar there are 17 of them sir and their course of destination is here."

Lionheart: "What?! From Reptiletopia?! What we will do?! We have nothing to defend against them!" He said panicked and Dennis raise his paws to calm the mayor.

He is worried about the recent events that happened between the both country the previous mayor is so arrogant that some diplomats from the reptile nation that the mayor attacking them by verbal, so he mayor Lionheart wants peace but the public disagree on his decision for peace talks between the reptiles.

Dennis: "Sir calm down." He said calmly and Lionheart takes deep breaths then apologize.

Lionheart: "Apologies.. Please continue." He said calmly while gesturing his paws.

Dennis clears his throat.

Dennis: "We are trying to pin point on where they come from and don't worry mayor Lionheart I send 10 Patrol ships to intercept them they will arrive in half hour." He said confidently.

Meanwhile at Zootopia south sea
1:20 Pm- Present

Still a 3rd Pov

A column formation of small ships of the Zootopia coast guard are currently traveling at 30 knots at south due to the detection of unknown ships.

Zootopian X.O: "Captain we are half a minute away from the unknown ships." A ram speaks to his captain which is a 40's Artic wolf.

Zootopian Captain: "Good, once we get there we will board on them and investigate." He said deep voice.

Half minute later.

Zootopian Spotter: "Sir! Unknown ships at 12' o clock!" He said alerted.

The captain grab his binoculars to see the ships on the horizon.

After they get close everyone become tense and shocked on what they see.

Zootopian Captain: "W-What is this?!" He said stuttered

Zootopian X.O: "S-Sir w-what are they? And I count them they are only 15 and where are the two ships?" He said confused.

Zootopian Captain: "Where are the two ships according to the report they are 17 where is the two ships!?" He thought panicked while looking at the two missing ships.

Until a they see a oddly helicopter design coming to them then a speaker was heard.

Human crew: <<*Static* This is the United Republic of Pangea Navy, we mean no harm we are here for diplomatic friendship with your country so please stay calm. I repeat we mean no harm and If you wish to speak to us please speak to our ambassador is in the Osumi carrier which is in the rear of our formation with a flat deck if you are confused.>> The crew on the helicopter explain to them which is a human female.

Zootopian X.O: "Sir, what should we say to them?" He said worried while looking at the retreating helicopter.

Zootopian Captain: "Tell them *we will aboard for talks*." He said seriously.

Zootopian X.O: "Yes sir!" He said while grabbing the radio to communicate at the ship.

Zootopian Captain: "There is nothing in the south pawcific but sea where are they came from? And what is United Republic of Pangea?" He thought curiously while looking at the giant fleet of metal ships.

To be continue...

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