Chapter 8 (New day and New problems)

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3 weeks later

3rd Pov

It's been 3 weeks, since the U.R.P make contact on the two nations, the Zootopia and Reptiletopia. Many were change since then, the introduction of artificial meat, which to the predator's of Zootopia delight when they tested it. Little the preys didn't know that the meaning of artificial meat is based from them.

After the approval of security treaty with Zootopia, which the Pangeans immediately established an military base near the Bunny Borrows and other locations near the capital city of Zootopia. The reptiles on the other scale/hand request an diplomatic friendship to U.R.P which the Pangeans accepted and opened tourism for the URP to recover their economy, due to the unexpected transfer to another world.

Downtown, Zootopia- 7:21 P.M

3rd Pov~

Nick: "Well, it's almost time." He said, while checking his watch.

Judy just nods, while her eyes focus on the road, driving the police cruiser carefully.

Then suddenly the cruiser came to full stop, sending Nick's head to the dash board luckily he was wearing his seatbelt.

Nick: "WHAT WAS THAT JUDY?!" He yelled at her angrily, while massaging his forehead.

Judy: "SWEET CHEESE AND CRACKERS! I am so sorry Nicky!" After she said that new nickname for the fox, she covered her mouth with her paws while blushing madly.

Nick: "Nicky?" He mumbled, while looking at her blushing but, thanks to his red fur Judy will never notice it.

Judy: "A-Anyways, there is a motorcycle at the front, so I slammed the brake so hard, I guess." She said sheepishly changing the subject, while shrugging with a nervous smile.

Nick just shook his head laughing internally, then he looked at the front to see, a human riding an motorcycle with blinking blue lights wearing green camouflage uniform with complete set of gear for the motorcycle and another human on the other street as their paws or they called hands in human term, they were raised in motion of 'Stop'. Then the human in question, in front of them raised his other hand and a convoy of green camouflage armored vehicles to humvees in formation moving at slow pace.

(Replace them with BTR 82, Humvees and MRAP A-TV)

After minutes of the armored vehicles passed by, the human in motorcycle followed suit with other humans and sapients in motorcycle at the back of the convoy.

Judy: "That's new." She said curiously, upon the convoy become clear, she continue to drive the cruiser following after the convoy.

Nick: "I don't understand, why they need to send their military here in Zootopia?" He thought out loud, while looking at the convoy ahead of them.

Judy: "Well, ever heard of the 'Security Treaty' Nick?" She said, while steering the wheel to the left leaving the armored convoy.

While the cruiser drive down to the street filled with different animals at the sidewalk, Nick on the other paw desides to break that silence.

Nick: "How's that?" He asked curiously, while his gaze at the window and looking at her.

Judy: "Well Nick. Security treaty is a security agreement refers to a document that provides a lender a security interest in a specified asset or property that is pledged as collateral. Terms and conditions are determined at the time, the security agreement is drafted and that includes mutual cooperation between the two countries." She explained, while Nick looked at her in shocked with his eyes are like saucer plate.

Nick: "W-Wow carrots, you are look like a walking dictionary... HOW DID YOU EVEN KNOW THAT?!" He yelled.

Judy: "Geez Nick, no need to shout, and for your answer I learned it from the internet."

Nick: "But still carrots, you are unbelievable and you still summerized the whole detail." He said, then looking at the window while Judy laughs softly at the fox remark then after that, the whole cruiser is filled with peaceful silence as they continue to patrol around to kill the remaining time of their shift.

Minutes later

Z.P.D Precinct 1, Downtown, Zootopia-
8:02 P.M

After their shift of patrolling is over they immediately head back to the police station to make report for today, only to see...

Nick: "What are they doing here?" He thought out loud, while looking at the same convoy from earlier that are now parked in front of the ZPD.

Judy and Nick parked their cruiser they see from the nearby armored vehicles wearing camouflage uniforms and blue helmets or beret hat. The humans and various of sapients are talking to each other some of them stood straight while guarding the vehicles.

(Art no MINE! credits to Bombakatz on Deviantart.)

(Credits to UN)

As they make their way to the entrance, ignoring the humans and sapients on their own business.

After entered they were greeted by a certain chubby cheetah at the reception by waving his paw happily, as the duo waved back then walk towards the chubby cheetah.

Clawhauser: "Hey guys! How was your day?"

Nick: "Nothing as usual, spots." He said, then the three of them heard voices not far away from their earshot, taking a glance on the source of the voices they could see Chief Bogo, Agent Savage or Jack with his arms crossed, a white human wearing a camouflage uniform with a blue beret, accompanied by another human but it has black skin wearing the similar uniform with both patches on their shoulders saying 'MP' and their hands at the back.

Bogo: "Patrolling in one cruiser with two officers are standard procedure." He said coldy.

As the buffalo approach the humans followed by Jack, towering the furless creature.

Jack: "Zootopian Policy." He said coldly, while glaring at the humans.

The humans looked at each other and then sigh, the white human brings out a portfolio.

Bogo reach the portfolio slowly, upon seeing the contents his eyes widened.

???: "What you are seeing now is the orders from the Mayor himself. After Zootopia signed the security treaty, we are being stationed here for safeguarding and you have to be fully coorporate with us." The human said calmly.


ack: "Is there anything else?"

The humans shake their heads in 'no'.

Clawhauser: "Is that even legal?" He muttered.

Nick: "Maybe on their perspective. I dunno." He said while he signed.

After they listened in a couple of seconds, they heard their chief signed in defeat.

Bogo: "Fine. We have unused briefing room for your errr... 'men' just down the hallway." He said while he points his hoof down the hallway.

???: "Thank you, Chief Bogo." The same human said as Bogo secretly scoffs, then the both sides take their leave.

They noticed Jack was headed their way, Judy waved at him which Jack noticed and he happily returned.

Jack: "Hey." He greeted them which the trio returned the greeting.

Judy: "Jack, if may I ask, who are they?"

Jack: "Oh, them they are the '152nd Peace Enforcers' but from my perspective they are clearly armed to the teeth." He explained then signed.

Then out of nowhere they heard multiple sounds of thumping boots, all of them including the nearby police officers looked at the commotion.

Dozens of humans and sapients work together at the crates of all sizes.

The zootopian police officers was surprised at the pangeans coordinations.

Some of the zootopians wished this that someday, Zootopia of all species including the Reptiletopia will be coexist.

After watching the Pangeans, Jack bid a farewell heading to his and Skye's office, while Nick and Judy bid their farewell as they headed to their own office as well, while the chubby cheetah waved at them happily.


After Nick and Judy submit their reports, both of them signed in relief.

Nick: "So carrots, wanna go grab a bite before going home?" He asked with a smile.

Judy: "Sure! Where do you suggest?"

Nick: "Uh... Clawhauser said there is new opened called, um... 'Sha-warma'. I think it's 'Shawarma shack' just down the street near us, that shawarma was came from United Republic of Pangea."

Judy: "Then, let's go! I wanna try it!" She said excitedly, while hopping off from her chair as she speed towards to the door, leaving Nick.

Nick: "Carrots! You forgot to- nevermind." He said, while turning off her and his computer.

Then he left the room locking it, he looked down to hallway to see Judy thumping her foot on the ground seems to be impatient with her eye brows raised.

Nick: "Bunnies." He mumbled as he chuckled to himself.

Le timeskip

After they arrived at the 'Shawarma Shack' just down the street near ZPD, as Judy and Nick make their way, they both noticed that the restaurant was crowded by animals of all species and all shape, and sizes.

Nick: "I-I didn't expect this to be that many." He said surprised.

Judy: "We should find somewhere else." She said as they take their leave but they noticed that a white human with yellow hat and yellow apron with the words 'Shawarma Shack'.

The duo watch his movements, then they immediately understand.

The human was arranging the line of the crowds of animals by size, Nick and Judy looked and shrugged as they walk back towards the restaurant.

Scene change

After the two off-duty police officers that was waiting at the long line are now inside of the establishment, in the inside was packed of other animal customers.

Judy was about to open her mouth but she was beaten first by Nick himself.

Nick: "Go find us a table carrots, I will get our order." He said with a side glance smile.

Judy nodded and thanked him then left heading in another direction as she begin her search for their table.

Judy: "Nick is such a sincere in these days, I wonder whats up to him?" She thought as she continues her searching for their table.

Meanwhile Nick was patiently waiting at the line to move and watching the finished animals passing by and exiting the door.

The red fox looked in front of him to see busy restaurant staffs of humans, sapients and some zootopian walking back and forth, and taking orders from other customers.

Looking at the counter, he noticed the customers were not pawwing money to the cashiers, which he found this odd.

Then suddenly he remembered something, then he paw palmed.

Nick: "Ugh! I forgot to ask carrots what she wants." He thought as he groaned in frustration, then his phone vibrates.

Taking out his phone from his pocket, he see text from Judy.

Judy; Hey slick. I found us some seat near the window.

Nick nod in satisfaction, then he replied back.

Nick; Good. I forget to ask you, what shall I get for you?

Hitting the send button as he wait for her reply, he sees 3 dots indicating that Judy was typing, after few seconds she replied.

Judy; What they got?

Nick looked above the counter to see the available meals that was displayed.

Nick; There are many of them Judy, including vegetables and... Beef?

Judy; Beef? Then I would like to try that one! 😊

Nick; Gotcha 😉

Nick chuckled to himself as he shoved back his phone on his pockets.

Few minutes later

Nick was third position to the last, still his mind was can't get over due to the customers that was not pawwing money to the cashiers, he decided to ask one of the staffs in the restaurant.

Nick: "Hey! Um... Miss!" He called looking at the black human female, the human female staff in question looked over at him then came running towards the fox.

Human staff: "Hello sir! Is there anything I can do to you?" She asked politely.

Nick: "Yes. I just noticed some of the customers was not pawwing or handing money, Is there an occasion that I was not aware about?" He asked politely in return.

Human staff: "Well sir! You are in perfect time and place. Because you will have our meals for free! Since this is our first branch here in zootopia and for shawarma you will get buy one take one for free, forever!" She explained happily.

Nick was satisfied at the answer and for the human due to the fact she keeps her positive attitude and professionalism.

Nick: "I see. Thank you for answering my question." He said with a small smile.

Human staff: "You're welcome sir. If there is anything else you need don't hesitate to asked us!"

Nick: "I will."

After Nick ordered one large beef shawarma, but in total they will have two large beefs since it's buy one, take one and two cokes.

He waited about a 10 mins before he grab their order one paw of two shawarmas and the other paw was their two drinks, and he headed to their table.

Nick: "Hey! Carrots!" He called her upon reaching their table and placing her meal in front of Judy, then he takes a seat at the opposite of the table.

Judy was surprised at his sudden calling, she looked him with questionable gaze.

Nick: "Guess, what?" He said as he looked at her with toothy grin.

Judy: "What?" She said taking a sip from her cup of coke.

Nick: "We get this for free!"

Judy about to spit the drink right in the face of the fox, but she managed to hold it.

Judy: "W-What? Why?"

Nick: "Well, since this is their first branch at Zootopia, the animals will get every meal available within this day." He said as he leaned at their table.

Judy: "Well it's our lucky day then."

The duo continues their conversation while eating their meals, perhaps they can start dinner.

Capital city Phillides, Reptiletopia

Same day

A modern swamp city full of different reptiles of all shape and sizes, their technology can be par with the zootopians.


The reptilian mayor Terris has been busy in these recent days of events during the arrival of U.R.P, his scalesonnels including the military and intelligence department were busy due to the same presence of the opposite side military, they conducting multiple research through pictures that was captured by the media and 'tourist'.

City Hall

The alligator mayor was busy reading an document report, when he finishes reading he give it his signature, sign of approval, then he move to the next document.

When he was in the middle of reading the document, he heard multiple sounds of knocking from his door.

Terris: "Come in!" He ordered without taking his eyes off of the document.

Upon his door opened an Cobra crawled its way to Terris.

???: "Mr. Mayor." The snake asked.

Terris looked at the source of the male voice.

Terris: "Oh, what brings you here Pikes? You were supposed to be at the United Republic of Pangea?" He asked as he set aside the document that he was reading before being interrupted, putting both his arm together then raised an eye scale questionably.

(Eye brow if you are wondering.)

Pikes: "My flight was midnight, sshshhshhsh." He said while hissing.

Terris: "I see. So, what's brings you here?" He said as he returns back to reading the document from earlier.

Pikes: "I was here to informed you about our new findings, shshshhshshs." He explained his reason as Terris looked at the snake with interest, then putting down the document then he gestured with his dactyly to continue.

(Dactyly is the hand term for reptiles if you guys wondering.)

Pikes: "According to our satellites, we detected that the URP have fixed-wing aircrafts and dozes of battleships." He explained, which to Terris shocked.

Fixed-wing aircrafts are common on the reptilian arsenal, but battleships?

In their standards battleships are obsolete from the past and has staggering amount of money on the maintenance, so the reptilian military immediately phase out these ships.

Terris: "Battleships? They are outdated, correct?" He asked while Pikes nod.

Terris: "I see, is there anything else?"

Pikes: "Yes, they also have satellites based on this images." He said then using his tail to bring out a picture from his pockets and dactyling it to Terris.

Pikes: "This photo was captured by our astronaut, that they later identified when that satellite when it was passing by." He explained.

The alligator nod absorbing all new information.

Terris: "Thank you for informing me. You may leave now, I have many other things to do." He said then asked the snake politely to leave.

Pikes: "You're welcome, now I will take my leave."

After that the snake take his leave with a farewell, leaving the larger reptile alone in the office.

Terris: "Battleships? I can't still move on that subject, how can the Pangeans manage the maintenance of those ships, maybe just maybe, they have an high GDP in their previous world." He thought nervously while running an dactyly on his scale forehead, and then he signed in frustration.

After collecting his thoughts, he resume his current objective throughout the night.

Somewhere in Nocturnal District, Zootopia

Same day

The streets of animal city is getting emptied and darker as the street light posts illuminated the dark streets, animals from different species is closing their establishments and going home from their work, high chances of criminal activity will be active.

Somewhere in a abandoned parking lot, a group predators and strange animals was standing behind their vehicles illuminated by the light behind them.

???: "Everything you need are in these crates." One of the strange one wearing a large black trench coat with a large top hat and revealing its long large tail.

As he signal his 'strange men' to bring out large crates then placing it on the front of the zootopian predators.

Meanwhile the predators whistle at the sight, then one of them which is a artic wolf open the crate to be revealed a military grade assault rifles, grenades, ammunitions and more.

???: "Make sure you put them into good use." He said darkly while the predators chuckled.

???: "Don't worry, we will put them into good use." He said while grinning.

???: "Good. Remember the plan." He reminded them.

After they exchange pawshake and the crates was now place in two commercial trucks, they immediately leave the vicinity before anyone could witness them.

Meanwhile in the commercial truck in passenger seat the same artic wolf from earlier brings out his phone then dialed, after waiting a few seconds someone answers his call.

???: "Boss! it's me Vince, we got the package from our friends." The wolf said to his boss from the other line that now known as Vince.

???: <<Excellent! Bring them over.>> His boss said excitedly through the phone.

Vince: "Yes Boss!" He said then cutting off the call between them as they continue their journey back to their hideout.

The next day

HoppsWilde apartment, Zootopia

7:05 AM

Nick's Pov

We were back to our apartment after the dinner at the restaurant, which their most meals are delicious!

Carrots and I are eating breakfast at our table and small conversation at random topics

After we finished the breakfast putting them in the sink and cleaning them, we go to our bathroom to change into out uniforms one after another.

After that, we go to my car and straight to the ZPD.


After we reached the station, me and carrots noticed some changes of it.

Foreign cars neatly parked outside the station.

When we parked inside the parking lot of the station, we saw more dozens of same vehicles from earlier.

Judy: "They are well prepared." She said then hopping off the car.

Twisting the key to turn off my car then following Judy who was leaning at the doorway waiting for me.

After we entered the station and greet some of our fellow police officers, we noticed the pageans walking around the station and some of them talking to our fellow officers.

As we first greeted Clawhauser which he greeted back while eating his morning cereal.

As we passed the empty briefing room which was now filled with chairs and tables, and Pangeans of both humans and sapients.

Judy: "Nick! What are you waiting for?!" She called.

I never noticed that I was standing in front of the door where the room occupied by Pangeans.

As we entered the briefing room and seat at our usual spot, then wait for Chief Buffalo Butt or Chief Bogo for short.


Judy's Pov

As we were waiting for chief Bogo, Nick start an conversation between us.

Nick: "What do you think carrots?" He asked while looking at me straight in the eyes.

Judy: "About, what?"

Nick: "The Pangeans, of course."

I then started to think about it, it's good new friends and allies.

Judy: "For me, it's good though. New friends and perhaps new relationship."

As I said that last sentence, Nick looked at me while his ears are droopy.

Judy: "Somethings wrong slick?" I asked worried.

Nick just looked away from as he crossed his arms on the table.

Nick: "Nothing." He mumbled.

Then I starting to laugh which to his confusion.

Judy: "Come on Nick! I'm just kidding!" I said while laughing softly.

I noticed Nick sigh in relief, then chuckled.

Nick: "I know you were." He said while looking at me with his soft smile.

Then I feel something in the pit of my stomach... Butterfly feeling?

My cheeks slowly become tomato, Nick noticed it.

Nick: "You 'kay carrots? You're cheeks."

I immediately looked away from him.

Judy: "N-Nothing!" I stuttered.

Nick: "If something is wrong, just tell 'kay?" He asked me politely, while me just nodded to him rapidly.


Then I heard thumping sounds at the table, indicating our chief has entered the room.

I immediately regained myself.

Chief Bogo stands at the podium, then slams his hoof.

Bogo: "Alright that's enough, SHUT IT!" He yelled.

The room was now filled with silence.

Bogo: "We have new compatriots here at the station, so no one cares!" He yelled once again earning a few laughs from our comrades.

Bogo: "Assignments... Officer Delgato and Fangmeyer, Sahara District... Hopps and Wilde, Savage's office." After he said that, Nick and I both nodded at the same time, then left the room along with Delgato and Fangmeyer.


3rd Pov

Savage's office

After the fox and the hare reached their destination at the second floor, they immediately open the door and greeting Winters and Savage.

Skye: "Nick, Judy. Nice to see you guys!" She greets them happily, while Jack simply nodded at them.

Nick: "Soooo... Why are we here?" He asked awkwardly.

Jack: "Well... We are going to work together, finding and tracking the wherebouts of 'Ceberus'."

Nick: "Make sense."

Then out of nowhere, both Nick and Judy's radio cracked to life at the same time.

Radio<<10-39 I repeat, 10-39 at Furball Hypermarket, Rainforest District. Multiple gunshots, two officers are injured. Multiple civilians trapped inside the mall, and immediate backup.>>

All of them looked at each other then rushed out of the room, heading towards the armory.

As all of them run at full speed and they noticed the pangeans humans and sapients alike wearing tactical gears and long rifles at paw/hand, clearly armed to the teeth and heading at the exit at full speeds.

To be continued...

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