Chapter 9 (Hostage Situation)

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Sorry guys been never able to update this book due to irl problems and been busy from school I hope y'all understand that this book is 3/4 months been unpublished a single chapter, enjoy the chapter!

Furball Hypermarket, Rainforest District, Zootopia

Meanwhile at the hostage location were 2 police cruiser were immobilized due to the bullet holes penetrated to the door to the front body of the police cruiser and it's tires were already flattened.

2 officers at the back of one of the police cruiser leaning while putting their paws at their stomach to put pressure at the blood, while the other 2 were watching at the Hypermarket keeping eye at the armed animals. Most of the civilians at the mall were lucky to got out before the shooting started.

One officers which is a cougar came running at the 2 injured officers with first aid kit at paw. As he got there, he immediately open the first aid kit and bringing out bandage gauze then he wraps them one at the time to his injured comrades.

Cougar: "How's your stomach?" He asked worried.

The one he asked which is a artic wolf groaned in pain then replied back.

Artic wolf: "Never better." He said jokingly.

Cougar: "How about you Issa?" He asked the other injured officer which is a grizzly bear whom named Issa.

Issa: "Like Mark said 'never better' heheh..." She said jokingly and referring the artic wolf beside him who just chuckled.

Cougar: "You two have sense of humor in this kind of situation." He said while shaking his head.

Then another Officer joined while panting which is a red fox, the second fox officer since Nick Wilde.

Red fox: "Guys, don't worry I've finally called us some backup they're heading on our way now." He said while taking cover with the two injured officers.

Red fox: "How was their wound, Jones?" He asked the cougar in concerned.

While the cougar named Jones place the last gauze to Mark's stomach, after that he sighed in relief.

Jones: "They're okay, for now. All we have to do is to wait for the backup to get them to safety." He answered.

Then out of nowhere, they heard multiple familiar sirens at the distance.

Jones: "Speak of the devil." He said with a small smile of relief.

After multiple police cruisers arrived, the civilians at the distance cheered.

The 4 officers were trapped behind their own cruisers also noticed some unknown armored truck along with some unknown cruisers (Humvees) among the Zootopian police cruisers.

After the unknown truck stops just near the trapped officers, the back of the truck opened revealing some strange furless creatures with animals too but more muscular and athletic, they all wearing tactical gears just like the ZWAT. All of them wearing strange metal bones from their arms to feet, the animals with them on the other paw unfolded an transparent shield attached to their rifles with the furless mammal behind them taking cover behind the shields.

(Art not MINE! Art goes to AIDELANK on deviantart.)

Human soldier: "Come on, we got you!" He said softly.

The humans and sapients covered and guided back to the ambulance far from the shooters range, both the injured Zootopian officers and their partners.

Scene Change

Few minutes later, the officers at the scene were brought to the ambulance as the Zootopian EMTs, while they stroll 2 stretchers for the two injured mammals, and head straight to the hospital.

Meanwhile at the makeshift headquarters, they're multiple humans, sapients and zootopians working together.

Human captain: "Does the shooters wants to demand something they want?"

The humans male asked the hyena zootopian swat captain with slight authority. Which is smaller than the human.

Zootopia hyena: "No. They don't even want a negotiator when we asked them." He replied back.

The human just hummed in acknowledgement. Then out of nowhere another human in military uniform came in then saluted.

Human soldier: "Sir! Just received a word from command that, we should take action to this situation."

The human captain in question walk towards to the soldier in slow pace.

Human captain: "Well. Tell them we are working with the Zootopians on this situation. Understood?"

The soldier just saluted and left. The pangean walk back were the zootopian hyena was waiting for him at the SUV.

Human captain: "How many hostages does the shooters have in their possession?" He asked immediately, while placing his gloved hands at the hood of the SUV, then look at the map of the mall.

Hyena captain: "We don't have the exact numbers of the hostages, just yet."

Meanwhile, just a couple of meters from the HQ. A humvee pulled over, then a human in military officer uniform came out from the driver seat and a sapient black haired wolf from passenger seat, then wear their flat-topped officers hats in unison.

???: "What's our situation, Lieutenant James?"
He asked the sapient wolf beside him.

James: "According from the reports. There are multiple shooters from all sides of the building, two injured Zootopian police officers are safely transported to the hospital as we speak." He said while reading the document of report at hand.

(Credits to 2078 a.k.a Koul)

???: "Good. Now, who is the captain in charge of the Zootopian swat team that was dispatched?"

James: "His right over there, sir. The hyena." He said while pointing his finger at the direction of the makeshift headquarters.

As they both walk towards to the busy captains of the two side that was currently busy looking at the map of the mall. Upon noticing the two individuals approaching the area were they were standing, the human captain immediately salute at the two Pangean military officials.

Human captain: "Colonel Sam, Lieutenant James!"

The human officer now known as Sam, whom saluted back in return followed by James. Sam was a veteran from the 3rd Intercontinental war several years ago before he become a colonel. This kind of situation was never new to him. And as for James, he have an experience for this kind of situation too.

After that, the hyena began to introduce himself.

Robert: "My name is Robert Rowley. It was pleasure to meet you Col. Sam, I hope we could put stop to this madness."

Sam: "Agreed, now. Let's get to work."

After that they began to plan for the infiltration and extraction of the hostages.

Few moments later

Scene Change

Inside of the mall

The mall was empty on some parts. Groceries, bags, food, papers, wrappers and many more that was scattered throughout the entire floor. Meanwhile hostages were cowering at the corner as the cubs cried silently, while their parents tries to comfort them.

Meanwhile the hostage takers that was wearing gas masks, prepared several barrels with unknown contents.

When they completed the last one, they activate it revealing the blinking red light.

Otter: "Sir. Everything is ready, we are waiting for your confirmation!" He said as he slid his mask to his face.

A warthog came to the Otter and nod as he slid his own mask aswell.

Warthog: "Good. Now we must keep our safe distance... You! Keep looking at the hostages!" He ordered a wolf nearby who was wielding an machine gun identical to M249 SAW.

Wolf: "Copy!"

After they received he received the acknowledgement, their radios crack to life.

<<There is movement at the front. It looks like the ZWAT has arrived with their new friends!>>

After the radio transmitted that.

The warthog signals his mammals to take cover for the incoming visitors, they wait to let them come.

Backdoor of the Mall

The team of 8 armed Pangean soldiers and 11 Zootopian police swats were waiting for the signal to commence.

Human soldier : "We are in position. Stand by for infiltration. Check your gears!" He announced as they double check their weapons.

Nick: "Good thing I was leading this time to you, carrots." He said while smirking.

Judy only responded by rolling her eyes.

James: "Breach!"

The human at the door nods and then breaks the doorknob open wide with one push from his bare hands, thanks to his exo. The Zootopians were caught by surprise and immediately retain their compose.

As they entered the backdoor with no hostiles in sight, they kept their senses on high alert as they check every corner just incase of booby traps.

Robert: "Clear!" The spotted Hyena said as he check his corner then move to the nearby door, overlooking the entire storage area.

Robert signal the rest of the team to move quietly. When they reached another at end of the hallway, the whole team noticed this. Nobody was guarding the backdoor, the entire storage area or even the hallway.

James: "This is strange." He thought while keeping his M4A1 drawn.

Once they moved swiftly with rifles drawn, James and the other Sapients including the Zootopians. Their ears twitch at the sound of beeping.

Sapient soldier: "An unknown device is just nearby!" He warned the group as they move towards the sound.

The Sapients and Zootopians worked together, trying to pinpoint the location of the said device.

Judy and Jack thanks to their very sharp hearing, they were able to locate the sound.

Jack signals the team to come over to the door, meanwhile Skye brings out her crow bar and breaks the door with ease.

They see a single yellow barrel with multiple wires attached and a timer...


Human soldier: "Shit! Command we got a possible bomb situation here, we got 9 minutes and 12 seconds at the timer here, the bomb is armed. How copy?"

Col. Sam: <<We copy Charlie 0-1. We will send bomb squad to your location. Good hunting.>>

Human soldier: "Understood. Placing the tracker." He said while planting a small black rectangular shape object to the barrel then pressing the power button, revealing a blue continuous blink.

After that they began to search for more of these barrels, only to find none which to their relief.

They proceed to their main objective, rescuing the hostages. As they move with caution maneuvering their way out to the storage area, they reached the door leading to the exit.

Once they exited the storage, they were greeted by the quiet food court.

James signals them to proceed deeper into the mall. Robert lead the way since he visited this mall several times with his family when they go out for bonding.

So far the didn't encounter a single hostiles along the way. Until voice was heard.

???: "The food court is clear!" A male voice announced below them.

They peak to see two predators with gas mask and assault rifles.

James and several Pangean soldiers split from the group before aiming their own rifles to the unaware hostile below, while the Zootopians mimic their counterparts.

Maned wolf: "Did you see anything suspicious?"

Cougar: "Nothing suspicious on both first and second floor. Everything is clear."

Maned wolf: "Good. We have seven minutes left before the barrels explode."

Cougar: "Got it."

After that short talk, they move into separate directions.

Robert: "We should move, we don't have much time!"

James: "Roger that."

The continue their way out of the food court, unsuspected.

After several minutes of searching the whereabouts of the hostages. They heard series of gunfires to the arcade area of the mall.

They put all of their attention to their surroundings, but they were not being fired upon. Following the sounds of gunshots, they came to the arcade to the hostages cowering in fear with duct tapes on their maws and blind folded.

They prepared their flash bangs while keeping eye towards the 5 shooters whom seemed to be firing at the police and military personnels outside of the window.

The shooters were unaware of their surroundings as they continue to fire a volleys of rounds outside.

The shooters ears twitch backwards when they heard several of metallic objects was being thrown.

Looking towards the source, their eyes widen in shock to see familiar yet dangerous objects in the ground.

The objects explode into blinding lights. Disorienting the hostage takers as they covered their ears and eyes while letting out terrified screams.

Both Zootopian and Pangean immediately disarmed the hostile predators while pinning them down on the ground, then paw cuffs/cable ties.

The hostages screamed in terror still unaware of the happenings around them.

After detaining the suspects, both police and soldiers heard another beeping not far from their position.

Thinking it was another bomb, a static voice was heard.

<<Knight-1, change of plans. Evacuate the area now, leave the hostages intact. Go to phase two.>>

After the voice died down they immediately search one of the disoriented predators, searching it's pockets they see a portable radio that was still repeating the same message from earlier.

Human soldier: "Lieutenant James, catch!"

After the masked human soldier throw the radio towards James nearby the door, he perfectly catch it.

James: "Good. We can listen to their coms, changes the frequency to 5.1.7." He said as he rotates his radio's panel for frequency while the others followed suit.

Robert: "Winters, Savage, Wilde, and Dann. Take the hostages out of here, the rest of you follow move out!"

As he barks his orders they left the area to find the rest of the hostages. Meanwhile Nick shots a worried looked to Judy, as she looked at the fox and flash a reassuring smile.

James: "Colonel. Sam. Tell to the cops to hold their fire, the hostages are coming out at the backdoor."

Col. Sam: <<Understood. We successfully tapped the cams throughout the mall, it looks like that was the rest of the hostages. Be advised, the hostiles are making their way towards the parking lot. Stop them immediately!>>

James: "Understood, Colonel."

After that, they began to take a shortcut towards the parking lot.

Few minutes later, they heard the radio from their enemy burst to light.

<<Bishop to King. Knight-1 isn't responding to our hails, requesting permission to check on them.>> A cold male voice said to another line.

<<That's a negative. Knight-1 is already out of the board. Make your way to phase two, Bishop.>> A rough male voice replied to another line

<<Solid copy, King. Bishop out.>>

Robert: "Looks like these guys are professionals."

James: "Neither do I. Come on, we still have to catch them. Hopps, take point."

Judy: "Affirmative!"

Taking point of the team was never new to the hare, since she was always leading her team in the recent buy-bust raids due to the fact that her main advantage was because she was small and leaving her opponents unaware of her present.

Moving cautiously to their new objective, they encountered several barrels along the way while marking them for the personnels that will defuse these bombs. As they move further down they were advised again that they will enter to an underground parking lot that will have difficulties talking through their radios, inside out.

Several minutes later, they finally reached the parking lot.

Judy did a bunny hop and hides to the parked cars underneath while casually checking her surroundings for her team safety.

Judy: "All clear, you can proceed now."

Robert: "Acknowledge."

Taking her attention towards the team as she saw them one by one move to cover to the pillars.

She focus her attention back towards in front of them and noticing a ventilation shaft not far from her position.

She grabs her small walkie talkie, then pressed the push talk button.

Judy: "This is Hopps, I'm moving towards the ventilation shaft for better view range."

After she transmitted her message to everyone, she began to climb at the roof of the car she was in. Removing the shaft with minimal effort, she fit her tiny body in the ventilation system.

Sighing in relief, she crawled and looked to the nearby shaft. She noticed several figures running towards the 2 black vans.

Judy: "I spotted them! They are now embarking to the 2 black vans with no plates. 40 meters, West of your position."

Robert: "Good eye Hopps! We are on our way."

Back to the rest of the team who was now running, they shifted to the left while dodging the pillars and cars.

James: "To all units in this channel, if you can hear me. Block the exits, now!"

After he yelled they have their visuals to the 2 black vans as they noticed the doors closing.

Sapient Soldier: "Shoot the tires!" The Dingo yelled while sliding his M4 to the proper position at hand and then squeezing the trigger, firing volleys of rounds.

All of them fired their both rifles and tranquilizers rifles to the tires of the screeching tires.

They successfully deflated the front wheels of the leading van, but unfortunately. The van second van successfully took off heading towards the exit to the right.

Then a speeding Humvee rammed the escaping van hitting them head on, completely immobilizing the black van.

The occupants of the Humvee immediately opens the doors with weapons drawn while the other one manned the mounted 50cal. Multiple silhouettes of both police swats and soldiers came from behind of the Humvee with also weapon drawn.

Pangean soldiers: "Get out of the van now!"

After they warned. The predators disembark the van with their paws high up in the air, both the driver and the passengers were bleeding severely on their foreheads.

Meanwhile James, Robert and the rest of the team aims their rifles to the surrendering predators then paw cuffing them accordingly.

One predator in particular refused to open his passenger door only to be force out by destroying the door throwing out shocking every Zootopians present except for the ones who already witnessed the power of exo skeletons.

The exo skeletons in Pangean military was very limited and only used in peace keeping operations, still the main disadvantage in combat was the battery which it can operate in short amount of day. The Pangeans was still using this to improve it's characteristic and never used in combat during 3rd Intercontinental war several years ago.

After detaining the suspects and transporting to the police station for further processing.

Col. Sam came to the team who was checking their squadmates.

Col. Sam: "Good work everyone. Luckily when the suspects open fire to the officers, no one was severely hurt." He said which everyones relief.

After the incident occurred, the team of detectives began their investigation and confiscating the casing and the barrels filled with unknown contents for further analysts.

Since Zootopia have very rare incidents such us this occurred. But those will change in just short amount of time.

Unknown Location

In the rooftop somewhere in the city a lone figure was having a conversation through his phone.

???: <<You just failed the operation.>>

???: "No, but keep in mind. Our operation are still intact and phase 3 is on-going. Tommorow they will dig graves for themselves."

???: <<Very well. I am looking forward to it.>>

Once the line was cut off. Another figure similar to him came stop just a couple of meters behind him.

???: "They have our package, we can initiate phase 3."

???: "Good. First piece of the chess board is out."

After that, they left the rooftop into the shadows.

To be continued...

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