Zootopia: More Than Partners, More Than Friends - Part 1

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AUTHOR'S NOTE: I do use some police lingo that was not originally in the movie, but I felt it necessary to do so. Some of the phrases used by Nick and Judy while on patrol are taken directly from the police drama "Adam-12". I just hope I don't make it look cheesy!

It was another gorgeous day in the city of Zootopia. Mammals of all species, shapes and sizes went about their business. Some of them were going to work, while others were enjoying a day off, taking in the almost limitless sights and attractions the city had to offer. Whatever the citizens of Zootopia were up to, there were two residents that were busy on patrol.

"When do I get to drive?" asked Nick, his pointy ears drooping.

"When you outrank me," said Judy, her tone a mixture of smugness and humor.

"I see," said Nick, rolling his eyes. "In that case, maybe I should take the detective's test? You're always telling me that I'd be great at that."

"Really?" said Judy, stopping as the traffic light turned red at the intersection. "You really think you have what it takes to be a detective?"

"Of course," said Nick, folding his arms. "I have what it takes to be Chief of the entire Zootopia Police Department!"

"Better keep it a secret that you're after Chief Bogo's job
Nick gave his rabbit partner a toothy grin like only a fox could. "Don't sweat it, Carrots. I'm talking years from now. By then, old buffalo butt will be relaxing on the beach, enjoying his pension!"

"That may be," said Judy, who put her foot down on the gas pedal when the light turned green. "But whatever you do, don't let the Chief catch you calling him buffalo butt. He's likely to have your head mounted in his office!"

Nick waved a paw dismissively. He wasn't worried about the Chief's temper in the slightest. It had been a year since he'd graduated from the Zootopia Police Training Academy, and once he partnered up with Judy, the two of them had the most arrests of anyone in the 1st precinct. No little insult was going to cause Bogo to get so upset that he would harm one of the two best officers in the squad.

"Boy," said Nick, hearing his stomach growl. "I'm sure getting hungry. What about you?"

 "I could go for something to eat," said Judy, looking along the sidewalks for any suspicious behavior. "You wanna call in a seven?"

"Sure thing," said Nick, picking up the squad car's radio. "1 Aardvark 12 to base."

A fuzzy, static voice responded. "This is base."

"1 Aardvark 12 requesting permission for seven, over."

"Permission granted, 1 Aardvark 12, over and out."

"Over and out," said Nick, putting the hand held device back in its place. "So, where we goin' to today, Carrots?"

"I don't know, you pick," she said, concentrating on her driving.

"Really? How generous of you," quipped the fox.

"Not really," mused Judy. "You're buying!"

Nick glared at his rabbit partner. "Let me guess, you'll start buying . . ."

"When you outrank me!" said Judy, finishing the fox's sentence. Nick slumped down in his seat, wondering when he would ever get the nice end of the stick.

Nick picked an outdoor cafe only a few blocks away from the precinct. With the weather being so agreeable, it seemed like a waste to sit indoors. The two partners ate their lunches, sipped on glasses of cold, sweetened ice tea, but never let themselves get too relaxed. Being police officers, they were expected to always be on duty, even when eating. One never knew when some unexpected event might suddenly occur, forcing them to take action, possibly risking their own lives in the process.
 "Let me see," said Nick, getting out his wallet.

"Don't tell me you forgot your wallet?" said Judy.

"I think I might have," said Nick, putting his paws all over his body in a desperate attempt to find his wallet. Judy shook her head, unable to stop laughing.

"You really think I'm going to fall for that a second time?"

Nick stopped looking for his wallet, shooting her a sly vulpine grin. "Sly bunny."

"Dumb fox," said the rabbit.

Sighing in resignation, Nick pulled his wallet out, but Judy staid his paw. "It's on me today, Nick."

"Is that so?" said the fox, genuinely surprised. "How uncharacteristically generous of you, Carrots."

Judy poked her paw at his chest. "What are you talking about? I'm way more generous than you, you old trickster!"

"I suppose you have a point," said the fox. "After all, you were kind enough not to report my tax situation to my investigator when I applied for the force."

"Tax situation? You mean your tax evasion?" said Judy.

Nick looked her over. "I don't suppose you have that carrot pen of yours recording our little conversation, do you?"
"Nope," said Judy. "I wouldn't do that to my partner and friend."

"Good to know," said Nick, feeling more at ease. He should have known better than to think Judy would ever turn him in for his past transgressions. He had been, after all, a small time con artist, not a serial killer or bank robber. He had really come to trust Judy, seeing her as the best friend he ever had in his life. Yes, there was Finnick, but he was an associate of Nick's, helping him run his scams. There were plenty of other animals Nick would consider that he was "friendly" with, but when it came to true, honest, always-be-there-for-you, Judy was at the top of the list. No contest.

"Say," said Judy. "With it being a Friday, you wanna go do something after work tonight?"

Nick cocked his head to the side. "Like what?"

Judy shrugged. "I don't know, maybe go bowling, see a movie, whatever you want."

Nick was intrigued. Sure, the two of them hung out after work, but it was always very casual, with neither of them really planning anything. They would usually just head out somewhere to go eat, or maybe see a band at a club, but something about this seemed very different.

"Whatever I want? Okay . . . do you wanna see a movie?"

"Sure," said Judy, putting some money on the small tray that contained their bill. "Would you mind seeing "Sometimes Different Is Good"?

"A rom-com?" asked Nick. "Sure, why not?"

"There's a showing at eight tonight at the Multiplex Theater. Does that work for you?"

"Yeah, gives us plenty of to go home and get cleaned up for the show."

"Great," said Judy, getting up. "Should you pick me up, or should I pick you up?"

"I'll pick you up," said Nick, hopping to his feet. "A gentle-fox such as I always transports the lady!"

"You? A gentle-fox? Well . . . you do have your moments, I guess."

"I happen to be the poster boy for what a gentle-fox is, I'll have you know!"

The two police officers laughed as they left the cafe, ready to go back on patrol, and ready for a night at the movies.

Nick had went home right after his shift ended. He wasted no time in showering, combing his fur, and making himself look as presentable as possible. He opened his mouth, pulling back his gums to look for even the slightest morsel of food that might be trapped in his teeth. Everything looked fine in that department. Taking his finest cologne out of the medicine cabinet, he splashed only a tiny portion on his paws, rubbing them together vigorously before applying it to his face. He breathed in the pungent, but not overpowering scent, satisfied that he had applied the perfect amount. He grinned to himself in the mirror, admiring his green eyes and charming expression, but suddenly, he stopped, staring at himself in the mirror, completely dumbfounded at how he was behaving. "What am I doing?" he said, irritated with his own behavior. "This is no big deal. We're just friends!

He looked at a picture he had stuck on the mirror. It was a photo of Judy and him with their arms around each other right after graduation. Nick reached for the photo, putting it in his paws, he studied it, noticing how incredibly happy he looked.

"We're just friend . . . aren't we?"

Once Nick had composed himself--content that nothing was out of the ordinary--he headed out to pick up Judy. He turned the air conditioner in his car on, letting the fan speed run at full blast. The longer he drove, the more questions popped into his mind. Were they really just friends? Was there something more to this that he wasn't seeing? What if something did happen between them? Would things ever be the same? The questions kept coming, faster, with more intimate inquiries about their relationship. It reached a point where Nick felt the need to pull his car over along the sidewalk. He could feel his heart hitting his chest like a jackhammer. He couldn't go on like this. He had to calm himself down. "Steady, Nick Old Boy," he said, putting his face in his paws. "This is no big deal. We're just gonna go see a movie, then go home! We'll see each other Monday, and everything will be fine!"

Nick continued sitting there, until he looked down at the car's clock radio; he was going to be late if he didn't leave right now. Turning the key in the ignition, the fox was tried convincing himself that everything was okay. He looked down at the portable red and blue flashers that were in his car, something every officer was required to carry, even in their personal vehickle.

"If I use those and Chief Bogo finds out, he'll definitely have my head hanging from the wall!" Sure, it was tempting to use them for a non emergency event, but it was strictly prohibited, and Nick knew he was looking at a five day suspension without pay if he was caught. With his shady past, the fox couldn't afford any blemishes on his record. He was an honest, upstanding citizen, a guardian of the public trust now. He would just drive the speed limit to get Judy in time . . . well, perhaps a little over the speed limit.

His plan worked, he pulled up to Judy's apartment building on time, but was surprised to see that the rabbit was already waiting outdoors for him. He gulped, thinking that she had been standing out there forever, probably even angry with him. He got out, and opened the door for her.

"Hi, Nick!" said Judy, cheerfully, not a sign anywhere that she was upset. "You look nice tonight."

Nick looked down at what he was wearing. He had on a black shirt, black pants, with a snow white tie around his neck. "Oh . . . um, thanks!"

Closing Judy's door, he got back inside the car, but not before the Judy could compliment him again.

"What's that lovely smell?" she said.

"What? Oh . . . it's um, this cologne I like called Arctic Breeze."

"It certainly suits you well," said Judy.

Nick turned his attention away from the road for only a moment, seeing Judy's long, feminine eyelashes fluttering at him. He wiped sweat from his forehead. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't stop from feeling uncomfortable. He wished he could do something to break the tension, even considering cracking a loud fart to get Judy to stop her flirtatious behavior, but quickly dismissed the idea. He respected her far too much to do something so crass and disgusting.

"You alright?" asked Judy, noticing him wiping the sweat from his head.

"I'm fine," said Nick, his voice slightly cracking. "I just need to turn the air back on."

Reaching a paw down, he turned the air back on full blast. It wasn't long before Judy had her arms folded, rubbing them to stay warm.

"Burrr!" exclaimed the rabbit. "Could you dial that back just a little?"

Nick gulped, feeling his throat getting dry. "Sure, we're almost there anyway."

The fox thought about how much longer he would be able to keep his cool around Judy. They were, after all, going into a dark theater to see a romantic comedy.

It wasn't much longer before the rabbit and fox arrived at the Multiplex Theater. Relieved to get out of such a confined space as a car, Nick breathed in the fresh air of the outdoors, temporarily restoring his composure, that was but to a screeching halt when Judy, without warning, decided to wrap her arm around Nick.

"Shall we?" asked the rabbit.

"Sure, what the heck," said Nick, feeling his voice shoot up almost two octaves in pitch.

Nick, still barely maintaining his sanity escorted his "date" into the box office, paying for two adults to see "Sometimes Different is Good". Getting their tickets, Nick decided to purchase a large tub of buttered popcorn for the two of them, as well as Junior Mints and soft drinks. Judy thanked Nick for being so considerate and kind, as he had paid for everything that night. The theater wasn't called Multiplex for no good reason. With thirty separate theaters inside the enormous complex, the two tried to find exactly where their film was being shown.

"All the way down to the right," said Nick, finally spotting it.

"Good vision, huh?" said Judy.

"I suppose so," said Nick, nervously chuckling.

"That'll certainly make it easier to look after me, won't it?"

"Yeah," said Nick in a raspy tone. He quickly took a very long sip from his large soft drink, hoping that Judy would just be quiet.

Once inside the theater, Nick and Judy discussed where to sit. Though both agreed sitting in the middle was optimal, they differed on exactly what row to sit in.

"How about towards the middle?" suggested Nick before shoveling a mouthful of popcorn into mouth.

"I was thinking about the back row," said Judy. "I don't have to tilt my neck up so high back there."

Nick could feel himself sweating again, but voiced no objections about his friend's choice. Climbing up the LED light rimmed steps, Judy and Nick sat in the middle of the very back row, with no one else besides them. The two creatures watched a series of commercials for local Zootopia businesses. Nick kept his eyes firmly on the screen, knowing that eye contact with Judy would only make him more nervous. Judy kept shoveling pawfuls of popcorn in her mouth, occasionally, and much to his discomfort, brushing against Nick's paw as he also was picking up pawfuls of the butter saturated popcorn.

Finally, the house lights dimmed and the previews started. Nick felt himself grow increasingly at ease as the screen showed one preview after another. It was a mixed bag of cinema, with previews for an action movie, a preview for a horror movie and finally a preview for an animated kids movie. Nick took note of what a strange combination of cinematic genres had been shown in the previews, thinking that most previews before the feature were far more homogenous in their content.

The opening scene started, with credits being given to the actors, as well as the director, producers, executive producers as well as a laundry list of animals involved with the making of the film that no one usually paid any attention to.

"I know you'll love this, Nick," whispered Judy into the fox's ear.

In all honesty, Nick hadn't really looked into the premise of the movie that much. Though he was aware it was a "rom-com", a genre of movie favored more by females than males, he was riding blind, not really having a clue what was going to happen, that impression would quickly change.

The two main characters in the movie were Sally Swanson, a squirrel, and Warren Worthington, a wolf. The two were going to college, when they happened to run into each at a class they both shared. Assigned to work on a project together, it became clear that the two beasts had feelings for each other; feelings that were stronger than just mere friendship. It was at this time that the magnitude of the situation was finally hitting Nick Wilde. He couldn't believe it! Those tow creatures were just like him and Judy! He continued watching the movie, nervously, though entertained by the jokes and physical comedy that were displayed. To make matters even more complicated for Sally and Warren, they came from different worlds than just species. Sally was a rich girl, whose parents were paying for her college, while Warren came from a middle class, working family that was struggling to pay his tuition, which eventually lead to Warren being forced to take a job along with his heavy academic load. Sally's parents were appalled that not only had she brought a poor kid home with her on Christmas vacation, but wolf, a predator as well! Sally's parents were rude, insulting not only Warren's species, but his family as well. The tension reached a breaking point, with Warren finally storming out, saying he was going to home and never wanted to see Sally or her parents again. It was at this time that Nick noticed Judy had placed her paw on his. They were completely out of food and drink, so Nick couldn't try keeping his paw in an empty tub of popcorn. He pulled on his collar, feeling himself sweating for what must have been the thousandth time that night.

The movie went on, with Sally crying that she would never be happy until Warren was back in her life. She found Warren, who had been forced to drop out of college, working at a restaurant as a waiter. He gave her the cold shoulder, saying he didn't want anything to do with her parents, and that just because he wasn't rich didn't mean he lacked character and dignity. Sally broke down in front of the entire restaurant, saying that she would gladly walk away from her parents' entire fortune, she would do whatever it took to be with Warren forever. With tears running down his face, he ran towards Sally, and the two of them embraced before kissing in front of a cheering restaurant. The movie ended two years later, with Sally's parents coming to terms with her choice for a boyfriend, even though he was not of her species and a predator. Nick looked over at Judy, seeing tears roll down her face as the end credits started just as Sally and Warren both said "I do" at their wedding.

The house lights came back on as the credits rolled. Everyone in the theater with the exception of Nick applauded at the happy ending.

"Oh, Nick," said the rabbit, brushing a tear away from her face. "Wasn't that just the most beautiful thing you've ever seen?"

"Yeah," said Nick, staring out into space.

"Do you want to go now?" Judy asked the fox.
"Yeah, we'd better get home," said Nick, loosening his tie in a feeble attempt to cool down.

Nick drove Judy back to her apartment, wishing her a good night, and hoping that he might finally return to his normal, smooth, sly self before the night was over.

"Here you are," said Nick, getting out of the car and opening the door for Judy.

"Thank you," said Judy, as Nick shut her door.

Nick was almost in the clear, turning around, when Judy shocked him yet again. "Nick, would you like to come up? You've never seen my place?"

Nick sighed, then turned around, shrugging. "Sure, why not?"

Judy wrapped her arm around the fox once more and the two of them ventured into Judy's apartment. Nick tried composing himself as best as possible, but by then his nerves were almost completely shot, with him even thinking he might suffer a panic attack at any moment. The two took the elevator up to Judy's floor, all the while their arms still wrapped together. Nick heard the elevator door ding, then open to their destination.

"This way," said Judy, pointing him towards the left.

With her free paw, Judy reached inside her purse, pulling out her apartment door key. Unlocking it, she opened the door to what Nick thought was nothing more than a large closet.

"I know it's not much," said Judy.

Indeed, her entire apartment was a single room, save the bathroom. Judy had her bed, a dresser and several pictures of her insanely large family taped to the walls.

"It's cozy," said Nick, still standing up.

Next, there came a long, incredibly awkward silence between the two, with both of them occasionally look at the other, before turning their gaze back towards the floor. It was Judy who finally broke the silence.

"Nick," she said, her voice soft, but serious. "I'm going to take a wild guess and say that you probably know why I picked that movie, don't you?"

Nick emitted a long sigh. "I have a pretty good idea, yeah."

Judy gently took hold of Nick's paw. "I know it's just a movie, but I know there are animals in real life that have been in relationships like that, even making them work."

Nick looked into Judy's eyes. "Really? They've made it work?"

"Yes," said Judy. "There are entire websites dedicated to inter-species relationships. These are modern times, Nick. We don't have to hide who we really are, or try to worry about making everyone else happy. We can be happy together, can't we?"

Nick turned his back to Judy, which made the rabbit nervous. He kept his back to her for what seemed liked eons, trying to find the right words, before finally turning around to say what was on his mind.

"Judy Hopps, you're the most important person in my life. You saw good in me when no one else would. You risked your career, even your life not just to solve the mystery of those animals going savage, but to save me from myself. You're everything in the world to me, Judy."

Judy's heart raced, she saw Nick stand their in silence. She feared what he might say next, would he make her dreams come true, or break her heart?

"Judy Hopps," said the fox, taking hold of both her paws. "I love you."

Judy felt the tears roll down the face worse than at the end of the movie. Hugging her fox, she returned the sentiment. "I love you too, Nick Wilde!"

Nick wrapped his arms around his rabbit, having never felt so wonderful in his entire life. All the tension, all the stress and worry he had felt earlier had now vanished without a trace. Judy couldn't resist laughing at his previous antics though.

"I was so worried that you were going to have a heart attack earlier! You looked awful!"

"I know," said Nick, grinning. "I was just worried that I was going to do something to ruin our friendship. I never want to do anything to hurt you, Judy. I'd die for you."

"Before you do that," said Judy, "there's something else I want to do."

Nick felt the attraction between them grow more powerful than the force of a black hole. Leaning in, they kissed, closing their eyes as they were completely in the moment, but the kiss went on. Now, both fox and rabbit were petting each other, their kissing growing more passionate. It was Judy that made what was to be their first move to making love. Loosening Nick's tie, she pulled it over his head, throwing it on the ground. Nick took the hint, he knew what she wanted. Unbuttoning his shirt, he threw that on top of his tie, which was quickly followed by Judy throwing her shirt and bra on top of that. Both beasts were naked from the waste up, and Nick took the opportunity to suckle on Judy's nipples, making the rabbit cry out in ecstasy and causing her to want to take things even further.

Nick, still suckling on her breasts, felt her paws move down to her pants. She unbuttoned the fly before pulling down the zipper and letting her pants fall to the ground. Kicking them over to the ever growing pile of discarded garments, Nick followed her lead, taking off his pants, only he, with a sly grin, climbed out of them, picked them up and tossed them on the pile. Just as before, ti was Judy that made the next move. With her paws on the elastic of her underwear, she pulled them down, stepped to the side and kicked them over to the pile. Nick had almost put his paws on his own underwear, when he felt Judy beat him to it.

"Please," she said, "let me do it."

Grinning, Nick watched as his new girlfriend pulled his underwear down, leaving the two beasts completely naked. They embraced once more, kissing even more passionately than before. Judy pulled at the fox, urging him to climb onto the bed with her. Nick needed no further encouragement, lying down on top of rabbit. They kissed only briefly, before Judy confessed to Nick.

"I've never done this before," she said.

"I'll be gentle," assured Nick. With that he felt Judy's legs spread apart, letting him know that she was ready to take things all the way. Completely erect, Nick took his right paw and guided his member into her virgin territory. He was careful to observe Judy's reactions, knowing that there would be a moment of pain. She scrunched her face up as he tore through her hymen, causing him to briefly halt his advance. Judy waited for a minute, then told him everything was fine.

The rabbit wrapped her legs around Nick's back as he had entered to the hilt. Licking her face, he started with small thrusts, still not wanting to hurt his lady rabbit. It was difficult for him to hold back, though. Judy was a virgin, and practicably smaller than him, so the tightness of her vaginal walls was incredible, and made even more so as she grew wetter and wetter. Nick was no stranger to the world of sex, having had his share of girlfriends, as well as females he had seduced for money when he had decided to work as a jigalo. Those times having sex were nothing like what he was experiencing right now, for this was true love making he was participating in. He kept his word, going slowly, tenderly, but still making Judy enjoy every minute, every thrust, every kiss.

For her part, Judy was in a completely unexplored world. She always imagined that she would lose her virginity to a male rabbit, not a male fox. Ever since the hick fox Gideon Grey had scratched her face, she had always been distrusting of foxes, but that changed when she fell in love with Nick Wilde. Judy felt the fox's penis press into her, making her dig her paws into his back.

"Nick . . . harder!"

Nick, without any further ado, happily complied with her request, pumping inside of her harder and harder. He felt her paws digging into his back, possibly even drawing blood, but the passion between them was so great that not even a nuclear war could have bothered him. He licked at his lady's face, going all the way up her ears and making her want him even more.

"Oh . . . faster!"

Nick went faster and harder than before. All his concerns about possibly hurting Judy went out the window as she begged him to go harder, faster, wanting him to give her everything he had. Nick felt his balls ache from the love making, needing more than anything to climax. The fox gave it everything he had, fucking her harder, faster than he had ever fucked a female in his life. He even felt himself grow light headed as he reached his maximum. With Judy crying out, the bed shaking violently, he came, spilling a massive load of his seed inside the rabbit, who was busy crying out as she felt her own orgasm.

Thoroughly exhausted, Nick rolled over, panting, trying to catch his breath. He was certain that he was now seriously dehydrated from his romp in the sack with Judy. Luckily for him, Judy had placed a glass of water on the nightstand.

"Here," she said, handing him the glass. "You look like you need this."

Nick took the large glass and quickly downed it in one gulp. He gave it back to his rabbit, who put it back on the stand.

"Thanks," he said, still breathing heavily. "I needed that."

Judy then cuddled up against her fox, her handsome, sweet, loveable fox, nuzzling him under his muzzle. Though still breathing heavily, Nick managed a satisfied smile.

"Wow, that was unreal, wonderful, best I've ever hard," said Nick, who then looked down at Judy. "You weren't bad yourself either, my honey bunny."

Judy looked into his eyes. "Honey bunny? I like that, Nick."

"Do you have a pet name for me?" he asked, feeling her head and long ears against the underside of his muzzle.

"Dumb fox," said the rabbit, unable to resist giggling. Nick didn't mind at all. He was with the female he loved more than anything.

"You know," he said. "Now that we're in a relationship, we're going to tell the Chief. He'll assign us new partners--department regulations, of course."

"Who says that anyone has to know?" said Judy. "We'll just keep this our little secret for now, okay?"

Nick yawned. "Sure. Works for me."

The two animals were fast approaching sleep, but not before Nick got the last word in.
"That's my sly bunny."

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