Zootopia: More Than Partners, More Than Friends - Part 4

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Yet another sunrise could be seen on the eastern horiof Zootopia. The city was already bustling with activity, though it was a city that never really slept. Inside the apartment of Nick Wilde and Judy Hopps, the alarm clock atop the nightstand on Judy's side of the bed was emitting its loud, grating sound, letting everyone in the room no that it was time to get up and start a new day. Judy, with her sensitive hearing that all rabbits possess, was awakened almost instantly by the nettlesome noise the clock was making. She reached over, slamming her paw down on the device, effectively silencing it. Yawning, she turned over, but found much to her surprise that Nick was not beside her.

"That's odd," said the rabbit, getting out of bed and throwing her bathrobe over her naked frame. "Nick never gets up before me!"

It was then that Judy caught the aroma of something cooking in the kitchen. Tying the bathrobe shut, she opened the door and saw much to her surprise that her boyfriend was busy cooking in the kitchen. Her jaw dropped in shock.

"Morning, honey bunny!" said Nick, flipping over the uncooked side of a pancake.

"For me?" asked Judy as she sauntered over to Nick.

"None of my other girlfriends wanted to come over this early, so yeah, I guess so," joked the fox.

Judy gave Nick a swat on the rump for that remark, but Nick merely gave her a toothy grin. Judy sat down at the table, still awestruck that Nick--who made every excuse in the world to sleep in--had not only gotten up before her, but actually went to the trouble of cooking her breakfast.

"I was going to surprise you with breakfast in bed, but I didn't get up in time," said Nick as he brought over a large stack of buttermilk pancakes to his love.

"Oh, Nick, that's okay! I'm happy you went to this trouble for me," said Judy as she poured maple syrup over the pancakes Nick had prepared for her. Going over to the refrigerator, Nick brought forth a carton of orange juice and poured her a glass.

"Thank you, Nick.," said Judy between bites of pancakes.

"You ready for the big day?" asked Nick.

"Very much so," said Judy before taking a drink of her orange juice. "The doctor gave me the all clear to go back into the field, besides I'm ready for it."

"Good," said Nick, who now had a mug of coffee in his paw. "I know that you could do it, honey bunny."

"I couldn't have done it without you, my handsome fox," said Judy, who leaned over and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"Handsome fox?" said Nick, acting surprised. "So, I've been promoted from dumb fox to handsome fox?"

"Not really," said Judy.

"Oh?" said Nick, feigning indignity.

"Handsome deals with appearance, but dumb refers to one's intellect," she said with a matter-of-factual inflection. "You're now my handsome, dumb fox."

Nick shrugged, leaned over and nuzzled her. "As long as I'm yours, that's all that matters to me."

Judy and Nick finished their breakfast, cleaned up the kitchen, and once Judy had changed into her police uniform, they were out the door, ready to face the line that divided the law-abiding from the law-breaking.

At the precinct, Judy had to go over and comfort the overweight cheetah, Benjamin Clawhauser, whom Judy had developed a close relationship with during her time on modified assignment. Clawhauser had come to love and respect Judy, who he believed was pound-for-pound the finest cop in the entire 1st precinct.

"Honey, I'm gonna miss being with you during the shift!" said Clawhauser, who was barely able to keep from blubbering all over the rabbit.

"It's alright, Ben. I'll be on the radio if anything goes down. I know you'll be right there, making sure everyone is where they're suppose to be."

Nick, who had been standing by Judy's side, could see that Clawhauser still looked like he could burst into tears any second, and he knew just what to do to cheer him up.

"Hey, Benny-boy," said the fox as he opened a large white box. "Look what I brought for you today!"

Clawhauser's expression instantly changed from sorrow to joy as he saw the contents of the box.

"Oh, donuts, my favorite!" he said. "Let's see, we've got bear claws, raspberry filled, maple frosted, chocolate covered . . ."

Judy just stared in amazement at the cheetah's sudden change of moods, but Nick put his paw on her shoulder, guiding her to the briefing room.

"Come on," said the fox. "Why don't we leave them along? Clawhauser looks like he needs some private time with the love of his life."

Judy shook her head. "And you said that bunnies are so emotional. I don't know how he ever passed his psychiatric evaluation!"

"He must have dirt on Chief Bogo, like maybe a picture of him wearing a two piece bikini," said Nick.

Judy laughed as they went into the briefing room.

The morning briefing went like almost any one. Bogo gave out the assignments, but also had some good news for the squad. As of that morning, the crime reports indicated that the 1st precinct had the best arrest record of any of the precincts in all of Zootopia. Bogo, completely out of character for the gruff, hard-boiled Cape Buffalo, gave a very lengthy speech about how proud he was of all his officers and that he wished that every cop in Zootopia was as dedicated, professional and hard working as they were.

"Before we hit the streets, there's one last order of business I wish to take care of. Officer Hopps!"

Judy sprang to her feet. "Yes, sir!"

"Front and center!"

Judy quickly went up to the podium where Chief Bogo was standing and saluted him.

"At ease, Hopps. Now, as all of you should know, this is Officer Hopps first day back in the field. She's been on modified assignment per the request of Psychiatric Service and of her own volition. I want all of you to know that I'm especially proud of her, admitting that she needed help after the Gulozani shooting. Furthermore--and I've never talked about this with the squad--I was in the same situation years ago when I walked the beat. I had to stop an armed robber from killing someone, so I shot and killed him instead. I voluntarily went for counseling before going back out on the streets. So, I'd better not hear that any of you are giving her any grief about what she had to go through, or you'll answer to me! Now, I think this fine officer needs a good standing ovation for a job well done, don't you!"

All at once, the officers of 1st precinct got to their feet, yelling, clapping, cheering and howling. There was not a beast among them that didn't have the utmost respect and and admiration for Judy, and they were glad to show their appreciation.

"Alright, let's get out there and make the streets of Zootopia safe for decent citizens!" shouted the chief.

With that, the meeting ended. Nick walked over to Judy, who nodded to him that she was ready to hit the streets.

After Chief Bogo found about Nick and Judy's relationship, he had ordered them to be reassigned to new partners. Nick wasn't sure what to make of his new partner at first. Officer Wolfard, a timber wolf, was a very different officer than Judy. The wolf had several years of experience on the job, and he and Nick got off to a rough start. Nick had always thought wolves to be strange creatures, wondering why they howled so much, while Wolfard seemed to hold every negative stereotype about foxes as Nick thought possible. This was definitely not the ideal way to start a partnership, especially a partnership where those involved were expected to risk their lives for each other.

With Judy's encouragement, Nick was determined to make things work with him and Wolfard. He kept at it, and before long, Wolfard developed a grudging respect for the fox, which then turned into respect, and finally friendship. Wolfard admired the former con artist's quick wit and attention to detail. He had also brought into the partnership a list of criminal informants that most cops could spend several lifetimes trying to amass. Nick found likeable traits in the wolf as well. With his years of street-wise, Wolfard was a master at sniffing out potential trouble spots, and because of his size and expression, he never let any suspect intimidate him, with the opposite often being the case. Nick recalled an occasion where Wolfard had grilled a suspect so long and hard, that the suspect actual wet his pants. Wolfard later confessed to Nick that his nickname around the precinct had been "Wee-wee pants Wolfard" because of the number of suspects he had made piss themselves over the years.

Today was a very slow, quiet day for the pair, with Wolfard taking the wheel. He was, after all, the senior officer. They glided through traffic, keeping their eyes and ears out for anything suspicious.

"Hey, Nick," said the wolf. "You really think Judy's up for the streets today?

"Of course," said Nick, looking out the passenger window. "I think she could have been out their a couple weeks ago."

"No reason to rush things,' observed Wolfard as he came to a stop at a red light.

"Exactly what I told her," said Nick.

The partners continued sitting at the traffic light, which appeared as though it would remain perpetually red. A long silence fell upon them, with Nick finally breaking it.

"Hey, Wolfard."


"You married?"

Wolfard grinned. "Seventeen years next month," said the wolf. "Married to the greatest she-wolf in all of Zootopia."

"Any kids?" asked the curious fox.

"Five of 'em. All boys too!"

Still sitting at the traffic light, Wolfard pulled out his wallet, showing Nick several pictures of his family. Nick couldn't help but smile at how happy the family of wolves looked. He gave the pictures back to Wolfard and rested his arm against his window, sighing heavily.

"Where's all this comin' from?" asked Wolfard. He looked over at Nick, who seemed to be in la-la land at the moment.

"Hey, Wilde. Wake up!"

Nick looked over at his partner. "What?"

"I asked you . . . oh finally," said Wolfard, seeing that the traffic light had finally changed to green. "Sorry, where's all this coming from?"

"Where's all what coming from?" asked the fox.

"All these questions about marriage, kids, I don't think it's just about me, is it?"

"You should have been a detective," mused Nick.

"I'm taking the test next month," said Wolfard, growing impatient with the fox. "Something going on with you and Judy?"

"Nothing out of the ordinary, it's just . . . I don't know."

"Come on," encouraged the wolf. "Tell me what's up."

"She still hasn't told her parents about . . . us."

"Oh," said Wolfard, briefly looking over at Nick. "That's rough."

"We're both crazy for each other, and I want to spend the rest of my life with her, but I can't help feel like she's embarrassed by me."

"That's crap, Wilde. Judy's proud of you. I heard Clawhauser say so just the other day."

"Really?" said Nick.

"Yep, she loves you more than anything, Nick. Look, you gotta remember, you're a predator, and she's prey, not to mention you're different species."

"That doesn't bother me at all," said Nick.

"Nor should it," said the wolf. "You just gotta do something that really knock her off her feet, something where she'll want to tell everybody about the two of you."

"Yeah," said Nick, "I think you're right."

"Of course I am," joked the wolf. "I'm always rigth!"

Nick chuckled. "I think we've been spending too much time together, you're starting to sound like me."

"Hey," said Wolfard. "Those are fighting words!"

The partners both laughed, with Nick glad that Wolfard had offered him advice, and Wolfard glad that Nick felt comfortable enough that he could confide in him.

"Hey, Nick," said the wolf, grabbing his stomach. "How about you call in for seven? I'm dying of hunger."

"One Aardvark 12 to base, over"

"This is base, over."

"Requesting permission to take seven, over."

"Permission granted, One Aardvark Twelve. Over and Out."

"One Aardvark Twelve, over and out."

Wolfard pulled the squad car over to one of his favorite restaurants, hoping Nick would enjoy it.

"They got the best sushi in town at this place, Nick. You'll love it."

As Nick and Wolfard got out of the squad car, something right next to the sushi restaurant caught Nick's attention. He took it as a sign, a sign that it was time to do something to really know Judy off her feet."

"Hey, Wolfie, I'm going in this place first."

Wolfard looked over where Nick was pointing. "Oh!" said the wolf, smiling. "A jewelry store, uh? Gonna get her something special."

Nick looked back at Wolfard. "Something extremely special, Wolfard."

Wolfard cocked his head to the side, a common trait amongst canines when they're confused. However, it wasn't long before the timber wolf understood how serious Nick was.

"Nick, are you gonna . . ."

"Yes," said Nick confidently. "I think it's time."

Wolfard smiled, crossing his arms as he watched the fox walk into the jewelry store. "At a boy, Nick."

That evening, Nick and Judy went about their normal routine. Both of them had arrived home at the same time, and Nick offered to help Judy with the cooking that night.

"How was your day, honey bunny?" asked the fox as he chopped up a tomato.

"Great," said Judy. "It was calm. I didn't even make a single arrest today."

"That so? Neither did Wolfard and I."

"You boys getting along now?" asked Judy.

"We're great," said Nick, popping some pieces of the tomato in his mouth. "He's a great partner."

"Great as me?" joked Judy.

Nick kissed his love on the cheek. "You're a different kind of partner, honey bunny. I doubt Wolfard would want to get in bed with me."

Judy laughed. "You never know until you ask."

Nick returned the rabbit's laugh. "I've just been waiting for the right time."

"Speaking of right time," said Judy. "Why don't we leave this food here for now. I have something I want to give you first."

"Really? What is it?"

Judy wrapped her arms around the fox, licking her lips. A clear sign she wanted to pleasure her fox.

"Ohhhhh," said Nick. "I guess I've been a very good boy, haven't I?"

"Yes, you have," said Judy. "I think I owe you that much for breakfast this morning."

"Alright," said Nick. "How about I go to the bedroom first. I want to get ready."

"Okay," said Judy, watching Nick run off to the bedroom and shutting the door.

After several minutes had passed, Judy slowly walked to the bedroom, calling out her lover. "Oh, Nick. Get ready for your surprise!"

Judy slowly took her clothes off one by one. By the time she reached the bedroom door, she was completely naked, A devilish smile showing on her face.

"You ready for your surprise?" she asked before opening the door.

Entering the room, she saw Nick lying naked on the bed, his hands covering his crotch. Judy slithered onto the bed, moving closer to his crotch.

"Why are you covering yourself up?" asked Judy, her voice dripping with lust.

"Because I wanted to surprise you with this!"

Nick removed his paws. Judy looked in stunned disbelief as there was some strange object hanging from the tip of Nick's erect member. It took her awhile, but when she covered her face with her paws, Nick grinned.

"Is that . . . is that what I think it is?"

"Sure is," said Nick. "Judy Hopps, will you marry me?"

Judy slowly reached out her paw, grabbing the ring from Nick's cock. She studied it, seeing the 24K ring, studded with a small, but glistening diamond. She jumped up at Nick, throwing her arms around her fox and hugging him tightly.

"Nick, yes, yes, yes! Yes, I'll marry you!"

Nick wrapped his arms around his new fiance, who had just made him the happiest fox in all of Zootopia. The two locked lips in a long kiss.

"Judy, I love you so much, and I promise I'll make you the happiest rabbit in all of the world."

"I know," said Judy, cuddling up against him. It was then that she started laughing almost uncontrollably. "You . . . you must have the most unconventional way of proposing to a girl that I've ever heard of!"

Nick smiled, happy she was so humored by his antics. "Well, you were the one who said that I think with my penis."

"Speaking of that," said Judy, "You've really earned this today!"

Nick watched as his fiance slithered back down to his crotch. Nick watched as she took his erect shaft into her paw, gently stroking it, making him woe with her delicate touch. She rubbed at the fleshy shaft in her paws, caressing it, soothing it, ready to pleasure it. Closing her eyes, she licked at the head of Nick's cock, swirling her tongue around and making Nick moaned from the touch. Like a dance, she moved her tongue up and down , making Nick moan even louder than before. She took her time, wanting to give her fox the maximum pleasure she could.

Almost ten minutes went by, and still Judy had limited herself to licking on the shaft. Nick put his arms behind his head, completely relaxed and at ease. It was then that Judy went to the next step. Opening her mouth, she slowly, carefully slip down on his length, causing Nick to close his eyes from the stimulation. He knew he was in for a wild time.

With the proper suction, Judy slid her mouth up and down on the fox's shaft. Though Nick was bigger than her, Judy seemed to have an uncanny ability to take in more than the fox ever thought possible. She started slow, but over time, worked herself into an almost frenzied pace. Nick sank his claws into the mattress, which by now had suffered innumerable punctures in it from the couple's frequent sessions of love making. Nick felt himself start to sweat, feeling the sheer intensity from what Judy was doing to him, and just when he thought she couldn't work any harder, she did. Nick thought he might actually pass out, which often happened when he was playing in bed with Judy. He looked down at his crotch, seeing the rabbit suck harder and faster than she ever had before. He held back as long as he could, but the feeling was simply overwhelming.

"Judy . . . I'm . . . gonna . . . CUM!"

Exhaling until his lungs were almost empty, the fox shot his load into the rabbit's mouth. He had always been amazed that for someone who was almost too modest to say "penis" in front of him, Judy showed no hesitation in swallowing.

Nick's head rolled to the side, as his tongue hung out, panting for air. Judy wiped the traces of his cum from her lips. "Satisfied?"

"Very," said Nick. "Your best one yet, honey bunny!"

"Good," she said, "now, after we're done with dinner, I'm going to call my Mom and Dad and tell them the good news."

Nick lifted his head up momentarily. "Does this mean I'm finally going to meet your parents?"

"Yes it does," said Judy, getting off the bed. "I'm going back into the kitchen. You coming?"

"In a minute," said Nick. "I need to recover first."

Judy walked out of the bedroom and out to the living room where she had discarded her clothes. Once dressed, she went into the kitchen and resumed her food preperation.

Nick, still panting, still sweating and gasping for air, looked up at the ceiling. "Thanks, Wolfard. I'll never doubt you again."

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