Zootopia: More Than Partners, More Than Friends - Part 8

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The job of a police officer never seems to end for those that choose that particular career, because crime never stops, it has no holidays, no vacation days, no sick days. It never ends. Any officer who walked the beat or drove a squad car soon became very well acquainted with this harsh reality. The officers of the Zootopia Police Department gave up much to do their job. There were missed birthdays, weekends that had to be worked, time that could have been spent with friends and family. Worst of all, there were those times that no officer wished to think about . . . the times when an officer might be called to make the ultimate sacrifice while performing their duty.

Nick Wilde and Jack Wolfard were spending the remainder of their shift cruising around their patrol area. It had been a relatively quiet day, no burglaries, no assaults or any violent crimes had been encountered by the duo. That was just fine by them. Jack Wolfard, for his part, was completely stunned by the news his partner was telling him.

"You're joking," said Jack, momentarily taking his eyes of the road as he was driving.

"Nope," said Nick, shaking his head. "I'm his son."

"You're Norman Skulk's son?"

"Yes," said Nick. "Don't you believe me, Jackie boy?"

"Yeah," said Jack. "It's just I wouldn't have guessed it. That's all."

"Who would?" said Nick. "Although, we do look a lot alike if you were to look at a picture of both of us together."

"Damn," said Jack, shaking his head. "Why're you workin' this job then? Shouldn't you be traveling the world on you Dad's dime?"

"Oh, believe me, Dad and I have talked about this. He offered to send me to the school of my choice at his expense. I told him I was doing what I really wanted to do."

"You're nuts," scolded Jack. "I'd be livin' it up if I was rich."

"Maybe he's your Dad too," joked Nick.

"Watch it," said Jack, flaring his nostrils.

"I'm just kidding," said Nick. "Anyway, I've been spending a lot of time with Dad lately; and my little brother and sister."

"Anthony and Amanda?"

"Yep. God, I absolutely love those kits, Jack! I tell you, I feel like a little kit again when I'm around them."

"Well, aren't you the greatest big brother in the world?" said Jack sarcastically.

"Damn right I am!" boasted Nick.

"I can't get over how your Mom's seeing him again. I mean, after all he did to the two of you."

"I was very skeptical about it at first, but they really seem to be enjoying each others company. Best of all, Anthony and Amanda have really taken a liking to her, and I can see she really loves them. They need a good mother."

"You think they might get married, Nick?"

"I hope so," said Nick. With the subject of marriage being brought up by Jack, it reminded him that he had a very important question to ask his partner.

"Jack, I have a big favor to ask you."

"Don't tell me you need a kidney," joked the wolf.

"No, you smart-ass," said Nick. "I'd like you to stand up with me at my wedding."

Jack looked over at Nick. "Really?"

"Yeah, you'll be my third best man. My Dad and brother are going to be up there with me as well."

Thee was a long pause as neither one of them said anything, but Nick finally broke it.

"Whadda ya say, Jack?"

"Of course I will, Nick." said Jack, smiling warmly at his partner. "Hell, none of my brothers asked me to stand up with them when they got married. I always wanted to be a best man!"

"Good," said Nick. "We're going to have quite the reception afterward. Judy's got quite the big family after all."

"Sounds expensive," said Jack as he smoothly turned right around the corner.

"It is, but my Dad's taking care of the bill," said Nick.

"And you said you didn't want his money," griped Jack.

"Oh, shut up, will you?" said Nick, laughing.

Jack shook his head. "If I'm gonna be your best man, I'll need a tux, right?"


"In that case," said the wolf as he made another turn. "I'm gonna stop at the bank to get some cash, alright?"

"Alright," said Nick. "It's almost quitting time anyway."

Nick and Jack drove a few more miles, with Jack finally pulling into the parking lot of one of the many branches of Zootopia First City Bank. Jack kept the engine running as he left Nick in the passenger's seat.

"I'll be right back," said the wolf.

"You'd save a lot of time and aggravation if you'd just get a damn debit card, Jackie boy," griped Nick.

Jack snorted. "Yeah, yeah, just sit there and keep looking stupid, alright?"

Nick playfully stuck his tongue out at his partner as he slammed the door shut. Even though the shift was almost over, that didn't stop Nick from keeping a sharp eye out for crime. He looked across the street, seeing a group of young animals riding bicycles. He smiled as he thought about seeing his own children outside playing one day. He and Judy had been trying like crazy to conceive. Nick knew full well that there was a possibility that he and Judy might not be able to produce children, a thought that depressed him greatly. Just the day before, Nick's father gave him the business card of a genetic counselor who specialized in inter-species conception. Nick at first refused, saying that the bill would be too expensive, but Norman, trying to make up for the years of Nick's life he had missed, agreed to pay all expenses. Nick finally agreed to set up an appointment with him, but worried about the chance of getting negative results from the consultation. Judy told him they could always adopt. Ah, Judy, she was always the optimist.

Nick looked at his cell phone, seeing that Jack had been in the bank for a ridiculously long time. He curled his lip, growing impatient. "Geez, Jack, what in the world are you . . ."

The sound of Benjamin Clawhauser came over the radio. "All units, be advised there's a possible 1030 at the seventh branch of Zootopia First City Bank."

Instantly, Nick came to attention. Grabbing the radio, he responded to the advisory.

"Base, this is One Aardvark Twelve. I'm on scene. Going in for a better look, over."

"Confirmed, One Aardvark Twelve, over."

Nick got out of the car and drew his pistol. The seventh branch of Zootopia City Bank was a large brick structure with tented windows and doorway. Making a quick survey of from the outside, Nick saw nothing out of the ordinary, but staid alert, knowing that something could happen at any moment. Putting his gun behind his back he walked up to the door, his paw on the long handle.


A masked tiger shot at the glass door, missing Nick all three times, but sending shards of broken glass flying into Nick's fur. Almost on instinct, Nick jumped to the side. He heard another shot and called in to report; his heart pumping at full speed, his adrenaline rushing.

"Base, this is One Aardvark Twelve, shots fired, shots fired! Requesting all units for backup!"

Nick ran behind a car and ducked behind it. He listened for more shots, but there were none. Slowly, he peaked his head up from the car. What he saw made his blood run ice cold.

"Hey copper," yelled the tiger. The shooter had Jack Wolfard by the throat with a gun pointing directly at his head, blood was smeared across the wolf's torso. "I got your partner, you blue bastard!"

Nick pressed his shoulder radio, calling in the terrifying news.

"Base, this is One Aardvark Twelve, 1013 . . . they have Jack. He's been shot."

Within ten minutes of Nick's call, the entire building of the seventh branch of Zootopia City Bank was completely surrounded by police. Black and white police units were everywhere, there lights flashing. A police helicopter hovered overhead, trying to get a bird's eye view of the area. The SWAT team of the department was on scene with dozens of officers pointing fully automatic rifles and sub machine guns towards the building. Many more officers were busy trying to keep civilians away from the scene to try and avoid anymore injuries.

Chief Bogo, the Cape Buffalo Chief of Police pulled up in his own car. Getting out, he went over to Nick.

"Wilde, what the hell happened?"

Nick shook his head, trying to stay calm. "Jack and I stopped so he could get money to rent a tuxedo for my wedding. Then all this happened. He's been shot in the stomach."

Bogo nodded. Captain James Mallory, a tough looking dingo dressed in the all black uniforms of the SWAT team came over to the Cape Buffalo.

"Chief, looks like we've got two tigers in there," said Mallory.

"How many animals inside?" asked the Chief.

"Maybe twenty counting Officer Wolfard," responded the dingo.

Chief Bogo, even more stern looking than usual, grabbed the megaphone from the captain's paws. With authority, he called to the masked gunman.

"This is Chief Bogo of the Zootopia Police Department. Let officer Wolfard and everyone go, now!"

All police present waited for a response, but none was forthcoming. Captain Mallory advised a different course of action.

"We need to establish contact with them, Chief. Give them your cell number and we can get things going."

The Chief grumbled. Negotiating wasn't one of his finer skills, but he knew that Mallory was right. He put the megaphone back to his face.

"Alright, I want you two in there to call. Here's my cell phone number . . ."

The Chief rattled off his cell number to the robbers, then waited for a response. Captain Mallory, a skilled negotiator, advised the Chief to let him handle the situation. Grudgingly, Bogo agreed, but let the dingo know in no uncertain terms that as Chief of the Department, he had final say in all decisions. Mallory agreed.

Chief Bogo felt his phone vibrate and handed it off to Captain Mallory. Pressing the green icon to talk, the dingo got to work.

"Yes?" said the Captain.

"This the chief?" growled a menacing voice.

"This is Captain Mallory. Who am I speaking to?"

Captain Mallory remained calm as there was no immediate response from the caller. "This is Trevor . . . we got your boy in here. He's bleeding pretty bad."

"I wanna see what we can do to get him and everyone else out of there," said the Captain, his voice calm.

"Ha," snarled Trevor. "You just wanna see me dead; don't you, you cop bastard?"

Captain Mallory let the insult roll right off of him. Cops had to learn to maintain a degree of professional indifference to being insulted by criminals. As a negotiator, Mallory had to take this indifference to the highest degree. Saying the wrong word, or even using the wrong tone of voice could send a suspect over the edge and result in injury or even death.

"No," said Mallory. "I don't want to see anyone else hurt, including you and your friend."

"So you know that I've got a friend with me? Well, aren't you the observant one!" said Trevor mockingly.

"I just want to know what's going on, Trevor," said Mallory. "Why don't you show me some good faith. Are there any children inside?"

"Yeah, four," said the tiger.

"Why don't you let them go? Nobody's going to come in after you. You have my word."

"What do I get in return?" asked Trevor.

"You get my appreciation," assured Mallory.

"Your appreciation . . . that's worth a whole lot!" snarled the tiger sarcastically.

"Trevor, believe it or not, I'm the best friend you have right now," said the Captain. He listened for a response, but heard nothing. "I'm asking you, please let the children go. I know you don't have ti in you to harm kids."

With the perimeter completely surrounded, everyone waited to see what would happen. Bogo saw movement near the bullet riddled remains of the front entrance.

"They're coming out!" yelled the Chief.

Four young animals, a hippo, two rhinos and an otter came running out of the building. Once they were far enough away from the door, a handful of officers surrounded them, shielding them from the risk of being shot at by the two tigers inside. Captain Mallory breathed a sigh of mild relief.

"That's good," said Mallory. "That show you're willing to work with me here."

"Now, I want something in return," said Trevor, his voice still dripping with malice.

"What is it?" asked the dingo. "What do you want?"

"I want a car out of here, and I want a quarter of a million dollars, all in unmarked bills and not sequential!"

Mallory bit his lower lip. As a negotiator, he was careful never to use the word "no" during a hostage situation. No meant that the suspect could see a dead end, and that would cause them to panic and possibly kill their hostages. The dingo had to proceed with extreme caution.

"That's a lot your asking for, Trevor," said Mallory.

"You want your boy to come out of this alive?" asked the tiger.

"Of course I do," said Mallory. "We need to get the money rounded up and then we'll give it to you, okay?"

Trevor wasn't finished. "I want a chopper too. Nobody better follow me and Travis after we get out of this place, got it?"

"I got it," said Mallory. "If we get you all of that, will you let everyone go?"

"Yeah, I'll let them go," said Trevor

"Including Officer Wolfard," said the tiger. "Better hurry, I don't think your wolf is gonna last much longer." Mallory heard silence. Travis had ended the call. The dingo turned his attention to Chief Bogo.

"Chief, we need to get that money quick, or Wolfard isn't going to make it out of this," said Mallory.

"Do any of your snipers have a clean shot?" asked Bogo.

Mallory got on his radio. "All sharpshooters, does anyone have a clear shot?"

All sharpshooters responded negative to the call.

"I want those two scumbags in custody or in the morgue!" growled the Cape Buffalo. "Wilde, who in the hell are you calling right now?"

"My Dad," said Nick, his voice barely covering the fear he was experiencing at the moment.

"This isn't a time for a chat with your father, Wilde!"

Nick glared at his boss. "Trust me, Chief, if you want this to end well, you'll let me do this!"

Norman Skulk, millionaire industrialist, philanthropist and financier known to all Zootopia was now on the scene at the seventh branch of Zootopia First City Bank. Nick had kept an eye out for his car and waded threw the flood of onlookers to get to him. Lifting the yellow "Police Line" tape, he and his father went over to the command post of Captain Mallory and Chief Mallory.

"Mr Skulk," said the chief. "What is it you plan to do to assist us?"

Norman had a leather briefcase in his paws. Opening it, everyone present saw it was filled to capacity with cash. "My son told me that you have an officer and several other animals in there that are going to die if those robbers don't get there money, right?"

Bogo was initially distracted by the fox's first bit of information. "Wait a minute . . . you're Officer Wilde's . . ."

"Yes," said an impatient Nick. "I'll explain later."

"I'm here to offer my money for the safe release of those inside," said Norman. "Will that work?"

"Yeah," said Mallory as he called Trevor back. "I hope so. Give that to Officer Mendoza, please. He'll take care of that briefcase."

Mallory waited. Several rings went by and he worried that maybe Trevor wouldn't answer.

"Yeah?" said the gruff voice of the tiger.

"Trevor, this is Captain Mallory. We have your money right here just like you requested."

Silence. No one on the outside could see the tiger's reaction, but he was surprised that not only had the police agreed to his demands, but they'd done it so quickly.

"Alright," said the tiger. "I wanna see it."

"We'll send it right in," said Mallory.

"Don't you fuck with me, cop!" snarled the hostile feline. "I wanna see some video footage of it!"

"Okay, okay," said Mallory, worrying that he might have pushed the tiger over the edge. "I'll do a MuzzleTime call and you can see it, okay?"

"Good," said Trevor. "Hang up, then call me back."

Captain Mallory did as he was ordered by the suspect. He made the video call and for the first time, got a picture of the perpetrators. It was said by many animals that the eyes were a gateway into the soul. As Mallory looked into the blazing eyes of the snarling tiger, he could see that Trevor was no one to toy with.

"Okay," said Mallory, who pointed his phone at the opened briefcase. "Here's your money."

Trevor studied the briefcase, seeing the stacks of bills being handled by the police. A cruel smile came across his face. He was going to get his money after all, but there was something else that caught his eye.

"Wait . . . is that Norman Skulk?" he asked.

"Yes, it is," said the captain.

Trevor laughed sadistically. "I have another demand now."

"What's that?" asked Mallory.

"I want Norman Skulk to be the one to bring the money in here," demanded the tiger.

Mallory tried to change his mind. "Trevor, let's be reasonable now . . ."

The tiger would hear none of it. Cutting him off, he yelled at the Captain. "I said don't fuck with me, cop! Either Norman Skulk brings it in, or I start wasting hostages! You got to the count of ten! One, two, three . . ."

Norman Skulk, who was still present, chimed in. "Alright, sir. I'll personally bring in the money whenever you want."

"Good," said the tiger, smiling cruelly once more. I want Skulk to bring in that briefcase in just his underwear, that way I know he ain't packing! You got two minutes to get in here, or I'll start killing animals. Clocks ticking, you bastard!"

Trevor ended the call. Captain Mallory looked over at Norman Skulk, who was already getting undressed.

"Mr. Skulk," said Chief Bogo. "Are you sure you want to do this?"

"I don't think we have a choice, Chief," said Norman, now in just his boxer short. "I'm going in there."

"Dad," said Nick, grabbing his father's paw. "Don't do this, please."

"I have to, son," said Norman as he patted his son on the shoulder. "IF anything happens to me, you take care of your brother and sister, and know that I love you."

"I love you too, Dad," said Nick, trying not to get emotional as his father now walked to what might very well be his death.

With the briefcase in his paws, Norman Skulk, the richest animal in Zootopia, walked in his underwear, his paws raised high. The line of cops parted as Norman made his way over to the door. He could feel his forehead perspire as he knew that he might not come out of this alive. The sound of shattered glass being stepped on sounded out as he walked up to the door. Staring straight ahead, he lowered his right paw and pushed open what remained of the door.

Inside the bank, several animals were tending to the wounded Officer Wolfard, who by this point was barely conscious. Norman looked over at him, then back at the two armed tigers who were walking over to him with there guns drawn. Norman stopped in his footsteps as the two tigers were only a foot away from him now. He stared down the barrels of their automatic pistols, knowing those very weapons might bring about his end.

"You actually came," said Trevor, grinning "I'm impressed."

"I have your money right here," said Norman, slowly putting the briefcase on a counter near them. He motioned to open it, but heard the clicking sound of both robbers pulling the hammers of their pistols back.

"Not so fast," growled Trevor. "How do I know you don't have a gun in there?"

"I promise you I don't," said Norman.

"Bullshit," said Trevor. Reaching his paw back, he slapped the grip of his pistol on Norman's face. Like a ton of bricks, Norman fell to the ground grabbing his face as everyone in the bank screamed in terror.

"Everybody shut the fuck up!" ordered Trevor as he pointed his pistol all around the large bank lobby. He looked over at Travis, smiling.

"You think this rich prick's gotta gun stashed in here, Travis."

"Only one way to find out," said his accomplice.

Reaching his paws down, Trevor unlatched the brass locks of the briefcase. With an only an inch of it opened, his face was the picture of joy as he saw the stacks of cash inside. He slowly continued opening it.

"Would you look at all that . . ."


Unknown to the two robbers, Officer Mendoza, the grizzly bear explosives expert of the SWAT team had placed a little surprise inside the briefcase. An ear piercing flash bang explosive had went off, sending the two robbers falling to the floor from the bright light and eardrum shattering noise. Everyone at the bank screamed form the noise and from the flood of officers now swarming inside.

"Police, get your paws up!"

Dazed and confused, but still with some of their senses, both tigers tried grabbing hold of their pistols to fire at the oncoming flood of heavily armed cops. This move proved to be the last foolish thing--and the very last thing--they ever did in their lives. A group of SWAT officers opened fired on the robbers, riddling them with bullets. Wounded from head to toe, Trevor and Travis, the two tigers who thought they'd gotten away with a heist, closed their eyes, never to open them again.

"All clear!" yelled one of the officers who had fired on the tigers. "We need medics in here right now!"

As officers tended to the crowd of animals who had been held hostages, paramedics ran into the bank and over to Officer Wolfard. Lifting him onto the stretcher, they wheeled him outside.

Nick Wilde, who ran inside to check on his injured father, hugged him before running outside to see his partner.

"I'm riding with him!" yelled Nick to the medics.

Officer Wolfard was admitted to Zootopia General Hospital in extremely critical condition. Doctors worked for hours in surgery to repair his wounds. The damage was severe, but they were able to stabilize him, though he was now in a coma.

Dianne, Jack's wife came to the hospital in tears, crying on Nick's shoulder. He reassured her that Jack would pull through, saying he was the toughest cop in the entire department. Dianne continued sobbing as Nick held her tight and tried to calm her down.

More hours went by, Dianne went home on the advice of Nick, who said she needed to be with her five boys right now. Judy had stopped in to see Nick sitting by the Jack's bedside. She watched as Nick kept a vigil over his partner; tubes sticking out of the wolf and an oxygen mask placed over his muzzle.

"Hey," said Judy softly. "How's he doing?"

"He's stable, but it's still up in the air," said Nick as he turned around to see his fiance.

"He will," reassured Judy. "He's pretty tough."

"It's my fault," said Nick, shaking his head.

"How's this your fault?" asked Judy.

"He stopped at the bank to get money for the tuxedo. You know how he hates debit cards and ATMs."

"Nick, don't blame yourself for this. It could've happened to any of us."

"I should have went in with him," said Nick, putting his paws over his face.

Judy put her arms around her fox, squeezing him. Nick watched as the sound of oxygen being inhaled and exhaled could be heard. The sound of the constant beeping of the heart monitor went on and on. With Judy's arms around him, Nick gently took hold of his partner's paw.

"You hang in there, Jackie boy. You're going to live, you know why? Because you said you'd be standing up there with me at my wedding, and the Jack Wolfard I know never breaks his word."

Tears streamed down the fox's face as he went on. "Just you watch, partner. You're going to be there on the happiest day of my life, and you're going to tell me how lucky I am to have Judy. We're gonna have a great time at the reception; eating cake and all the other food that's going to be there. You're gonna be there, Jackie boy, you're gonna be there."

Nick staid up all night, waiting for the moment that Jack would come out of his coma . . . if he ever came out of his coma.

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