Chapter Eighteen: The New Recruit

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It was Monday morning and Nick was with Judy in the ZPD. They were both chatting with Clawhauser about their next case that was given to them by Cheif Bogo. "This case sounds pretty exciting guys! I mean, you get to go into a haunted house!? THAT'S AMAZING!", the cheetah said excitedly. There were apparently many suicides that took place there. The amount was questionable so the ZPD decided to take the case. The Police Department in Tundra Town which is where the crime is taking place does absolutely nothing at all with it since they don't want to lose more officers. A few years ago, they had a leopard and a lynx officer go there and handle the case. A week later, they were found dead the same way all the other mammals in that flat were. Hung by a rope from the fan. Mammals there started thinking the place was haunted and avoided it. Nick and Judy were assigned to tackle this case since they're Bogo's best choice for a case like this. Casey was also assigned by Cheif Scratcher, but she needed another spy, so Casey wouldn't be the only one in this case. The spy was apparently the new recruit. "I still don't get why Chief Scratcher would assign the noobie to a case this dangerous. Why not one of the more experienced officers?", Judy asked. "Well, I guess he's probably one of the better spies despite being a noob. He's probably just like me.", Nick said. He didn't really mean it, but it'd cause some comedy so he figured why not. "Nick. You are afraid of night shifts despite being a creature that can see well in the night. You should be the last one to talk.", the bunny responded. Nevermind. Bad idea. Forgot the little fuzball's a roasting Queen. Casey saw the two at Clawhauser's desk and decided to join them. "Hey, guys.", she tiredly said. Or at least it sounded tired to Nick. "Why the sad face sis?", he asked. "Not sad. Just tired. We got partnered up with the newbie, Agent Jack Savage.", the red vixen answered. "Hmm. Is he some sort of tiger or something?", Nick asked. "I mean the name Savage would seem appropriate for those animals.". Casey shook her head. "Nope. He's a bunny of all mammals.". "A BUNNY!?", the three said in harmony.
"I SHIP YOU WITH HIM!", Clawhauser instantly screamed. Casey just rolled her eyes. "YOU MEAN MORE BUNNIES ARE GETTING INSPIRED BY ME!? THAT'S ANOTHER GOAL ACCOMPLISHED!", Judy squealed. "Wait he's a male bunny!?", the fox asked. Nick was only concerned of whether the rabbit might replace him in Judy's eyes. "Yes, he's a male. Get over it.", Casey said. The vixen got close to Nick's ear and whispered "And he's not gonna steal your girlfriend, Nicky. Don't worry.". "SHUT UP CASEY!", he screamed. His sister would constantly tease him about liking Judy and keeping it a secret, but it's getting annoying. Problem with Casey is, she never knows when to stop. But as much as I hate her, maybe she's right. But...WHAT IF SHE LIKES HIM!? And now Nick has something else pointless to worry about. It's in a brother's genes, older or younger, to be worried about whether their sister likes someone. "Nick, please don't tell me you're gonna worry if I like him now.", Casey asked. "Of course not! I mean it's not like you ever fell for anyone like the other stuck up female dogs from your schools that I wish I can just murder directly and then FEED THEIR DUMB ORGANS TO A SHARK SO THAT NO ONE WILL KNOW THEY EVER EXISTED!". After saying that, he looked around and saw the entire ZPD was staring at him. The only one with a normal expression was Casey since she was used to seeing Nick this way. "What?", he dumbly asked. "Ooooooooooookaaaaaaaaaaaaay...but I understand how you feel Casey. I've grown up with many brothers in my life, so I know this scenario.", Judy said. Nick couldn't understand why it's weird for a brother to act like this. They just want the best for their sisters and that's why they worry. Maybe a little too much, but it's only out of love! "But when are Nick and Judy gonna meet Mr. Savage?", Clawhauser asked. "Cheif Scratcher said we should meet him at Clawhauser's desk to get the case files.", Casey said. "Uh actually, I gave them to a bunny. He didn't tell me his name so I didn't know who he was, but he said to tell the two foxes and bunny that he's in the vixen's cabin. Maybe he's the new agent.". "Well, if Jack has the files then what are we doing here waisting our time? Let's start this case!", Judy said. The three waved Clawhauser goodbye and went towards the Spy Department to Casey's cabin to meet Agent Savage.

Author: Yep this is the end of the chapter. And let me tell you peeps, SavageWilde is just gonna be adorable. Wilde as in the OTHER Wilde as in CASEY Wilde. Not NICK Wilde (yes I'm looking at you Temmie). But anyways, I'll update probably when I get the time again which will be next weekend hopefully. And this case is gonna be more realistic than the last one. I got a little carried away with the dino theme last time, but ended up making it enjoyable I hope. And question: Do you guys think Casey's useless and don't want her, or are you guys fine with her being here? Let me know in the comments. Cya peeps. Author Out! *dabs*

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