Chapter Three: Con Artist... Bunny?

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Out the jewelry store came the bunny. Dark gray fur with white tips and hazel eyes, carrying a bag full of precious diamonds and gold. "Mission successful", she whispered. Little did she know, they were on to her. "This is Officer Hopps. I see the target. She just left the store. Over." Judy spoke to the walkie talkie. "Alright Carrots, remember the plan. I'm standing at the place. Chase her there and tell me when she's coming" she heard back.
On the other side of the radio, Nick was waiting for his partner's signal. It's been a few weeks past the night howler case and he was the new rookie cop. "Our first fox" he said, remembering the time he got his badge. The day he proved to all those who thought of foxes as devilish and sly creatures that he can be more than that. He was loving the life of a cop, even if it took some getting used to. It wasn't always easy arresting his fellow con artists. But it's for the well being of Zootopia. There was no sign of Finnic, though. He could've sworn by this time, he should've done something wrong. Where is h- "Nick she's coming your way. Should be there in a minute! Take your position!". Nick was going to his hiding spot as he started to remember the thoughts that his partner interrupted. Well there's no time to think about Finnic now. I'll have to see later.
He watched as the bunny sprinted his way, slowing down after noticing that the cop wasn't chasing her. Isn't that Nora Springtail? "Finally! That dumb bunny stopped chasing me. Eh. Probably got tired" Nora said. "Well that's what you think.", Nick replied as he emerged from where he had been hiding. "WILDE!? What are you doing here? And what's with the getup?"
"Well to answer your question, I'm now a cop. And this "getup" is called a uniform. Pay attention in school"
"Pfft. Yea yea. Like I'm gonna believe that story! Now, get out of my way"
Nick smirked at her and shook his head. "Not gonna happen, fluff tail. Nora started to show some aggression, but then revealed a more calm expression. "Listen Wilde, we're both con artists who never got along. We can just go our separate ways and forget about each other like we always do. And besides, I can even give you a little reward for that." She held a few small and rare diamonds in her tiny paw, offering to give them away. Nick stared at them for a few seconds. Then he looked back at Nora with a sly grin on his face. "Nice try fuzzy, but this fox's changed."
"Like I care! You're still not getting me Wilde!"
Nick scoffed. "Look behind you, Nora". The bunny turned around to see a paralysis dart poke her, and fell to the ground. "Perfect timing, Carrots!"
"Thanks Nick", Judy said, as more officers came and took Nora away.
"Good job officers. We'll take it from here. She should spat out where everything else is eventually. As for now, you two are off duty", Bogo congratulated in his deep, British ascent.
"Thank you, sir", Judy said.
"So ya do notice stuff other than Gazelle concerts!"
Nick may have looked sly on the outside, but he shuddered on the inside thinking of getting a night shift. He absolutely hated those! But it was always worth it as long as he got to tease Chief Bogo.
After everyone left, the two cops decided to go home. They always walked together since they're neighbors. And after a busy day, everyone could use a break from the rushing city life.

Author: Alright, this chapter turned out pretty long! Ik it doesn't have that much going on and I skipped the chase scene because I didn't know how to fit it in (and I was too lazy) but it'll get better on chapter four. There's a new character coming in then, so it's gonna be a bit surprising for Judy. NO SPOILERS THO! Anywho, that is all I have for you, folks! For now... AUTHOR OUT! *dabs*

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