Chapter Twenty-Five: New Discoveries

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       The fox arrived at the basement with his bunny partner. He and Judy decided to take a peek at the basement to scavenge for any evidence left. They already have the animal fur they found on his sister's bed. Before analyzing it in the TPD, they both agreed on finding some more things.

"Hey, Nick I found the record!", Judy exclaimed.

The fox walked over to her and started digging through them.

"There are so many mammals gone come this place isn't shut down yet?", the fox questioned.

"I don't know. Even all the officers that inspected here died in this case and even some spies.". A look of horror came on the bunny's face. " you think this is what happened to Mr. Savage and Ca-".

"NO!", Nick yelled, his eyes wide in fear. "NO! CASEY IS PERFECTLY FINE! MY SISTER IS NOT GOING DOWN THIS EASY! SHE JUST CAN'T!". Tears started forming in the fox's eyes. His sister has always been a magnificent role model to him. She was always positive during the harshest situations and supported him through everything. She was the type of vixen that can endure anything and everything to make her little brother happy. Nick couldn't possibly imagine her leaving him all of a sudden. His dad had already left this world long ago. He wasn't going to send his sister to him. Not yet. Please, Casey. You said you'd do anything for me. Just make it through this one case. Please...

"Nick?", the bunny said as she placed her paw on top of his. "Nick we're going to find them. Both of them. I'm hoping alive but if we have to accept the truth, we can't determine fate. B-but keep your hopes high. I'm sure they'll be fine.".

The fox tightly hugged the bunny as he let his tears flow down. "She'll be fine, right Judy? C-Casey's gonna be just fine, right?".

"I...I hope...", the bunny let out. Even that was enough to encourage the fox to keep going. Just knowing that there's a slight possibility he may get his sister back to him.

"Well,", the bunny smiled as she wiped the fox's tears away, "we certainly won't get anything done just sitting around crying, now would we?". Nick chuckled at his partner's attempt to help him.

"You're right, Carrots. I guess I just got really...dramatic.".

"Oh you foxes, so emotional.", she joked.

A faint smile escaped the fox as he stared deeply into the bunny's deep violet eyes and watched as they stared right back into his emerald green ones. It stayed that way into seconds that felt like hours. Judy was the first to break the short period of silence. 

"Hey, maybe we should try looking for some mammals that had been here before us. Maybe that might tell us some sort of strategy these 'ghosts' may use.", she suggested.

"That's a pretty good idea, Carrots.", Nick replied. They found the files of a few mammals that came. None of these were recent. The most recent one was seven months ago. They said some useless information like how they died which was the same way and Nick and Judy already knew that. But if there were more than two guests than the killers would always kidnap an amount of mammals until there were two left. Then there were none. A few weeks later, all their bodies would be hung.

"This is a little bit of info we should take to the TPD. It may help knowing these mammals a bit better.", Judy suggested.

The fox agreed and they were about to leave until they heard something fall and break. A vase. They quickly went over to the sound and saw a small shadow of a cat, looked like a leopard. He was completely still in fear as the bunny and fox stepped toward him. Nick recognized it immediately. It was Charles's son.  Thomas.

"Hey, kid! What are you doing here?" Nick snapped at the shivering cub.

"I-I'm sorry if I'm bothering you, s-sir. I-I don't mean any trouble. I was just p-picking up some files my uh...u-uncle Phillip asked for.", he stammered while trembling in fear.

"Phillip's back?", Judy questioned a but more kindly.

"Y-yeah. He just cane back with his daughter Clarrise a few hours ago. H-he asked me to go down here and pick up some files. That's why I was here.".

"You're telling the truth, right?", the fox questioned suspiciously.

The cub slowly nodded.

"Well we're gonna have to see Phillip later and maybe even talk to Clarrise a little.", Judy said to Nick. She looked back at the cub "Thomas, how old is Clarrise?".

"Seventeen. She's seventeen.", he responded.

Author: Yep I finally figured out how 2 write Nick and Judy. YEEEEEEEEY :DDDDD Aaaaaaanywho yea after another chapter for these two we'll be getting back to Casey and Jack. And since I couldn't control myself and write most of their chapter ahead of time in google docz imma juz hav to copy paste it and den finish it xdddddd alighty den Author Out! *dabs*

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