Chapter Twenty-Seven: Pony

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Judy silently hopped out of the bed and looked around the room. She had heard something. Something...strange.

She couldn't see anything in the dark though. Her eyes weren't used to it. But she could hear something.

Someone, as a matter of fact.

The grey bunny flinched as she heard someone loudly whisper her nickname.

"Hey, Carrots! Ya up?"

She looked up at the top of the bunk bed to where she saw Nick looking down at her.

"Does it look like I can sleep?"

"No. But anyway did you see anything?" he asked as he scanned the room around him.

Unlike her, Nick was able to see in dark areas thanks to being a fox. He could hear really well since foxes could hear a mouse squeak from one hundred feet away but not as well as Judy.

"I can't really see well in here but I did hear something..."

Her ears twitched as she sensed something come closer to her. Closer and closer. She turned around and saw it.

A small pony was standing right in front of her. The coat looked grey and dead and its black hair was messily around its face. The white dress had faint patches of red, as if it was stained with blood and her eyes were completely black. Just large black holes.

The rabbit stared in horror, her violet eyes as large as plates.

The pony cocked its head to the side and smiled very widely, revealing sharp teeth covered in small drops of what Judy assumed was blood.

"J-Judy. Judy get up here right now!" the fox called out to her seeing the sight in front of her.

But the terrified rabbit couldn't move.

She was staring at the potential murderer and forgot about her surroundings. Its horrific stare seemed to have her paralyzed, hypnotized even. It stopped her from fleeing or fighting. She just stood still and watched.

"Hello." Its eerie voice echoed around the dark room.

The rabbit's spine tingled as the sound traveled through her. She had the urge to touch the pony. She didn't know why, maybe because it was too hard to believe it was real, but she wanted to feel the pony. She needed to see if this wasn't a dream. Or nightmare.

Just as she reached out her paw, something behind her grabbed her by the collar of her shirt and pulled her up the bunk bed. She snapped out of the daze to see her partner's worried expression.

"Judy! What are you doing!?"

'I...I don't know..."

She looked back down and the pony was gone.

"W-where'd it go?" Its sudden disappearance scared her more than when it was there.

"I don't know but I guarantee it'll come back in my nightmares." the fox shuddered. "But maybe we should switch places for the night. In case Ms. Ghostypants wants to say hi again."

"Uh huh and what's stopping it from saying hi to you? Why don't we just stay awake for tonight."

"Alright but you're not going down there. Deal?"

"Alright Nick if you insist."


The bunny's eyes scanned the area they were in. It was the next day and she and Nick had gone to interrogate Phillip and his daughter Clarisse.

"So Thomas said they'd be here?" the fox asked.

"Yep. They should be working on that garden they made."

"How would flowers even grow out here, Carrots? It's freezing!"

"Oh there's a special type of flower that can actually grow in cold climates. It's pretty popular in Tundratown."

"Oh, of course you'd know that, farm girl.," he chuckled.

Around the back of the building they saw two snow leopards digging in a box of dirt. One was a tall male looking to be around his forties. The other looked like a much younger female and was smaller, too.

"Oh hello there." the male spoke as he spotted the two.

"Hi! My name's Valerie Longear and this is my friend Mark Scratchtail."

"Hi, I'm the manager of this place, Phillip Bristle. That's my daughter Clarisse."

"Hello." the white leopard said.

"Charles told me about you two brave souls. And about Zena and Russell. I'm sorry about all that but even I as the manager have no clue what's happening with my hotel. It used to be in so much business but now everyone thinks it's haunted." Phillip sighed.

"Yeah, dad's not really having the best luck in this hotel. But we're not quitting on it just yet." Clarisse chimed in.

"Hey why don't you two chat with Clarisse a bit while I check in on how everything's going with Charles."

The snow leopard left Nick and Judy with his daughter as he went back inside the building.

"So how come you and your dad don't change to a different business?" Judy asked the snow leopard.

Her dashing hazel eyes lit up to that question.

"Actually he's not ready to quit for me. It's just that this hotel has been my dream ever since I first saw it. I've heard stories of when it was the finest in Tundratown. How ever mammal that visits would come to this very hotel. How gorgeous and alive it was! I'm hoping that someday all this ghost conspiracies would be solved and proved to be nothing. Then and only then will I be able to run this. It's actually been in the family line for a long time!" she quickly answered.

Sometimes it was hard for Judy to catch on to what she was saying but she had it all secretly recorded on her carrot pen since taking notes would blow their cover. They couldn't make it seem obvious that they were officers from the ZPD.

"Well that's a fine garden ya got there." Nick glanced over to the patch of dirt with white flowers growing in it.

"Why, thank you! Those are snowdrops, my favorite type of flowers!"

"They're also called galanthuses, right?" the bunny asked. She wasn't too familiar with winter flowers but these were the few that she remembered.

Clarisse nodded in excitement to someone who knew about plants like her.

"I see you're a plant lover, too! I haven't met many mammals that know about gardening." she beamed at the grey bunny.

"Yeah, I grew up in Bunnyburrow and my parents were carrot farmers so-"

"Oh, carrots are actually one of my second favorite vegetables to grow!" Clarisse cut in. "In fact I actually have some right now"

She pulled out a bag of bright orange carrots and handed it to Judy.

"Oh, thanks.", she said.

She looked over at Nick who was busy on his phone.

"Hey uh I hate to interrupt this bonding time between you two but Carrots we kinda need to go." the fox said while slightly nudging her.

"Aww can't you stay for a little bit? I don't get many visitors around here." the teenage leopard pleaded.

"Sorry but a friend is calling us." the fox answered.

Judy remembered how that was their code whenever the chief called them.

"We'll come back later, Clarisse. Promise!"

The bunny waved good-bye and walked away.

Once she and Nick were back in their room, Nick called up Bogo.

"Hey Buffalo Butt. How's it going?", Nick smirked.

"Enough with the nickname, Wilde!" he shouted. It sounded even louder with the speaker on.

"But without nicknames, talking to you would be even more boring than it already is."

The chief sighed at how care-free Nick was despite Bogo being his boss. "Just be thankful I haven't fired you. Yet."

"Alright, enough with the funny business, Nick." Judy rolled her eyes as she snatched the phone away from him.

"Chief Bogo? It's Officer Hopps."

"Thankfully. Anyway, we figured out what animal that fur belonged to a eurasian wolf. It's not much information but the scent can be tracked to where they are. I just thought it'd be important to inform you two about this and can't risk texting just in case someone happens to find your phones and see the messages. They might figure out you're undercover. But that's all the news we have. I expect you two to be putting the same amount of effort on your case."

The phone beeped as Bogo hung up.

"Do you think they'll find her?" Nick asked.

The bunny smiled.

"Of course they will, Nick. Casey's absolutely fine."

Author: hey peeps :D welp updated finally and next iz another Jacey chapter :D so yep can't wait xDDDDD so yea edited by Ari @bookdragon-  go follow her and MAN waz it fun xddddd also dis iz da firt time I wrote horror :D

I suck at it :D

Oh well :D

also I actually did da research for a winter flower xDDD Alright Author Out! *dabs* 

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