Chapter 20 (Realization 1)

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Geneva, Switzerland

U.N Secretary General's office

Several months before the incident

Mayor Lionheart let out a sigh of exhaustion from his meetings with other representatives from different nations of Earth. While most of his talks were related to trading and tourism into Zootopia, the Lion gladly accepted their terms with open paws.

Swinton looked at her schedule given by one of the officials from UN before reading out loud for Lionheart to hear.

"At this time, we have a meeting with the Secretary General of the U.N, Rosenberg." Swinton finished reading the schedule.

Lionheart took a heavy sigh while massaging the bridge of his nose out of tiredness.

"Do we have more after this meeting?" He asked Swinton without giving her a glance.

"No, Mayor Lionheart. This is the last."

Lionheart sighed in relief after hearing that before he straightened his posture as they both walked towards the Secretary General's office.

"Let's get this over with."

Lionheart mumbled before giving a simple nod towards the human guards as they promptly opened the door for the two Zootopians.

In orderly fashion, both of them entered the room and took a seat on the couch before they noticed a man standing with his back facing the duo.

"Thank you for accepting our previous proposals regarding each nations for trades and tourism, Mayor Lionheart." The man responds calmly before facing them with a beaming smile. "And I am glad we came into conclusions."

"Likewise, Secretary General." Lionheart responds politely as he stood up, merely towering the small human due to their height differences before offering his large paw for a shake.

Secretary General, Rosenberg. Gladly accepted Lionheart's paw, shaking it firmly.

Both parties took a seat on their respective couches, facing each other.

"Don't mind me asking. Why would you call us at this very time?" Lionheart asked politely while Swinton listened intently at what was about to come.

"Well," Rosenberg paused, carefully selecting his words before continuing, "On the behalf of the United Nations of Earth. I would like to add another proposal regarding peacekeeping operations throughout Zootopia."


Present day

ZPD, Precinct 1, Zootopia

Forensic Room

The team of different mammals began to work on the dead body of a dead officer, which is a tiger that is resting on the table.

A familiar honey badger began to work her way through the bullet hole at the torso of the corpse while using one of the surgical equipment as she slowly extracted projectile.

"I'm sorry." The honey badger mumbled apologetically towards her fallen colleague.

Meanwhile. Chief Bogo is just behind the badger as he watches her work, with apologetic eyes gazed at the lifeless body.

"Who could do this such atrocities." Bogo mumbled in sympathy and anger outside of the forensic room, looking through the window.

Taking a side glance behind him, he noticed an African Lion entered the room who saluted at him. Bogo nods in acknowledgement as the male lion lowers his paw before making his way beside the larger mammal.

"What is it, Johnson?" Bogo asked the Lion without taking his eyes off from the Forensic Room.

The Lion named Johnson immediately responded, "Sir. The UN Peacekeeping Commander would like to see you."

Bogo couldn't help but grunt at the building frustration from these humans.

Ever since they landed in this world, things got South. Human tourists began to pour into the city, taking his officers by surprise. Protest against the humans gone left and right.

Meanwhile, the cultural exchange, trading, and most and shocking of all about a discovery that made the humans have a bad reputation. Eating and hunting the animals, the ancestors of the Zootopians, which it didn't make sense to Bogo. Why would the mammals could hate such culture? Let alone from another world.

Although he found this disturbing, Bogo doesn't pay mind to it as long as the humans didn't harm a single sentient mammal from his city.

Rubbing his forehead with his hoof followed by a deep sigh.

"Why did Lionheart agree to such agreement?" Chief Bogo thought with hatred against the mayor.

Since Mayor Lionheart signed an agreement with the UN's Secretary General regarding the so-called "Peacekeeping" operations to Zootopia.

The public and the mayor view this as an additional protection to its citizens, which favoured the humans to operate inside the city.

Constant armed patrols, Anti-Protest units, and more roles that have taken a toll into human hands that it should be ZPD's role.

Nonetheless, an additional headache to Chief Bogo, which it damaged the ZPD's credibility and confidence from the public.

Moving on, Bogo turned his back against the thick glass before walking away with Officer Johnson in tow.

They walked together in the hallway towards the first floor of the Precinct, while the other officers greeted when they saw Bogo, which he greeted in return with a simple nod.

Upon reaching the reception. Clawhauser gave Bogo and Johnson a nod before returning back to his duties.

Bogo inspected the Asian human male in front of him. Wearing their signature UN blue vest and beret, accompanied by a pair of Aviators. The human in question lowered his aviators and folded it, then placed it to his chest pocket.

The UN personnel flashed a friendly smile as he held out his hand for a shake before introducing himself.

"Colonel Itaki of the UN Peacekeeping operations unit. It is a pleasure to meet you in person, Chief Bogo."

Bogo nodded as he looked towards the Japanese hand. He hesitated for a second before gladly accepting Itaki's hand, shaking it firmly with his hoof.

"It was also a pleasure of mine." Bogo said politely while flashing a small smile.

With both of their hands/hoof retracted. Itaki goes straight to the point of their visit.

"As to why my unit was here. We were ordered to investigate related to the incident of the convoy ambush... and we are deeply sorry for the loss of your men."

Chief Bogo listened intently towards Itaki's words. He noticed a hint of sympathy, which he nodded in appreciation. Which is also a rare side of Bogo to be seen that caught Johnson off guard by the display.

With that, they began to walk towards the Forensic Room, as Bogo gave the UN forces a details of their findings on the Chris' body. Which Bogo describes accurately.

Itaki's brow furrowed as he listened to Bogo. He came to conclusions that this incident might be related to a third party that the UN may not be aware of.

As Itaki's group entered the Forensic Room with exchange of greetings with Honey, before leaving them and the female badger working.

A few hours went by, and Itaki and Honey finally managed to extract the bullets embedded into the tiger's body.

Itaki walked out of the room while carrying an evidence bag with the bullets inside and immediately handed it to Bogo.

"Chief Bogo. This is no ordinary incident... My team believed there might be a third party in the city," Itaki paused before continuing while raising the evidence bag for Bogo to see, "These bullets here are 6.9mm, these bullets were used in the United States Army's and Navy's next generation M4A1 and AR assault rifles, replacing the standard NATO 5.56mm."

Bogo listened intently as he let the information sinked in to his mind. As he processed this information, his eyes widened in surprise. From what Itaki said to be true, then the UN is not the only organisation operating in Zootopia.

Itaki continues, "From my conclusions, these projectiles may come from a Mercenary Group or within the UN itself."

Bogo nodded in understanding of this new grim situation, "I see..." He mumbled, "Listen, this information will not leave between us and this room." Bogo added with a stern look towards Itaki and Johnson.

"Understood, sir." Johnson replied.


Somewhere on Downtown

A lone figure in advanced white armour without a helmet covering the face while pacing back and forth inside of an abandoned warehouse, almost in panicked.

<<James... you should calm yourself. Your heartbeat is way high your normal level.>>

The computer inside James' armour voiced out in concern.

"How can I calm down myself that the United Nations are now hunting me." James mumbled as he thought of possibilities of being captured due to his unreasonable actions he did toward the UN forces recently, which he mistakenly identified as an unknown forces that tried to kidnap 3 teenage animals.

After he discovered that this world was replaced with sentient mammals after the war, 2,000 years ago. James also discovered another phenomenon that occurred at the same time.

Looking through the news channels, his computer hacked for him. A gate like structure in the middle of the sea, connecting another world, another Earth in the 21st century.

Leaving James in a dire situation of being hunted down by his fellow humans from another era.

<<Then, I highly suggest calm yourself first. I am sure the United Nations would understand your situation from what you did.>>

James nodded in understanding as he took a deep sigh and sat on the cold floor. His armour softly clicked upon making contact on the floor. While running his covered hand through his blonde hair.

"Yeah, I'm sorry... this took me by surprise, Kestrel." He mumbled in frustration.

<<Just gave it a few days... perhaps surrendering is the only option.>>

The human in armour nodded in agreement. Surrendering is the only option so that he could never hurt anyone due to his trauma of the previous war.

James started to think about the possibilities after he surrendered himself to the UN. Perhaps he could warn them of the impending doom so that humanity would never make the same mistake his world had done.

To be continued...

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