Chapter 6 (Natural Museum 2/3)

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After Judy and Nick entered the train wagon, they see the flowers neatly in rows and covered by the light of U.V.

"The weasel wasn't lying." Judy said while looking at the flowers.

"Yeah, looks like old Dug is the corner of the market of night howlers." Nick said.

Then they heard a door opened only to see a goat wearing yellow hoodie and they presume this must be 'Doug' the goat slip his gas mask to his face, meanwhile the duo hide under the table were the night howlers held.

Meanwhile outside

The 20 green glowing eyes outside continue to observe Judy and Nick.

"Overlord, this is Stalker 1-1 proceeding to observe the H.V.I's." One of humans said while signaling his squad by 'Be ready move cautiously towards the target.' gestures, then 5 of them emerge from the shadows and then moved slowly to the train wagon and readying their silenced automatic dart rifles.

<<Overlord to Stalker 1-1, copy that.>> Their superior said through their headsets.

"Incoming! Hide back to the shadows!" One of his squad mates whispered yelled, all of them hide back to the shadows.

They see two rams carrying seem to be coffee cups walking towards the wagon. Then one of them knocks the door multiple times.

"Hey Dug! Open up! We got your latte!" One of them yelled.

Then the door open revealing a goat in yellow hoodie.

"Better have the foam this time-" he was cut off by a bunny kicking him in the back sending him flying towards to his comrades, while spilling the poor coffee's and a latte to the ground.

One of the ram reach for his phone then dialed.

"We have a situation at the lair." One of the ram said to the other line in the phone.

Unknown to them, the humans that are hiding in the shadows are taking aim at three of them.

Back to the duo

"Hey! Open up!" One of the rams yells while banging the door.

"Carrots what are you doing you trap us in here!" Nick yelled to her while gesturing his paws around them.

"Im going to radio Clawhauser about this." Judy said while gesturing the radio on her shoulder.

Then the banging on the door suddenly become silence.


Judy and Nick looked at each other, worried at the sounds of bodies dropping at the floor outside with loud thuds.

Judy leaned her ear at the door to listen on what is happening outside.

She heard footsteps but not a soft like paw pads rather a heavy one, like she heard back at the Cliffside, where they discovered the missing mammals, then she heard a muffled breathing that will send shivers to her spine.

Her eyes widened, she run quietly to Nick on all fours then she whispered to him to follow her.

"What is happening outside?" Nick whispered asked, scared based on the sounds outside, then closing the door behind him.

"I don't know, something is outside, we need to get out of here." Judy said sitting on the chair then flipping multiple switch for the train wagon to start.

"Oh, great your a conductor now huh?" Nick said jokingly.

"Nick, that's not the time for joking!" Judy coldly said.

Nick just raised his paws in surrender. After a few seconds of flipping the switches the train wagon moves.

"Well, hallelujah." Nick said.

Meanwhile outside of the train

The humans outside see that the train is now moving, then one of them un-holstered it's pistol which was a tracker, shooting at the door of the train and watching the duo left the scene. Then he raised his left hand in gestured of 'we are leaving.' and disappears in the shadows.

At the Museum

After escaping the scene and almost hitting another train coming at the front of them which they were on the wrong track and unknown to the due someone was push the lever to change the track saving them from the incoming train, the train come to halt, Judy comes out first then followed by Nick, then they both look at their surroundings, Judy notices a sign just the stairs.

"Natural History Museum, under maintenance?" She thought confused, then she heard a static sounds coming from her radio on the shoulder.

<<OfFiceR HoOPs wEre *Static* to yOur lOcaTion, hoW *static*>>

"This is Hopps, if you can hear me, we are at History Museum." She said desperately, while adjusting the frequency of her radio.

<<*Static* on iT's *Static*>>

"Ugh! Coms are down." She said, while letting out a signed of frustration.

Nick took out his phone and opened.

"Great, no reception." The fox said, while signed.

"Of course, there will be no signal because we are at the tunnel you dum dum!" She exclaimed, while poking Nick at the shoulder.

"Hey! F.Y.I even if we were in a tunnel with entrance to Natural History Museum under maintenance and a entrance just where we came from, there has to be a signal!" He explained with the hint of anger on his voice.

Judy was in deep thought, while walking back and forth, absorbing all Nick's explaination.

"Okay Nick I get it, but how can we not get a signal from here?" She asked, while Nick hummed.

"I dunno carrots, beats me." He said, while shrugging.

"Anyways, we should get going." She said, while walking towards the stairs, but she was stopped by Nick grabbing her shoulder, she looked at him worried then asked concerned.

"Something wrong slick?"

Nick was about to open his mouth, but then his ears and same as Judy stood up due to a sound of a muffled breathings at the distance thanks to their sharp hearing senses.

"We need to go!" She whispered panicked, then runs to the stairs but she feels Nick is not following, she looked to see him running back to the train.

"Nick!" She whispered yelled, then he see him carrying a case where the pellet gun placed.

"Let's go!" Nick said, while dragging Judy with him, now both of them entered the museum, different statues, displays and many more of their ancestors, while the fox and the hare run together through the museum then they see the exit.

"Look! There it is!" Judy said while signing in relief, then a voice was heard.

"Judy!" A female voice said echoing, the duo stops on their tracks then looked at the source of the female voice to see, one sheep that is familiar to Judy and two sheeps wearing police uniform.

"Judy!" Bellwether called again.

"Assistant Mayor Bellwether!" Judy said excitedly, while Nick give her a 'Really?' look, then they both walk towards Bellwether.

"We found out what was happening! Someone was darting the predator's with a serum, that's what makes them savage!" Judy explained.

"I'm so proud of you Judy! You did a super job!" Bellwether praised Judy, Judy starts to walk towards to Bellwether who is eagerly waiting for the case to pawed over, but Judy was stopped by Nick by grabbing her shoulder, while Judy glared to see Nick eyeing Bellwether with suspicion.

"I'll go and take the case-" Bellwether was cut off by Nick pulling Judy close to him protectively.

"You know what? Carrots and I will take this case to our friend Chief Buffalo Butt, soooo we gonna get moving." Nick said as they walked backwards, then upon facing the exit just a couple of distance they see a ram in black clothes facing them, while the ram cracks his neck with a huff.

Until a black cylinder shape object being thrown, came rolling in the front of the ram, the ram in question eyed the object suspiciously, then a green smoke came out, he tried to cover his nose but it was no use, until he collapse to the floor with a thud and the smoke was now blocking the exit.

Meanwhile the rest of them stood there in shock while backing away so the green smoke can't reach them, until multiple footsteps was heard around them, all of them looked back at the greenish smoke to see five shadows, after the smoke is getting cleared they can now see the shadows, five tailless tall creatures in tan colored uniforms with complete gear identical to Z.P.D swats with a unknown insignias patches on their shoulders and helmets of white and red stripes with stars inside of the blue square an apparatus covering their faces with googles, strange dart rifles with a cylinder at the end of it and strange four eyed glowing optics hanging on top of their tanned helmets, meanwhile Judy and Nick let out two words from their mouths.

"The Humans."

To be continued...

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