Consider All But Yourself.

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"Consider truth,

The truth around you is not in plain sight, sometimes hidden behind long quiet walks at night.

Consider lies,

Lies are there for you to be deceived by hidden secrets everyone truly has.

Consider darkness,

Darkness consumes our lives and usually is in the form of all that is bad.

Consider the light,

The light guides us through the darkness of life, but sometimes blinds us from the truth.

Consider land,

The lands that provides a home and food for all that inhabit. Yet can cause so much conflicts. Some have been given names that hold history by the hand of men.

Consider sea,

The raging waters of the sea can create a passage way to truth and freedom, although can lead to one's selfish and altimate doom.

Consider peace,

The peace you can find within you help to settle conflicts and make true relationships that last a life time, but also holds you from finding the true you with in being shy.

Consider rage,

Such a thing that holds you for longer than any motherly love if you let it consume you. Rage also fills the empty holes within you to secure the balance of calm and complete insanity.

Consider treaties,

The treaties that hold our nation's together, yet with betrayal can cause more denial.

Consider war,

War rages on destroying homes and families while trying to solve a problem that everyone agreed apon, without one some may never find the harsh truth of real problems.

Consider others,

Other human beings live all around you. They do not revolve around you, yet we all move continuously in the circle of life and death.

Consider feelings,

Their feelings are what create all these conflicts and peace treaties. They also can destroy you if you let one overpower another. Humans use these feelings as a passage to doing what they believe to do.

Consider death,

Death is just another word for sleep, an endless slumber until something happens, what it may be... will forever be a mystery. Take death as a free mirrior to realize you need to love and live. With no regrets holding you back from what is right or wrong. Please let death wake you up from your living dream to start life with a hood energy. Before you sleep.

Consider life,

Life is one thing all creatures and beings hold in one. Life is the whole reason you breath. Do not take it for granted. Thou shalt not see the best of life if you do not treat it like its beautiful self. You deserve life as anything around you. Life is what you see it as.


Consider all but yourself. "


[A/N] Please do consider all of these things, life is short so make it worth living and treat others with respect. You must respect they are living just like you. Respect their privacy as you would want to be. Please stay true and live with peace no matter what obstacles fall into place for you. Thank you.

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