Answering The Call

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Greninja stood at the bow of a cruise ship that was sailing on a round the world trip. He was wearing a long cloak with a deep hood so he could blend in with humans. He had managed to "acquire" a ticket from a snobby rich kid and was currently brooding over the events that occurred merely one week ago that set him on his quest.

(Flashback one week)

It had been three months since Ash and Greninja gone their separate ways. During this time Zygarde and Greninja have managed to capture most of the remaining members of Team Flare. Zygarde is currently resting in Terminus Cave while Greninja addresses a small group of Flare grunts that had been reported a little ways away.

"Brothers, Sisters, can you hear me!" Several voices said in Zygarde's head causing him to wake up.

"I hear you, what is wrong?" He responds concern evident in his voice.

"Danger, a mysterious group has entered my lands. They have brought devices that cause my cells to flee, I'm unable to get close enough to do anything about them!" Each voice says in unison.

There was a long moment of silence where they all let this information sink in. Technology that could repel their cells could potentially upset the balance of the world and lead to utter destruction of the nature way.

The other cores realize that Squishy is the only one among them not to have these people in their region, and all turn to him for help.

"Brother we need you to come to us. If we were to join our power together we could rid these people from our lands." The other cores say.

"I can not leave my region unprotected and I doubt our power can defeat something specifically built to oppose us. I believe I have a different solution to our predicament." Squishy says as Greninja enters the cave.

"I'm back from rounding up those Flare grunts." Greninja says before noticing his friend with a troubled expression on his face. "Squishy is something wrong?"

"Yes and I must ask a favor of you.."

(Return to Present Day)

Journey to the other regions, find his family and stop the invading organizations. That was what Squishy had asked of him. Greninja knew that Squishy wouldn't make such a request if it wasn't serious. The gravity of the situation did not deter Greninja from accepting the mission. Partially because in the time Greninja had spent with Squishy the two had grown rather close; so close that Grenija felt any family of Squishies was apart of his family too and that it was his duty to protect them. Another reason he wanted to go was to try and reunite with his friends again; since he'd been too busy dealing with Team Flare to see any of them.

"Maybe when this is all over..." Greninja thought before having his thoughts interrupted by an overly cheerful voice coming over the com system.

"Ladies and Gentlemen if you look to the Port side you will see the Unova regions famous Liberty Island. We will be docking at a nearby town and will remain in port for the next two weeks while we resupply our lovely cruise ships to accommodate all your needs. You are all welcome to explore the nearby towns or stay on the ship; however we must warn you all we have a strict schedule to keep and won't wait for you to return if you're late coming back. Thank you and have a wonderful day."

After hearing the captains announcement Greninja heads back to his cabin to grab a bag containing a few dozen berries, some water and a pair of gloves Ash had given him before they parted ways. They were the same pair of gloves Ash had worn throughout their Kalos league journey. Ash had asked Serena if she could alter them to fit Greninja to which she had happily complied and even added a length of the ribbon Ash had given her to the finished product. The gloves were one of the few remaining reminders of his time with his trainer and Greninja treasured them greatly.

When he had everything he needed Greninja walked to the docking ramps and waited to reach land so his journey could truly be on its way.

It took nearly an hour but Greninja finally managed to make it off the ship. He quickly ran towards the forest and headed into its deepest parts. He didn't stop running until the sun began to set, lucky he came across a lush patch of woods where he could spend the night.

Within a few minutes he had made a makeshift bed out of the surrounding ferna and began to eat some of the berries he had. With his appetite appeased he laid down to rest for the night, wrapping himself deep within his long cloak for warmth. The combination of the soft ferna bedding and warmth of his cloak put Greninja to sleep in a matter of minutes.

Barely fifteen minutes had passed when a loud snap woke Greninja up. He looked around for the source of the noise, until his eyes fell upon a small group of Pokémon just outside his sleeping area. Some local Pokémon had come out to investigate this stranger in their lands. They were wary of the invasive cloaked figure until he removed his hood and revealed that he was a Pokémon like them. After explaining the reason he was trespassing on their lands they were unable to be upset and even offered to let him stay in their village.

"Friends of the green guardian are always welcome in our lands." A cheerful Stoutland began," Allow me to introduce ourselves, I am Arthur, the Liepard over there is my wife Cristina, the Purloin and Zorua are our children Freya and Ziva."

Greninja greeted each in kind but upon hearing that a Stoutland was a father of a Zorua gave a bewildered expression; to which Arthur quickly explained that they had simply found Ziva's egg by a tree and took her in as their own. He then proceeded to introduce more of the community while leading Greninja to his home. There were various other species of Pokémon living in the forest including some he recognized from Kalos.

Upon arriving at Arthur's home, the Sheepdog Pokémon stepped aside to let Greninja admire his dwellings. He lived in a well sized cave that had vines acting as a door, there were three beds made of dried twigs and grass, and to top it all off soft glowing moss was growing on several rocks. It was a rather lovely place and definitely more comfortable than the element exposed bed Greninja had made.

"Ziva, Freya would you two help me gather some bedding for our guest?"

"Yes, mom." The two girls say before scampering off with their mother in search of supplies to build Greninja a bed.

Arthur waited until they were out of sight before turning to Greninja with a serious expression spread across his face.

"We have much to talk about particularly this quest the guardian assigned to you. I suspect you wish to first speak with this regions core?" When he received a nod he continued. "Well she lives nearby, just a few hours in the direction of those hills. We visit her from time to time for she enjoys telling the children stories about the days of old and all sorts of other fantastic tales. Lately though she has been away and comes back only once a month to make sure we're still kicking."

"So I'm not going to be able to speak with her." Greninja said while looking downcast.

"Not quite," Arthur said as a grin appeared on his face, "the last time we saw her was roughly two weeks ago so she's due to turn up sometime next week."

Arthur's last statement caused a spark of hope to gleam in Greninja's eyes, his spirits raised once more. That was until they heard a distant scream from the direction Arthur's family had gone.

"That sounded like Cristina!" Arthur said greatly alarmed. He turned towards Greninja to ask him to help his family only to see the Ninja Frog was already running towards the origin of the scream. The dark cloak he wore flapping violently in the wake of his speedy progression towards unknown danger.

Woo hoo I got the first chapter done! I thought a Greninja centered story would be a cool thing to write and decided that confining him to only one region wouldn't be as fun as having a world wide adventure. I actually started writing this while I was still writing the first few chapters of "Rigorous Relationships". Anyways I hope you all enjoyed this and I'll get the next chapter out whenever I can. Thanks for reading. 😁

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