Dirty Deeds Done For Greed

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"What do you have to report?" Cristina asked the two Pokémon as they entered her home. They had just returned from a scouting mission, looking weary and worn from the long expedition. Their mission was to gather information about the approaching enemies numbers and strengths, and judging from their faces they did bring any good news.

"Ma'm the enemy has made camp a few hours away from us. They currently outnumber us nearly three to one and it seems like more of them are still arriving."

Cristina hid her dismay at their report, behind a dutiful face impervious to bad news. "I see. Is that there anything else?"

The first scout shifted uncomfortably as if debating with herself how to relay the remaining information to Cristina. Her companion made the decision for her and took up the responsibility his actions entailed.

"Yes, Ma'm. On-on our return to the village we came across a small group of three of our villagers who had all been beaten senseless and left for dead."

Cristina's face cracked under this new development. "Where was this, when did it happen, do we know who is responsible and if anyone else has been injured?"

The two scouts stood straighter under the barrage of questioning from their boss and answered as best they could. The attack had happened just within the villages boundaries and, based on their conditions, occurred sometime between noon and midnight the previous day. The injured Pokémon had been unable to provide much information about any further details of the attack, only being able to repeat two words over and over until passing out. Iron-Jaw. Iron-Jaw.

Cristina's face contorted into a furious scowl at the mention of those two words. "Iron Jaw!? As in General Iron Jaw of the Village of Stony Steel!"

Both scouts backed away from the feline teetering on the edge of loosing her temper. One of the two foolishly managed to work up the nerve to answer Cristina's rhetorical question. "It is very possible it was the general. The Village of Stony Steel's lands rests right alongside our boarders and are the closest to the spot we found our injured comrades."

The scouts response tipped Cristina over the edge, compelling her to take action. She began barking orders to the scouts who quickly rushed out of her house to carry them out. Nearly half an hour passed before the scouts returned, only to find Cristina decked out in Pokémon made battle armor.

It was entirely made of tree bark that had been softened, and then hardened, to perfectly conformed with Cristina's slender figure. The process had made the wood rather flexible and comfortable to maneuver in, while retaining a sturdy and protective shield for her body. On her head she wore a helmet made of a midnight black material that was a trade secret of the Village of Tenebris Sky's armorers.

This material was much sturdier than the wooden bracers and chest piece Cristina wore around her legs and torso; and it cast a deep shadow over the rest of her exposed face, leaving only a pair of glowing eyes shining through the darkness. The material while incredibly durable was very difficult to craft and was only cast as helmets for the most highly ranked warriors.

Upon their re entry the scouts reported that they had done as she had asked and had everything waiting outside. Behind her mask of shadows it was impossible to tell if Cristina was pleased with them, or still fuming over the actions taken by Iron Jaw. Her next orders however were obviously out of concern and demanded the very best from the two Pokémon.

"I need you two to watch over this one while I'm gone." She gestured with her head towards the curled up shivering figure of a large blue Pokémon wrapped in the few blankets the house had. "He went and got himself sick by over exerting himself in training all yesterday, and he's not going to do that again is he!" The last part was directed at the Greninja who responded with a meek groan of agony.

"Ziva and Freya went out with Arthur and the doctor to gather medicinal herbs to help him recover. They should be back in a little while but until they, or I, return you are to guard him with your lives; and stop him if he tries any other stupid things." Greninja groaned in protest to his actions being called stupid.

Cristina dismissed the foolhardy frog with barely a second thought and left the scouts to become guards. Once outside her house Cristina was greeted by twenty-seven battle ready Pokémon. These Pokémon all belonged to Greninja's training regiment, and were no doubt the best fighters the village had on hand.
All they need was the word to march and to were ready to follow Cristina into battle against the ruthless General Iron Jaw, who had brought harm upon their fellow villagers.

Waiting just a moment for the Pokémon to check their armor, Cristina gave the order to move out. With hearts alight with flames of vengeance for the wrongs done to their fellow Pokémon, they set out for the Village of Stoney Steel; completely unaware of the nefarious plot that lay in wait upon their arrival.

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