The Dynamic Darkness Duo

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Ziva and Freya were known throughout the village for many reasons: the incident involving three pounds of the spicy Tomota Berries and the annual tri-village picnic, their escapades into the nearby human settlement, and the blood nit bond they shared. But above all else though they were known for their devastating battling skills and style.

In a one on one combat situation both sisters were more than adequate fighters, winning and loosing their fair share of matches, however when it came to team battling they were like gods. As far as anyone in the village knew the two have never lost a battle together, not even against the Pokémon who trained them. There was even a saying that centered around those two, fight one and it could be fun, fight two and you're through. This made the long march the Pokémon were taking feel even longer.

Greninja was the only one who was not dreading fighting with the sisters, (presumably because he didn't know about their reputation for battling), and merrily pressed onwards, while practically dragging the three whimpering Pokémon behind. They walked through the village and were greeted by the villagers as if they were marching towards their executions. Slow sad shakes of dozens of heads saying "poor things", and scores of pity filled eyes marked the passing of their convoy.

A short while later and they were on the other side of the village. The area was dense with thick entangling vegetation that attempted to block, trip, and confound the Pokémon as they traversed their way towards a large clearing in the heart of the labyrinth of greenery. Once they entered the open space they were greeted by three dark type Pokémon arguing with each other.

Their conversation seemed to be long lasting and the group only managed to arrive during the conclusion of it, but they were still able to get a basic understanding of what the argument was about. Ziva and Freya wanted to train with Greninja by themselves, saying their mother would only distract them as they trained; while Cristina refused to leave them arguing that they could get hurt and that she needed to be there to help them.

The sisters had a counterargument all ready and lined up, but were unable to use it due to Greninja interrupting them with his entrance. The family of dark types quickly turned to the arrival of Greninja and his posse, acting as if they'd been simply standing around waiting for his arrival.

"So," Greninja said, in an attempt to break the ice, "we should get started."

"Yeah we should, right Mom? Ziva said in an attempt to get rid of her Mom, which completely backfired.

"Oh, Cristina, I didn't know you'd be sitting in on today's training session, I'll have to thank Arthur for that later." Greninja said as he walked past the baffled family.

Ziva was the first to break her spell of confusion and ran up to the Ninja Frog, demanding answers.

"Greninja, why are you letting my mother join in our training session?"

Greninja turned to her, squatted down so they could see eye to eye and gave her one of the most important life lessons she ever got. "Ziva, when our backs are against the walls. When we're pressed for time and up against impossible odds, we accept any and all help that we can. And since your mother is offering to help it would be foolish for us not to accept it."

Ziva was still upset with him letting her mother hovering over her but accepted it regardless.

Greninja smiled down at her supportively. "Cheer up sport, you still get to have a rematch with me, only now we have an audience." He said enthusiastically.

Ziva felt her gloom slip away at the prospect of squaring off with the powerful Pokémon. Her glum mood put in its place Ziva left Greninja and eagerly went to strategize with her sister. Greninja had some things he had to plan as well and walked towards Cristina and the three Pokémon he'd escorted here. Of them there was the blue bipedal water monkey Simipour, the rocky armored rhino Pokémon Rhyhorn, and the large pigeon Pokémon Tranquill.

Greninja spoke briefly with them giving them instructions as to what they were to do while he spared with the sisters. The trio of Pokémon looked greatly relieved to not have to actually face off against the notorious duo. Cristina however was very much against what he was planning and had be reassured for the next two minutes before she let him continue.

Once everything was in order Greninja walked out towards the awaiting sisters. All three of them took up battle stances and within seconds were engaged in heated combat. Greninja had nearly every advantage: speed, size, experience, skill, and strength. Despite all of his advantages, he wound up utterly helpless against Ziva and Freya's first strike.

He'd been expecting them to try one of two things. Either charge him together and try to subdue him with attacks from both sides, or rush him one at a time. They did the second, but not in the way Greninja had been expecting. He'd thought Ziva, who he'd grown to know as rash, impulsive, and the first to throw herself in the way of danger, would be the first to attack him. Instead it was Freya who made the first move while Ziva stayed stock still as her sister slashed at Greninja with a midnight black blade.

He was completely caught off guard by her attack and was only able to brace himself as the blade made contact with him, causing him to skid back a foot or two. When he had recovered from the blow he looked up to see Freya preparing to follow up her initial assault with a Shadow Claw.

In turn he drew his twin white blades and prepared to defend himself from the attacking feline. He stopped the first slash Freya made with one blade and parried the second stroke with his other blade. Freya then head butted Greninja and vaulted back to her sisters side, leaving Greninja dazed and disoriented.

When he came to Ziva and Freya were standing across from him, unmoving, staring him down waiting for to make a move. There was something familiar and suspicious about the way they were standing, but Greninja dismissed his doubts and threw four Water Shurikens their way. The spinning blades of water collided with the sisters and created a plume of smoke around them.

As the smoke cleared Greninja saw two cut up logs drop to the ground. He instantly realized why the sisters stance had seemed so familiar and off putting, and knew what was coming next. He lurched violently forward, moving the entire top half of his body towards the ground, just as Ziva and Freya fired two Shadow Balls at the space his head had been occupying milliseconds ago.

The sisters hadn't been expecting Greninja to evade their attack and had left themselves vulnerable to his counter. Following through with his initial motion, Greninja folded over, pressed his hands against the ground, and kicked the two dark types square in their guts, sending them flying through the air.

Cristina nearly stopped the fight right then and there, but restrained herself as her daughters corrected their trajectory and landed on their feet. They shared a look that spoke of their surprise at Greninja's fast reflexes.

"Plan B then?" Freya offered.

"Love plan B." Ziva replied, a mischievous grin creeping across her lips.

"Plan B?" Greninja asked, concerned with what the two had up their sleeves.

The only answer Greninja got from the two was them reassuming battle stances as they prepared for plan B. Greninja did the same as them all the while mentally checking how long they'd been battling. He scowled inwardly doubtful that he'd be able to wrap this battle up in time.

Plan B confirmed his doubts as it was by far the greatest plan he'd ever witnessed, let alone been a part of. It started off with Ziva closing her eyes, a very bizarre tactic that threw Greninja off guard. Leaving him in a hypnotic state of confusion, which allowed her to stroll straight up to him and drop a sizable Shadow Ball right in his face. The blow caused Greninja to simultaneously snap out of his confusion and fall flat on his back.

Greninja groaned as he lay there on the ground, Ziva's attack causing more pain than he'd been expecting. He rolled onto his side and saw Ziva's unnerving closed eye stare right next to his face.

Then in harmonic, purposefully eerie, voices Freya and Ziva said, "What's wrong Greninja? Can't you keep up with us?".

Greninja reacted to their creepiness as most people would, he jumped up and away from them. While he was in the air he started to get a better understanding of what plan B was all about. By all accounts it was a series of diversion and disorientation tactics. Knowing this Greninja fortified his mind against any further intimidation and landed on his feet, believing he was ready to deal with plan B.

He was not. There was a second part of plan B that Greninja had to struggle with to keep up. What was happening was Freya would tell Ziva where to move, when to move where to attack when to dodge and basically acted as her sisters puppet master; which was made easier by Ziva keeping her eyes shut, limiting her own reflexes and allowing her sister more control over her actions.

After parrying a few blows with Ziva, Greninja realized this fact and decided to stop fighting the puppet and go after the puppet master. He blocked Ziva's next attack and used his blades to vault her into the air. The temporary break in combat was all he needed to go after Freya. He rushed at the cat Pokémon only to stop a few feet away as she closed her eyes and smiled in the same manner Ziva had. Greninja spared a glance behind him and saw Ziva's crafty blue eyes staring back at him.

It was at that moment that Greninja realized the full power of plan B, and knew his chances of winning were narrowing by the second. Their strategy started out with one sister approaching the target, she had to keep her eyes closed or else her opponents would see her intent. Once she was close enough she'd knock them on their backs and she and her sister would then take the rug right out from under their feet by attempting to get in their heads.

Normally the fear tactic would work and their opponents would concede the match. There were however some cases, like Greninja's, where their opponents wouldn't give up and they'd have to switch from mental warfare to physical combat. In such scenarios they would fight like trainer and Pokémon, one issuing orders while the other followed through with them, but unlike a trainer they  were able to switch roles whenever the need arose. This strategy was both incredibly effective as well as a testament to the unwavering trust between the two girls, for they each had to put complete faith in the decisions of their ally.

His mind quickly returned to the battlefield as Freya rushed him a Night Slash in one hand and a Shadow Claw in the other. He decided to play on her terms and used a combo of Cut with one hand and Ariel Ace with the other to combat her attack. The two Pokémon drew closer ready to slash, punch, and claw their way to victory when out of the blue a jet of fire came and burnt the air between them.

Greninja and Freya both stopped before they ran into the flames, abandoning their attacks for their own safety. Just as swiftly as the flames had appeared, they disappeared leaving Freya and Ziva confused and angry at whoever had interrupted their sparing match.

Greninja, however, knew what was going on and simply chuckled at the interruption. He then turned his attention to Cristina and the three Pokémon with her.

"Had it been twenty minutes already?" He asked playfully for he already knew the answer.

"You know it has, Greninja." Cristina responded appearing not the least bit amused, "Now are you going to tell them or do I have to?".

"No, I'll tell them." He said nervously as he received a cold stare from his opponents mother.

He turned to the girls and was greeted with an angry glare of displeasure from Ziva and an analytical glare from Freya. Before he could explain to them what was happening Freya said it for him.

"You made a deal with our mother for an uninterrupted twenty minute battle with us in exchange for her not interfering during the allotted time. Once the time limit was reached however you were to concede the match to us and began training with the other three Pokémon you brought with you, you can stop me at anytime if I'm wrong."

"No that, that was pretty spot on." Greninja admitted astounded by Freya's deductive skills.

Freya smiled, proud that her observations were correct once more. Ziva, on the other hand, looked completely glum. The victory they had over Greninja was made completely hallow by his concession. Greninja noticed her displeasure and addressed it with the remaining good news he'd kept in store.

"You are, however, missing one final part of the story, Freya." Greninja said zestfully.

Freya stopped smiling and began pondering what the final part could be. Greninja waited patiently as Freya listed off scores of possibilities she had thought up. When she could think of else nothing she gave a disgruntled sigh and let Greninja continue.

"The one piece that your deduction was missing is, I'm including you in their training exercise!"

The news did little to cheer Ziva up, until Greninja got to the second part of his statement.

"Which means you'll have to keep battling with me, until they're trained that is."

This part of his announcement did perk Ziva up and reignited the dying flame of her warrior spirit. She didn't see it as a training regimen, she saw it as a shot to defeat Greninja.

"Alright what do we have to do?" Ziva asked excitedly, "Two v. Four, Two v Three?"

"Nope. It's the same as before only with artillery fire."

"Come again?" Freya asked.

"They're going to be using ranged attacks to hit us while we're fighting, sort of like hit the target only we're the targets."

Ziva's earlier excitement was starting to wane at the prospect of being a target. Freya was experiencing a similar shift in anticipation but at the same time was curious as to how being a target would help them train.

"This training exercise is to improve their accuracy and firing skills, alongside our evasion and awareness skills." Greninja explained.

"Doesn't it sound like fun!" He said a little too happily.

The two sisters did not think it sounded like fun, but went along with it nevertheless. They walked out towards one end of the field, with Greninja heading to the other, and took up battle stances once more. This time however they were focusing on both Greninja and the three Pokémon off to the sidelines. They knew this battle was going to be a lot tougher than their last, and when Cristina signaled for them to start they gave it everything they had.

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