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Very hot.

Those would be the words she'd  use to describe the very place she found herself in.

"Now don't get me wrong, I am part Sandwing, I LIKE these enviroments. It's just..."

This wasn't familliar at all..

"WHERE AM I?!" the dragoness screamed in outrage and in terror.

She didn't recognize these parts of the Sandwing desert... Wich was shameful of her. How could a Princess such as her not be able to recognize a part of her own kingdom?!

"Ugh.." she sloped to the ground, face pawing.

"What the hell am I even doing here... Was I kidnapped?" she asked herself, laying in the hot sand, her black and yellow scales drawing in the heat into her body.
She looked back towards where she woke up the only a few minutes ago.

"It doesn't look like I was dragged here.. But then again, they could've flown me here... But, in that case, where would their scratch marks be?" she asked herself, before shaking her black and yellow head.

She slowly got up from the sandy ground and looked around herself.

Vast, and seemingly endless amounts of sand surrounded her.

" Desert North, West, East, South....."she sighed, before she chose a random direction to walk in. The sun was just reaching its halfpoint, so she only had about half a day left of sunlight.

She  stretched her wings as she walked.
If I try and fly would I get somwhere? Flying takes more energy than walking... She thought to herself.

She sighed, her barbed tail touching the sandy ground as she walked.

"Some princess i am.." she growled to herself, stomping on the ground.
"This makes no sense at all... I've walked in the desert for so many times.. How could I forget where everywhere is?" she grumbled, shaking her head.

She then tripped on something solid making her land muzzle first into sand.

"Ow." she grumbled, swinging her right front arm to get rid of the pain.

"Who the hell puts-" she was about to complain when she saw what she actually tripped on.

A dragon skull.

".... A-a dragon sk-skull..." she finished getting away from it slightly.

"Okay. Calm down Chleo. Calm down." she told herself, looking away and fastening her pace.
"Its a desert. Its a hostile enviorment. Things die..." she said, her stinger hitting the soft yet hot sand she was walking on.

'not dragons though...' she thought to herself, before shaking her head.

"Okay. Focus. I need to get out of this desert..." she said to herself, before starting to walk again.

The sun had about a quarter of the way left to go before night would seemingly overcome the landscape.

She had to find somewhat of a shelter. If she knew her deserts well, she knew that, at night, beasts would come to prowl..

Now, she had her stinger, but who knew how many were out there?

Suddenly, an earthquake shook the sand she was standing on, making her look around, quite scared of what just transpired. What could make such an earthquake?!

"What... The hell was that?!" she asked.

Then, in the distance, there was something in the sand.. Moving... Or rather, a cluster of sand, moving towards her...

"...." she was honestly wordless, not knowing what to say now. She didn't know of any creature who burrowed into the sand to attack prey, so this was new.

However, she knew that she couldn't just stay there, so, for the first time here, she spread her wings, her night-sky like wing membranes expanding, in between golden scales clothing the upper side of the wing.

She quickly took flight, some sand being kicked away by the small draft of wind created by her wings.

This thing... It was seemingly huge, judging by how much sand it was ruffling by... swimming in it?

"Whatever this... thing is, I need to get as high as I can." she said, flapping her wings, getting at a decent height, about a hundred meters or so.

The ground shook again, as a gigantic rock whale jumped out of the sand, giving a big bellow, its two tusks slashing in the air towards her.

They were blunt, yes, but held massive force and, judging by the sound they made through the air when they missed her, the big creature had a lot of strength.

What she wasn't aware of, was the fact that the whale had made its way up towards her, its gigantic mouth agape to catch her in.

"NO!" she screamed as she felt its awful breath wash upon her body.

She flapped her wings as hard as she could,trying her best to get out of the creature's bite range.


Its maw had just missed the female's stinger, the dragoness giving a relieved sigh at that as she was now at quite the altitude.

The big, rocky whale-like creature went back into the ground with a big grunt, before diving in the sand yet again.

This time it dove deep, the sand didn't move after its rock-like tail had descended in the sand beneath.

She was gasping for air now, flapping for dear life.

'What. The. Hell. Was. That? ' she asked herself, staring at its previous location with a scared expression.

She then slapped herself with her paws, before starting to fly.

"That thing is still under me, I know it and- Oh my Moons, is that a dragon?!" she cut herself off from her previous idea, looking down to see a black body of... an icewing?

Now, she knew that the big sand whale thing was beneath her still, and didn't even think to ponder why there was a whale in the desert in the first place, or why it had tusks.....but she couldn't let the seemingly unconscious dragon be eaten by it!

She quickly dove and poked it, making the black-ice-crystalled head of the Icewing move a bit.

" Wake up! " Chleopatra shook her again, wich, this time, awoke the sleeping dragoness.

"Uh.... Where am I?" she asked, still dumbfounded a bit by what was going on around her.

"Take flight! Quick!" she didn't waste time.

If that thing was still deep below the sand, she couldn't risk someone being eaten.

Thankfully, the black dragoness nodded and quickly followed her up in the sky, matching her previous altitude.

"Okay so... -"

"Phew.." Chleo cut her off, looking down with a scared expression

"Hello...? May I ask who are you? And why are we so high up? Or where the hell we are?" she asked, now just fully realising she was in å desert-like area.

"I... Well... First of all, I'm Chleopatra, Princess of the Sandwings. You probably won't believe me, but there's a gigantic, carnivorous sand whale beneath us... And I've probably just saved  your life. For the last one, I... Dont know.." she replied calmly, though it was with great effort she accomplished such feat.

" Carnivorous Sand Whale?! " she asked incredously, a chuckle coming from her muzzle.
" Listen, I am not a Sandwing like you, but from what I read and know, there's no such thing as a sand whale. Or a carnivorous whale for that matter. In any case, how do you not know where are we? Aren't the deserts your tribe's kind of thing?" she replied, looking around, the temperature getting cooler a by a bit as she hovered beside the sandwing.

" I'm telling the truth! If you don't believe me, that's fine. Just... Be careful to not fly so low to the ground.... Also, it is, but I haven't been in this one.. And its very strange..." the sandwing replied, looking into the distance.

The black ice wing sighed.
" We need to find shelter. We can't really sleep on the sand. Don't really like it. "

" That, and the big sand whale. By the way, haven't asked untill now, but what's your name? I'm Chleo." she smiled, flying beside her.

"Black." she replied, looking back towards the sandwing, as both began flying down south.

"Hm, that's a weird name for an Icewing." Chleo shrugged, before her purple eyes started scouting in the horizon, hoping for a mountain.

Black just shrugged as she flew.
"Well, Chleo doesn't really seem like a normal name either." she rolled her white blue eyes.

"Anyyyyyywaaaaay. I -"

"I think we should stop talking for now, or at least untill we find shelter. I don't k ow about you, but ice wings and deserts don't mix well. And not having any water isn't nice either." she grumbled, still flying as she cut off the sandwing.

Chleopatra sighed and shook her head.
" Just don't fly low to the sands. "she replied.

The black Icewing just grumbled, but flew as her new sandwing friend said. She still didn't believe in the existance of said sand whale, but she'd rather have some company than be alone in the desert.

After a few hours or so of flying, the two dragons found themselves a small oasis in the distance... Or so it seemed.

"Water!" Black exclaimed happily as she abruptly sped up her flight. This much flying in the desert took its toll on her, plus she was starting to get dehydrated.

"Wait! Blackie!" Chleo yelled after her friend, who didn't really seem to hear her, going full speed towards the oasis.

Once on the sand, the black ice wing sighed relieved as she lated down, tail  around her form with wings folded to her sides, licking at the.... sand?

Chleopatra landed beside her with a really confused expression on her muzzle.

"What... Are you doing?" she asked her.

"Drinking. Again, I thought I told you, ice wings and arid places to mix well. Now, let me drink in peace." she replied before continuing.

Chleo blinked at what she was seeing before facepawing. She then gave the other dragoness a small smack with her tail.

Of course, Black didn't expect the hit and.. well, got hit by the sand wing's tail.

" Moons! What was that for!?" she growled after shaking her head, glaring at the other dragon.

"Look at your 'water' now." she replied with a smug expression.

The ice wing reared her head a bit, before doing precisely that. Her eyes widened, before she shook her head, spitting the sand out of her mouth.
" illusion." she gripped her head.

"And that's why I wanted to stop you, now get flying, we aren't safe here." Chleo sighed, before taking off again.

"Look, I still don-" Black was cut off as another earthquake could be felt.

"FLY!" the sandwing exclaimed, fastening her pace now.

Black's eyes widened in fear as she spread her wings and took flight aswell,going after her sandwing companion.

Just as she was reaching a bit of distance off the ground, a giant sand whale erupted from the ground, however, this one was different from the last one...

Having one horn, the beasty was aiming for the black ice wing in front of it.

Seeing what was beneath her, Black fastened her pace quite a bit more, adrenaline rushing in her veins as she reached the sandwing altitude, successfully escaping the gargantuan predator.

Panting rapidly , the two dragonesses looked beneath them as the one horned beast growled, said growl shaking the ground itself as it returned to the sands.

"Now you believe me?!" Chleo grumbled as she looked at Black.

"Mhm. Yep. I'm never going to a desert ever again." the ice wing blinked.
"We need a shelter. Pronto." she said then, looking back at Chleo.

" Well.. judging by the air currents... There's a mountain range in that direction." Chleo said as she checked the wind, pointing in the direction they were heading in before the oasis episode.

" Alright. We need to move fast." the ice wing said, before starting to fly in said direction, Chleo following her .

" At least it can't reach this high." Chleo smiled to herself as she looked at the land they were flying above.

The sand whale jumped again, however, this time in front of them, surprising both of them yet again.

"UP!" Black exclaimed as she did that, however, Chleopatra wasn't as lucky.
The jump was so sudden, she was spacing out too, shaking her head after a few moments before gasping in sheer horror as the sharp horn went right for her.
She then started to fly higher, however she wasn't fast enough, for the tip of the horn went right through her left wing.
She screamed in pain as her left wing membrane was pierced, blood coming out of it.

Thankfully, the horn retracted as the best started falling towards the sand yet again.

As she was beginning to fall, Chleo got caught within her grasp,managing to glide towards a nearby mountain.

To their luck, they managed to glide towards a middle stoney outcrop of said mountain, both panting hard, the sandwing being dropped on the floor of said outcrop.

Chleo couldn't feel her wing, membrane, probably because osme of it wasn't there anymore.
"My wing! Why can't I feel it?! It hurts so much..." she growled and whined, some blood dropping on the stone beneath her.

Black landed beside the dragoness who was visibly in pain, sighing, before looking at the cave mouth before them.
"We have a cave, so we might have water. Can you walk?" she asked, taking a few steps to look back at her friend.

"Y-Yes.." she slowly stood up, holding her other wing ticked to her body, her punctured wing being held at a more weirder angle, before starting to walk after her.

They entered the cave, in which it was cooler and more humid than outside. It felt relieving, well, for Black, Chleo had seen better days and had started licking her wound. It wasn't  a small hole, but it would need quite a bit of time to heal.

And so the two went on into the cave, walking past stalagmites and stalactites, a stalagtite almost falling down on the both.

After half an hour, they arrived into a pretty big cavern, in wich resided a lake.

Their faces lit up, both dragonesses sprinting towards the water to drink.

After a good minute, both layed down, exhausted.

"Okay... So I may not be as good in deserts as I thought.. Do the deserts really have sand whales?" Black asked her friend.

"Moons no! Agh-" she got cut off by her wound, wincing. "We must be on another continent... I can't explain it in any other way..." she mumbled.

"Hm... But how did we get in the desert in the first place? All I remember was my cozy icy home.. Not the blazing desert I woke up in..." Black sighed, her black body being almost unnoticeable in the darkness.

"I don't know... But I intend to find out..." she growled to herself, before starting to lick her wound.

"Who are you?" a male voice sounded, startling both of the relaxed dragons, making them look around, distressed.

"W-Who's there?!" Chleo asked, her stinger at the ready.

Put of the water, emerged a pretty bulky dragon, looking down at the sandwing, seemingly curious.

Black wordlessly analyzed him.

"Who are you?" he asked using a tone with more authority.


Heya! Chleo here and this is my first ever fanfic! Hooray! And I finally finished the first chapter! What do you think? Share it with frens if you like! Or don't. It's your choice.
If like to adresa some things. This will have an update per two weeks. Per one of i have full time and inspiration. (however I may get to chapter two tomorrow, I'll see what I can do :3)
Hehe. Well, I'll see you in the next chapter! :D

Ps:No. I didn't base it off my oc dragon. I started  this long ago actually. I just like the name Chleopatra. unu

Total words:2549(without author talk)

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