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The sun warmed Glitch's skin as she stepped through the portal.  It hurt her eyes at first glance, but after a little while, she got used to the sudden light.  Anti came close behind her.

Glitch took a deep breath. The air was slightly dirtier than it was underground. Nevertheless, this place was just as beautiful as she remembered from the view she got from the mountaintop.

There were so many new sights and sounds. Human children played together outside or stayed inside playing video games or watching tv.

Neither Glitch nor Anti recognized any of them.

Frisk and Chara must be with Asriel, wherever he is.

Something, however, seemed off to Glitch...and she remembered.

Her friends! Her adopted siblings! Where were they? She didn't know what had happened to them. They weren't there when everyone went free. They weren't there during her genocide. They were only there after Chara was deleted.

Her ears drooped as she remembered what she had done to Chara... ...to everyone.  The guilt often came back to haunt her, but never this strong.

She didn't realize she had fell down and broken down in tears until Anti put a gentle hand-paw on her shoulder to calm her down.

Glitch wiped away her tears and got up.

"Are you alright?" Anti signed.

"I...I'm fine.  Just... ...I'd rather not talk about it." Glitch said sadly.

Her sister nodded in understanding.

"Maybe it's best we visit the others later, after you've calmed down a little. In the meantime, do you mind if we go back underground? I never got a real look at everything...or anything, really."

Glitch nodded. "Right. There are a few places I want you to see."

The two sisters ran off on their quest for the mountain, bounding after each other playfully every now and then.  It was not often they got to play like this, and it wasn't ever they did so where there was so much to explore.  Almost every sight and sound grabbed their attention, making their trip much longer than it should've been.  They didn't mind, however.  They had the most fun they had...well, ever.

It took a while before they reached the base of the mountain.  Glitch hacked themselves an easy way in so they didn't have to fall.

Anti immediately hesitated as she entered the place.

"... you were right about this place bringing back strange memories."

"I know.  I don't understand it either."

"Do you think this place has the answer to all the questions we've been asking?"

"You mean the ones we'd often ask each other about ourselves?"

These questions were nothing new to the sisters.  They had often asked each other what had happened, where they were, how they came into existance, and many more.  They had always known there was something missing, but neither of them knew.  All of it just seemed like blurs or visions.  But here, the blurs smoothed slightly into silhouettes.

It was almost like they were meant to be here.

"We'll have to find out."

And so the two went on a new quest...

...a quest to discover who they were.

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