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Glitch was the first to open her eyes. She cringed from the sudden pain that washed over her, but she shakily got up.

"Where...are we?"

She looked back at Anti, who was still unconscious. She hesitated from concern, but her curiosity of the place overwhelmed her and she went to explore.

The room was dark and quiet. It made Glitch feel uneasy.

She hacked to turn the lights on before continuing her adventure.

Anti eventually woke up and rushed to join her, also curious.

"What is this place?" Glitch whispered.

"I'm not sure.  It's so big." Anti signed.

They explored high and low, looking through every detail of the place.  Every machine, every screen, every message.

Then, they came upon something big.  They weren't sure what it was at first, but it did bring back flashbacks and visions.

... ... ...

The machine.

The soul.

The lights.



Everything went black.

Glitch's ears went back as the memories came pouring in.  She remembered everything now.  She knew the answers to every question about herself that she had ever dared to ask, but it also sparked new questions.

Where was Beta?

Why had they been banished from this timeline?

Did anyone remember them?

Why did Gaster leave them to suffer?

Anti seemed to realize now too.

"... this is our home.  This is why everything seems so familiar.  This is where we are supposed to be."

"Then why were we sent away?  Why were we trapped in that void for so long?"

Her thoughts were interrupted by a quiet voice.

"I think I can help you with that."

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