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The news of uppandavas and draupadi are attacked and burnt in the forest reached the palace of Hastinapur, panchal and Indraprastha.

In Indraprastha

Yudhishthir: How can this happen no saying he went outside along with all his all brothers started journey to the forest.

Soon the Pandav reached the forest which is still burning and flames are raising.

Seeing all this Arjun raised his now and chanted mantra and made it rained all over the forest.

It's started raining there but the rain couldn't stop the raising flames of fire.

Arjun: Bhrata we lost everything what should we do?

Bheem: We lost our Panchali and our sons bharata.

Krishna: Parth why all are you here?

Arjun: Madhav I lost everything why our fate is like this?

Krishna: Parth no one fate is written everyone write their fate with their own hands. By doing karma.

Arjun: Madhav why us we never hurted anyone but why us or why them.

Krishna: The sins of past life should also counted parth and your son's questioned you all in rude manner they should repent their sins parth.

Yudhishthir: Let's go back palace by staying here we are just gonna get more guilty.

All returned to the palace and they all after death rites of draupadi and uppandavas.

In some place.

??: Bharata we got only this.

??: Haan Bharata.

Suddenly they all heard sound of a demon roar and turned back.

??: Who are you all?

??: We are warriors. Who are you?

??: I am King of this forest Ghatotkach. How dare you all to enter into this forest.

??: We are also not here to fight with we just want to take food for our mata.

Soon the war between Ghatotkach and Draupadeyas started. Soon a lady who is worried for her children came to see what is going soon she was shocked to see the Ghatotkach and all her other sons are fighting. Soon another lady is also reached place to see her son fighting with kids but soon her eyes are landed on the lady who is coming in opposite direction and she said

Lady: Son leave them they all are your brothers

That lady is revealed to be Hidimba first wife of Bheem and Mother of Ghatotkach.

Soon Ghatotkach and all Draupadeyas stopped fight and looked at eachother.

Soon the both ladies hugged eachother. Draupadi started crying.

Hidimba: What happened behen why you and uppandavas are here.

Draupadi explained everything and listening to this Ghatotkach is very shocked and angry.

Hidimba took draupadi and uppandavas to their house and made them seated and treated their wounds.

After sometime they heard a divine voice of Lord.

Krishna: Sakhi the forest you set on fire should reclaimed by you and built a kingdom by you and your children.

Draupadi: Sakha my children are still kids how can they and in world eyes we all are died.

Krishna: Sakhi in right time you all can reveal your true identity and this is very important phase in aryavart.

Hidimba: Behen I to feel the same you should prove to world that you can do anything and uppandavas should also have their own kingdom which is built by their mother.

Draupadi gave a thought and accepted and asked Krishna something which shocked everyone.


Hello Everyone,

Hope you all like this chapter. Please checkout my other stories.

So I gave so much thought and decided to change the cast of draupadi and uppandavas.







Hope you all like new cast I will update new cover when I introduce them.

For next few chapter the same cast will be the draupadi and uppandavas.

In next chapters are mostly around draupadi and uppandavas and all other characters will be mentioned very little.

Can you all suggest a Other names of Draupadi and Uppandavas and a name for kingdom.

Next which story update you all want.

Last but not least please support my new story.

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