LMTA✨ - ( II )

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Next Part After - 70+ Votes.

Episode~2-Sanki's Plan!











Kudrat nhi Allah ki
Yaa koi kayinaat
Unka millna tay h
Bss kuch hi
der ki h baat h..

{ok, it's urdu word but sorry if it's wrong.. But here it's meaning is care.. }


A man is running and behind him 3-4 police officer running behind him..

Head police officer(DCP) one of them, take out his gun and shoot him directly on his back..

That person fall down dead at the spot..

DCP Ordered to sub-inspectors , " removed the body from here and send it postmortem.. ", one of sub-inspector nodded his head and take that body away..

Other sub-inspector Said worriedly, " Sir please be careful.. He was the brother of Vidyut ,whom you encountered now.. He will Surely take revenge so beware.. ", DCP Nodded his head While saying, " don't worry arjun.. I'll take care everything.. ".

HE turn and Revealed his face..



A person is playing Cards with his other friends when a man Comes And whispered something in his ear which Makes his eyes Burned in Rage..

HE stand from his place and ask," Who is he, Who dare to Encounter my brother!? ".

One of his man Informed, " VIDYUT BHAI, He's DCP.. A New appointed here.. Firstly he Was in Dubai.. But now shifted to malabar hill south Mumbai and lives with his wife and his little sister.. ", vidyut clutched his fist and Ordered," call Raghu here.. Tell him I wanted to meet him.. ".



A man Comes out from the airport and Dialed a number.

As soon as other person picked up his call, he heared," Tillu, Where are you!? I'm waiting for your call from so long.. ".

Neil smile And Said," relax Yuvi, I'll be coming Delhi tomorrow as I have an important work in Mumbai branch.. ".

Yuvraj sighed, " yrr that's not fair.. You know hitler is just at the edge of erupting.. ", Neil chuckled and sit in his car when chauffeur opened the back seat for him..

Neil Said while checking his files," I'll be there..don't worry.. And yeah hitler will not eat you man.. He's vegetarian.. ", Neil huffed and cut the call making him chuckle..

Neil Shake his head with smile and then get buzy in his work..




Avni tip toe inside her house, not wanting to disturb her bhayu and bhabhi sleep..

She just Reached to stairs when She hear, " is this the time princess to Come home!? ", she bite her tongue and turn to her bhayu who is standing folding his arms around his chest..

Avni pulled her ear and apologized, " Sorry bhayu, at last moment Riya(her PA) told me about an important meeting.. So, I had to stay at office.. ", her brother, ABHAY D'SOUZA, Shake his head in disbelief and comes forward and kept his hand around her shoulder and take her to dinning table..

HE Makes her sit and then sit beside her and then feed her with his hand while Avni Smile gulping the food down....

As she Finished, Abhay looked at her for brief minutes and Said, " tomorrow, a family will come to see you.. ", Avni's eyes got wide hearing him, she looked Shocked towards him and ask, " but bhayu, you know na.. I don't believe in all these marriage n all.. I'm happy with my work and then living life independently.. ", she turn her face to other side..

Abhay stand from his chair and sit on his knees and hold her both hands, " Choti, please try to understand.. Each and every person need someone in his/her life.. A true partner, That partner who will be with you on each and every turn of ur life..", Avni going to intrupt but Abhay didn't let her, " And I'm not saying you to marry that boy tomorrow only.. Meet each other.. Then know Each other.. ", Abhay stand up and left to his room after kissing on her forehead..


Avni measured each and every corner of her room and think that what She should do to prevent herself from this marriage Called disease..!? 😆😜

Then her feet Stopped at a point when an idea strike her sanki mind..


Sorry bhayu, but you didn't left anything now for me.. So I have to do this..

This marriage n all is just time waste yrr..!!

You know already about it but still, you are saying to all that nonsense..!!


She Picked her Mobile and Dialed Juhi number..

After 2nd ring she Picked her mobile only to shout at her, " yrr Avni, you never get sleep at night and just tourcher your poor eyes and brain with your continuous work but please just do mercy on me yrr.. ", Avni heared her irritated yet sleepy voice..

Avni rolled her Eyes and then ask excitingly, " guess what Juhi!!? ".

Not hearing any sound from her side Avni Shouted," Juhi..... ", Juhi jerkly sit on her Bed Startled," what bhoot!!!!! bhoot!!!!! ".

Avni irritated, " Shut up.. ".

Juhi yawned and ask, " fine! What's cooking in your sanki brain, Avni!? ".

Avni eyes twinkle suddenly with naughtiness And Said," tomorrow, Some ladke walle is coming.. ", Juhi didn't let her complete.

Juhi loosed her balance hearing her and fall down from bed in shock, " Avni, are you alright!? You and Excited to meet ladke walle!!? ".

Avni face pulmed, no you are thinking wrong not with shyness but with disbelief while rolling her Eyes..😂

Avni Shouted , " I'm running tomorrow for some Days.. Till bhayu don't forget about this boring topic.. ", while Juhi's jaw dropped..














Next Part After - 70+ Votes.

How's it!?

Few words for Neil And Yuvraj..

Few Words For Avni's run Away plan.. 😉😂

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