003 - First time for everything

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In the classroom...

Katsuna had to wait outside the classroom since the Principal told her that the Teacher had to announce her arrival: 

"Quiet down, everyone. Please." The students sat down in their seats and stayed silent, only for the teacher to continue, "As most of you know, we have a new student joining us today. I expect everyone to be kind and welcoming, as this can be a daunting experience."

The students exchanged curious glances, whispering among themselves. Some were excited, while others looked indifferent. The teacher cleared her throat. "Please give a warm welcome to Katsuna."

With that, all eyes turned towards Katsuna. She stepped inside cautiously, her heart racing. The classroom seemed larger than she imagined, filled with faces both friendly and intimidating. She straightened her back, summoning a smile as she stepped forward.

"Hi, everyone," she said, trying to sound confident. "I'm Katsuna. I just moved here from—"

"Where?" interrupted a boy from the back, his voice loud and clear.

"Uh, from another city," she replied, slightly flustered.

The teacher, sensing the tension, jumped in. "Thank you, Katsuna. Please take a seat next to the window where Mr. Moroboshi is, please?" She gestured her toward the brunette guy in glasses making 

Katsuna made her way to the desk, feeling the weight of her classmates' weird (envious) gazes. She could hear whispers floating around the room: "I wonder what Moroboshi-kun is gonna do," and "Probably ignore her, I mean look at her uniform. Did she buy it from a rental store?" Already not liking the way other girls are talking behind her back, she ignores them as she settles into her seat. 

"Just ignore them if they ask stupid questions." The response from the guy she met at the bus surprised Katsuna, who hadn't expected anyone to speak to her. He sat a little distance from her seat, his head partially hidden by his worn-out textbook, but his words cut through the haze of whispers like a sharp knife.

Katsuna turned slightly, her curiosity piqued by his unexpected support. She caught a glimpse of his serious expression, the way his brow furrowed in a judgmental manner as if he were preparing for something. There was something oddly reassuring about his presence, something that sparked a flicker of hope within her.

"Yeah, right," one of the girls scoffed, her voice dripping with disdain. "Look at her trying to fit in with those hand-me-downs." A chorus of snickers erupted, filling the air with the sour note

The lesson began, but Katsuna found it hard to focus. Her mind drifted as she watched the interactions of her new classmates. Laughter bubbled over in one corner, while others were intensely scribbling notes. She wondered if she would find her place among them.

When it was time for group activities, the teacher announced, "Let's break into groups of two or three for a project that's due next week." She turns to her: "Katsuna, feel free to join any group you like!"

"O-Oh! Right." Katsuna's heart raced again, 'Group of two or three? Why should there be a group for a project? Uncle Jack never mentions about groups.' She looked around, unsure where to go. Suddenly, a girl with blonde pixie tails and another girl with red but in a short bob cut and freckles were the ones that caught her attention. 

With a deep breath, Katsuna strolled over. "Mind if I join you?" "Sorry!" One girl comes in to join them, giving her a distaste glance at her, "We're just discussing ideas for the project so, we're full." Katsuna felt hurt but politely nodded, and walked away; To her surprise, she had never seen how quickly the human girls got together in two seconds.

Katsuna took a deep breath, trying to shake off the sting of rejection. She glanced around the room, her heart sinking further as she noticed groups forming effortlessly, laughter spilling out like a warm invitation. It felt like a game she didn't know the rules to.

After all, she is an Xandarian in disguise with little knowledge of humanology or behavior.

Just as she was about to turn away and return to her seat, Katsuna noticed Dan surrounded by other girls eager to partner with him for the project. It felt unsettling to see him, who was once sitting alone, now the center of attention: 'Why is everyone gawking at him? This is very unlikely and yet, he seemed okay with it. Hmm, maybe I should help Moroboshi.'

With her plan in mind, Katsuna confidently navigated through the crowd of fangirls toward him. Since he appeared oblivious to their presence, she addressed the girls, "Excuse me, but this gentleman here has already chosen me as his partner for the 'Art of War by Sun Tzu' project. If you recognize that title, I'll leave you to it; if not, what purpose does this reaction serve for you?"

The entire classroom was shocked including Dan Moroboshi, who seemed surprised that she was being so bold. Luckily nobody was noticing how a delicate blush crept onto his ears, while the murmurs of conspiracy circulated among the group. Katsuna held her ground, her doe-gray eyes locking onto those of the girls with a determined fierceness that left no room for argument.

One of the bolder girls, her confidence buoyed by a quirk of laughter, shot back, "Oh please as if he'd choose you over us! What's your plan? A sob story to win him over?" Everyone laughed except Katsuna, who hid her confusion on the 'sob story' top with her devious smirk, unfazed by the challenge, and crossed her arms over her chest, "Actually, I believe it's much deeper than that." She begins her explanation: 

"Someone once told me... that 'Life's full of challenges, and your strategy can lead to victory or defeat'," she replied, her voice steady. "Now, if you're done wasting your breath, I'd suggest redirecting your time toward something more constructive. Perhaps focusing on your projects?" 

The shift in focus diverted the girls' attention, some whispering to each other while others pouted in frustration, "Moroboshi-kun, you don't seriously like to join a newbie like her, do you?" For a moment, he said nothing but snapped out of his daze and spoke, "If it makes it less crowded then yes." Everyone gasped in shock, leaving Katsuna surprised but smiling; Dan, meanwhile, blinked a couple of times as he was stunned to agree to partner with a new girl like her. 

Katsuna was the first to recall what he had just shared on the bus; while a pounding sound echoed within his chest, he masked it with a cold, stoic expression. Nevertheless, he could tell that it was his heart making those sounds: "You okay, Moroboshi-kun?" 

Her gentle voice snaps him out of his stunned expression and returns to his usual stoic demeanor before saying, "Considering you rescued me, it seems we're even for now." He continues by adjusting his glasses: "But I would inform you that this won't happen again since this is nothing—"

Katsuna anticipated his defense and interrupted, "Don't start with that because I know what I saw. You were uncomfortable! And..." She makes gestures at the girls behind her, who were whispering and murmuring about them: "Whatever 'power' made them come to you are invading someone's personal space, which I've never witnessed before. So, please consider thanking me."

Dan opened his mouth to protest, but the words couldn't come out: "..." 

"Exactly." She smiles in triumph, Katsuna crosses her arms, leaning back slightly as if dismissing Dan's inability to argue further. The tension in the air lingered, thick and palpable, yet there was a curious spark of connection growing between the two. Each passing second was filled with unspoken thoughts, both unaware they had crossed an unknown line—a unique understanding that defied their usual interactions.

Dan cleared his throat, regaining his composure despite the pressure in his chest. "I suppose I prefer solitude," he said, reluctantly acknowledging her point. She raised an eyebrow, recognizing the facade. "You say that," she replied, tilting her head with a curious smile, "but you responded to the group of girls challenging me, which indicates you don't want to be alone."

Unexpectedly, he began tapping his desk, initially leaving Katsuna puzzled, but she soon understood and smiled as she took her seat next to him, "I feel like I would regret it." "Nah, you won't." She replied, only for Dan to coldly mumble: "...We aren't friends." 

"Well," She pretends to adjust her imaginary glasses, as a way to mimic him, " 'Considering I rescued you', it's already known to everyone that we're friends from now on!"

As the bell rang, cutting through the lingering tension, Katsuna gathered her belongings with a swift motion, ready to leave the scene behind. As she glanced at Dan Moroboshi, who already gathered his stuff, "Ready to work on our project tomorrow?" she asked, her tone light, though her eyes hinted at a rush of excitement. 

He hummed with a curt nod. 

"Great! Is there anything I should take notes on 'The Art of War' book?" 

"Buy the book. Analyze it. Makes notes and hand them over to discuss it." Dan cooly replied in a quick motion, Katsuna frowned slightly, considering his response. "Alright, I'll grab it when I get back home," she said, her enthusiasm barely dimming. "What's the main focus again? I want to make sure I'm aligned with your thoughts."

Dan shrugged with a hint of aloofness in his demeanor. "Themes of identity and transformation. It's crucial for our presentation," he stated, sliding his backpack onto his shoulder with a practiced ease.

"Identity and transformation...got it," she repeated, memorizing the phrase in her mind before she grabbed her bag as they both walked out of the now-empty classroom; Since Katsuna understood his rapid speech, she was quick to keep up the pace. "Do you know where I can buy it?"

"In the library."

"Which one? Can you recommend one?"

Dan sighed in frustration. "You ask too many questions," he said, rubbing the bridge of his nose. "Just look it up." 

"I don't use a phone..." Katsuna frowned, already feeling bad for telling him about it. 

This paused their conversation for a moment, as the annoyance flickered in his brown eyes before he conceded slightly and raised an eyebrow at her in curiosity, "Why?" Dan turns to face her and notices her body awkwardly shifted, staring at the ground for a moment. 

"It's complicated," she replied, looking up to meet his gaze. "I've always found them...odd. You know, like a constant addiction that people use 24/7? I prefer things the old-fashioned way—talking face-to-face. It feels more realistic." 

He raised an eyebrow, skepticism creeping onto his face. "Realistic? You think scrolling and playing games on a phone is something that's used for?" "Yes, and truth be told..." She shyly looks away, "I have a hard time reading..." Dan's expression softened ever so slightly but still kept his composure. "Reading? Like, books and stuff?" He took a step closer, lowering his voice as if they were sharing a secret.

Katsuna nodded, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment. "Yeah, reading. I mean, I can read, but it gets easily hard when I read new words that blend, and I start losing track of what I'm trying to read. So, I tend to avoid it."

Dan's stance shifted; the annoyance in his eyes faded, replaced by a mix of rare empathy and curiosity. "So, that's why you prefer face-to-face conversations? It's easier for you?" She replied with a nod, his (Dan's) dark brown eyes met her doe-grey ones by considering her explanation from earlier thoughtfully: 

"In that case..." He adjusted his glasses, returning his cold gaze at her, and walked, "I'm going to the library so be grateful that I'm nice." 

Those were the last things they talked about on the way to the bus stop and since then, it was the first time that Dan Moroboshi had ever become friends with someone from the opposite sex.

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