⌗ 𝘧𝘰𝘶𝘳

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getting ready for school is definitely harder when six people have to get ready.

and they attend different schools.

the girls who had to travel farther got up first to create distinction but that didn't stop the arguments.

KANG KIMJOO : why are you doing your makeup in the dark?

MOON YERANG : i'm not.

she gestured to her phone.

YERANG had her flashlight turned to the lowest setting and set it on the vanity.

it was the only light source she was using.

KIMJOO wants to disagree but she didn't necessarily have time to do that.

she was about fifteen minutes behind schedule.

KANG KIMJOO : okay . . . well, I need the light. I'm coming to get my uniform.

KIMJOO flicks on the light and immediately, YERANG recoils as a vampire would to the sun.

MOON YERANG : oh my god, turn the light off!

KIMJOO eyes YERANG, strangely.

KANG KIMJOO : i can't but i'll be done soon. that reminds me, are you okay? yesterday, you were acting a little cooky. you know if there is anything you want to talk about, you can tell me.

YERANG stares at herself in the mirror.

yesterday was a bit of a blur and she hated it.

her grip on her mascara tightened when she remembered what had caused her fit of rage.

she hates everything and everyone.

can she really talk to someone about something like this?

MOON YERANG : i'm fine. i just got some really bad news from my dad.

KANG KIMJOO : so you called him all those words?

KIMJOO believes her.

it sounds something she'd do.

MOON YERANG : well, he doesn't exactly deserve my kindness.

she rummaged through her makeup bag to avoid engaging in this conversation.

MOON YERANG : can you hurry up with the light? my head is pounding.

CHEN LIHUA : that's your fault.

KIMJOO and YERANG turns their heads in LIHUA's direction.

if there is one thing YERANG remembers, it was LIHUA handing her gatorade and water while she threw up her guts.

YERANG hates that she owes LIHUA a favor now.

she hates kind acts and debt.

nothing is free.

not even gratitude.

CHEN LIHUA : KIMJOO, can i talk to YERANG alone?

KIMJOO shrugs and grabs her uniform off the hanger.

KANG KIMJOO : i don't care. i just came to get clothes.

when she leaves, it's just LIHUA and YERANG staring at each other.

just staring.

and staring.

and staring.

and staring.

MOON YERANG : are you looking for a thank you or something?

CHEN LIHUA : why are you so rude all the time?

LIHUA flicks off the light.

unlike KIMJOO, she was done getting ready.

LIHUA's bag dangled off her shoulder, swinging while she approached the older girl.

YERANG scoffs.

MOON YERANG : that's just your prerogative to feel that way.

when LIHUA doesn't respond, YERANG just sighs, loudly.

MOON YERANG : you don't know i said, do you?

LIHUA admittedly shakes her head no.

MOON YERANG : christ. anyway, what did you want to talk about? i know you didn't come here to waste your time and i also know you wouldn't talk to me without wanting something.

it's scary how fast YERANG could dominate in a situation where she was powerless.

it made LIHUA's mouth dry.

she came here with a plan.

she knew what she was going to say and how she was going to say it.

now that she is finally confronting YERANG, she doesn't know what to do.

LIHUA has been waiting for this moment since she got here.

waiting for a girl to slip up.

and one finally did.

MOON YERANG : well? once i finish, i'm walking away.

CHEN LIHUA : i - you -

LIHUA took a deep breath.

she only had one chance.

CHEN LIHUA : yesterday, when you came home, you were drunk.

MOON YERANG : after i brush my hair, i'm done.

YERANG was rushing her.

she didn't want to hear something she already knew.

she came home after drinking.

big deal.

LIHUA remembers what YERANG said about leaving when she finished.

she has to get to the point.

CHEN LIHUA : you came home drunk and you know that it's illegal. even if it wasn't, our contract doesn't let us do that.

MOON YERANG : i have one half of my hair left, queen.

CHEN LIHUA : if you don't do what i want, i'm going to tell everyone and get you kicked out!

LIHUA did not mean to blurt it out like that.

it felt good to see YERANG pause in her tracks, though

MOON YERANG : excuse me?

CHEN LIHUA : listen, i just think we could make a deal with each other. all i want is to be one of the finalists. if you can find a way to make that happen, i won't tell anyone. it can be our secret.

except JIEUN knows.

YERANG can't believe this.

she doesn't think this is actually going to work, does she?

MOON YERANG : and how am i supposed to do that, huh? we're in the same boat. it's a competition. i don't have any influence.

CHEN LIHUA : yes, you do. i know who your dad is. i know he's one of idol on top's sponsors.

that's what really shocks YERANG.

she didn't tell anyone, knowing how it would look.

she sets her brush down and very slowly turns her attention to LIHUA.

MOON YERANG : how do you know that?

LIHUA's face turns bright red.

she averts her eyes so quickly.

CHEN LIHUA : the tag on your clothes.

LIHUA just admitted to looking at the tags on her clothes.

the same tag with his signature on it.

MOON YERANG : you've been looking through my clothes??

CHEN LIHUA : you have a really cute shirt so i looked at the tag to see where you got it from but it's custom made.

MOON YERANG : yeah, no shit. all my clothes are custom made. you're such a weirdo.

LIHUA couldn't even argue back.

she wasn't wrong and usually, LIHUA wouldn't do that.

it was just hard to ignore something so drastic.

CHEN LIHUA : do we have a deal or not?

MOON YERANG : my father will sue you if you do anything.

CHEN LIHUA : and then everyone will know you drink. i'll tell them how you're rude, too. how you treat people.

MOON YERANG : this isn't a deal. this is blackmail.

CHEN LIHUA : stop saying words i don't know. do we have a deal or not?

YERANG had to admit.

LIHUA got her pretty good.

fooled everyone into thinking she's a sweet girl who follows the rules.

YERANG forgot how desperation can make someone act.

MOON YERANG : all you want is to be one of the top three? i help you become a finalist and you keep your mouth shut?

LIHUA nods.


she packs her makeup away and stands up, grabbing her school bag.

MOON YERANG : you remind me of myself when i was your age.

that made LIHUA sick.

SONG JIEUN : is this part supposed to feel uncomfortable? my leg feels like it's going to snap in half.

MENTOR WONEIL : a lot of fourth generation dance breaks are worse. your body will get used to it. either that or you'll train it to. let's do the dance break again. LIHUA, you're the center for the dance break. i'd like to see you do it alone.

YERANG and LIHUA exchange glances.

LIHUA's glance said she's scared but YERANG's said you're fucked.

MENTOR WONEIL : come on, LIHUA. i know you're unstable but at the very least, you should be able to dance. we don't have all day.

LIHUA hesitantly steps forward.

her heart was racing out of her chest.

she just knew she was going to get yelled at.

MENTOR WONEIL : five, six, seven, eight.

LIHUA starts late.

she was already off and that wasn't even the worst part.

the worst part was the fumbling around.

slipping and sliding everywhere.

she was forced to do the entire dance break and everyone watched.

MENTOR WONEIL : okay . . . okay, can i see . . .

he scans the girls and looks at his clipboard.

he was reading the notes for the audition.

KIMJOO would be perfect but he didn't want to move her from wonyoung.

not when wonyoung had the most lines.

SUBIN could dance but she had no stage presence.

defeats the purpose of a center.

JIEUN is a terrible dancer and doesn't have enough charisma to make up for it.


except YERANG has more visual appeal and way more charisma.

MENTOR WONEIL : i want to see YERANG but i also want SUBIN to come watch with me.

YERANG takes LIHUA's spot.

MOON YERANG : am i doing the dance break?

MENTOR WONEIL : yes, if you don't mind. SUBIN, could you please watch and note any feedback?

CHEN LIHUA : does this mean i'm losing the center position?

MENTOR WONEIL : final positions will be announced saturday. i don't know, yet.

LIHUA looks at YERANG, expecting her to fix it.


MOON YERANG : don't worry, LIHUA. i'm sure KIMJOO would love to help you practice, tonight.

KANG KIMJOO : me? oh i can't -

YERANG cuts her off with a glare.

KANG KIMJOO : - possibly say no to that. i'd love to help.

HOMURA rolls her eyes so hard.

if she rolled them any harder, they'd roll right out her head.

MENTOR WONEIL : we don't have time for this. discuss that later. YERANG, dance.

and so she does.

she puts all her effort into it.

even more so now that she was being considered for a center role.

she finishes out of breath but with an idol-like smile on her face.

MENTOR WONEIL : SUBIN, what do you think?

that one catches everyone off guard.

no one expected it.

LEE SUBIN : huh? what?

MENTOR WONEIL : what did you think? your opinion? how would you fix it?

LEE SUBIN : are you serious, right now? no disrespect. i'm just confused.

WONEIL sighs, exasperated.

he really thought this was clear.

MENTOR WONEIL : ah, i'm considering different people for different positions. between YERANG and SUBIN, i'm not sure.

CHEN LIHUA : so i'm not the center, anymore?

WONEIL only looked at her because she kept interrupting him.

MENTOR WONEIL : SUBIN, you're a good dancer but you're not exactly stage material. YERANG, you're the other way around. consider yourselves battling each other. so SUBIN, what do you think of her as a dancer?

LEE SUBIN : i think . . .

she could be really petty right now if she wanted to.

LEE SUBIN : i think she's mediocre. she's not a bad dancer, she's not an amazing dancer. inconsistent and intermediate but can be taught. charisma can carry someone a long way.

MOON YERANG : fortunately, i have a lot of that. it's almost impossible to teach someone how to look good on stage all the time. harder than it is to teach someone to dance, you know?

YERANG is smiling but SUBIN knew what she really meant by that.

MENTOR WONEIL : that's true.

KANG KIMJOO : i thought you looked great, YERANG. you're very entertaining to watch and you look natural.

MOON YERANG : thank you, KIMMIE.

KANG KIMJOO : you're welcome, YERI.

HOMURA leans towards KIMJOO.

KUBO HOMURA : you guys have nicknames for each other?

she was starting to lose her mind and it was only day two.

KANG KIMJOO : of course we do. we're friends.

KUBO HOMURA : you're friends??? with her??? you do realize she lacks basic human emotions like, i don't know, empathy?

KANG KIMJOO : please, stop talking to me. please.

HOMURA scoffs and turns her head away.


MENTOR WONEIL : okay, that's enough love dive. i want to move on to your song, love in bloom. i believe the leader is SUBIN.

WONEIL sets his clipboard down.

his gaze shifts to look over the girls.

he appreciated how responsive and open they were to him, even if a lot of them are already struggling.

he just prays they can get it together by the showcase.

MENTOR WONEIL : i'm going to step out for a bit to run an errand. SUBIN, start leading.

no one moved or speaks until he leaves.

JIEUN feels nervous, even, that they're being left alone.

every single time they were alone, they've done nothing but argue with each other.

CHEN LIHUA : can i speak with you, YERANG?

MOON YERANG : no. anyway -

she doesn't wait for LIHUA to respond back.

MOON YERANG : why is SUBIN the leader?

KUBO HOMURA : well, while you were gone throwing a tantrum in seoul, we discussed the song. SUBIN has experience and is fit for the leadership role. she can teach us, easily. plus, we like her.

everything else HOMURA said went in one ear and out the other.

all YERANG heard was tantrum in seoul.

MOON YERANG : you have no idea what you're talking about. don't speak on things you don't know.

much to everyone's surprise, HOMURA just tilts her head and shrugs.

she was tired of the back and forth.

SONG JIEUN : can we get started please? i don't want to fall behind.

SUBIN flicks her hair over her shoulder.

she doesn't want this.

LEE SUBIN : yeah, we can start. let's go.

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