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EPISODE TWO ! part two

the elevator ride to the following room was so silent.

mostly because trainees who actually work at the company joined the girls.

and they were also boys.

some of these girls may have been stubborn and hardheaded and preparing to be a famous idol but they were still young schoolgirls.

they even changed their breathing to be less noticeable after such a demanding class.

they cared so much about not embarrassing themselves.

except HOMURA.

she didn't care what some funky little boys had to say about her.

besides, it looked as though they were too busy oogling at YERANG and KIMJOO.

whether the two noticed, they didn't show it.

but again, HOMURA couldn't care less.

the elevator dings open and she starts down the hall.

she didn't bother to see if anyone else was behind her.

she was going to class.

because of her kindness, HOMURA was late and sacrificed a good first impression.

she was not doing it again.

she only assumed the girls were still behind her when she heard giggling.

??? : - so cute!

??? : - see them again?

??? : - ask for their number!

are they serious right now?


she turns around, so tired of their chatter about boys they can never be with.

KUBO HOMURA : i hope you know we can never date anyone, especially anyone from this company. quit talking about it.

MOON YERANG : well, of course we know that, HOMURA. that doesn't mean we can't indulge.

KUBO HOMURA : indulge in what? attention? don't you get enough of that?

YERANG's eyes narrow and she takes a slow step, closing the distance between the two.

she leans in close, simply glaring at HOMURA.

HOMURA would be lying if she said she wasn't shaking in her boots right now.

was YERANG going to hit her?

in front of everyone else?

only, YERANG just smiles and takes a step back.

MOON YERANG : i know what you're problem is. you're just jealous. you're jealous that they didn't give you any attention.

HOMURA was shocked.

out of all the things that she suspected YERANG to do, that was not one of them.

she felt her face getting hot.

MOON YERANG : wow, look at how red her face gets. what? are you a virgin or something?

that snaps HOMURA out of her shock.

KUBO HOMURA : shut up. YERANG. if i am or not, it doesn't matter to you.

LEE SUBIN : the babies are still here. don't talk about that kind of stuff in front of us.

YERANG ignores her.

MOON YERANG : you don't have to be such a prude, MURA. don't worry. your secret is safe with me.

HOMURA can't even sputter out a response before YERANG is walking away, casually brushing against her shoulder.

KANG KIMJOO : i wanted to see a fight.

when KIMJOO starts walking whining about the lack of action, the younger girls hesitantly follow.

all except JIEUN.

she lingers behind with HOMURA.

she understood how embarrassing that was.

it was embarrassing to watch.

SONG JIEUN : are you okay?

HOMURA wants so badly to snap back at her but she knows better.

she knows this took a lot out of her and it wasn't JIEUN's fault.

instead, she grits her teeth and tries to smile.

KUBO HOMURA : i guess. i'm not going to let her unnerve me. that's probably her game.

HOMURA puts her arm around JIEUN's shoulders and smiles, genuinely.

the vocal lesson wasn't as scary as the dance lesson.

that was LIHUA's opinion but she also knew she couldn't dance and sing at the same time.

no one ever asked that of her.

watching herself on camera made her feel good inside again after being torn down by WONEIL.

if only dance was private like vocals are.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

MENTOR HAEYEON : LIHUA, you have a refreshing tone to your voice. i believe that comes from a different training style than what we teach. it's nothing to correct. however, i do think you have a thin voice and you aren't used your muscles correctly. it causes you to strain your voice, especially during the high notes.

LIHUA nods, excited.

she was so happy.

so happy to be far away from WONEIL and with someone more gentle.

CHEN LIHUA : that is something that i noticed too but i never learned how to fix it and i guess it's a habit.

MENTOR HAEYEON : you can fix it but only if you work hard. i can't want it for you, understand?

CHEN LIHUA : i understand.

her eyes nervously flicker to the camera.

she was curious about it, now.

she wondered what they would and wouldn't cut.

if they were there for HOMURA's and YERANG's argument, what would happen then?

HAEYEON finishes flipping through the papers and slid some over to LIHUA.

it was her training guide for the week, but only for this class.

it outlined the practice she needed to do on her own, plus the practice she needed to do with the instructor.

there were only two rest days.

MENTOR HAEYEON : you should find everything you need. the outline, some practice sheets, and the lyric guide to love dive. you were assigned yujin's lines but it's important that you learn the entire song. your role might change depending on you. by the end of the week. they will be finalized. remember, the goal is to get
you prepared to sing live in two weeks. i think with enough hard work, you can do it.

LIHUA smiles but she's nervous all over again.

she can't sing and dance at the same time and she most definitely can't do it live.

there is a knock on the door and JIEUN is relieved.

for the past hour, she's had a personalized english lesson and she just didn't get it.

then, she was sent to do homework for the last thirty minutes and it made her want to bang her head on the wall.

she couldn't stand another second in this self study box.


she was all too aware there was a camera in the corner, recording them.

CHEN LIHUA : how's your lesson going?

SONG JIEUN : i don't hate english but i don't like learning about it. it's so confusing. all i learned is i can get a headache in five minutes.

CHEN LIHUA : ah, that's what's next? i'm doomed. i'm not even fluent in hangul, yet.

SONG JIEUN : you sound fluent.

CHEN LIHUA : i'm good at pretending. plus, i studied conversational phrases.

SONG JIEUN : i see. well, i guess it's my turn for the lesson. i'll hurry up so we can go to lunch soon.

CHEN LIHUA : not too fast, though. we still have to learn school content, later. math, history. you know the rest.

SONG JIEUN : ugh, don't remind me.

the room was awkwardly silent.

HAEYEON clicked away on her laptop but she didn't understand.

all the vocal and rap girls took their vocal lesson first.

all the dance girls went to their private english lessons and had lunch before their lesson.

MENTOR HAEYEON : JIEUN, you're a rapper, correct? that's what your evaluation has as your highest score.

SONG JIEUN : yes ma'am, i am.

she fidgets in the silence.

it took all her willpower not to stutter out her answer.

MENTOR HAEYON : if you consider yourself a rapper, why did you send in a video of yourself dancing?

JIEUN couldn't tell if this was a trick question or if she was being serious.

SONG JIEUN : i- i'm not as confident in that area. i was concerned someone would be better so i showed something i was more confident in.

MENTOR HAEYEON : it clearly worked out in your favor because here you are, sitting in front of me. i cannot comment on your dancing because that is not my field of expertise but i truly wish you sent in some rap.

SONG JIEUN : i'm sorry. i didn't know it had to be my main skill.

MENTOR HAEYEON : oh, it didn't! you don't have to apologize. i personally think that would have made more sense and i would have been able to give you some tips but let's move on. we can start with a warm up and then i'll get you to sample some pieces of music. sounds good?

JIEUN had no idea there could be such a kind mentor here.

she was expecting to get scolded by the way she spoke to her but instead, she was understanding and voiced her opinion kindly.

MENTOR HAEYEON : we're going to start with something simple. we're just going to do a basic lip trill exercise. i'm assuming you've done one before?

SONG JIEUN : yes ma'am, i have.

MENTOR HAEYEON : great! then let's begin.

HAEYEON plays the beginning keys to signify the start.

on her cue, JIEUN starts her trill or at least attempts to.

she pursed her lips but instead of trilling, she just blows out air.

her eyes widen in a bit of shock before she tries again, but this time all she does it spit.


SONG JIEUN : oh my! i'm so sorry. i'm usually not like this. i can do it!

HAEYEON reaches under her desk for a tub of clorox wipes and hands it JIEUN so she can clean her mess.

MENTOR HAEYEON : how about we do something less messy? what about mum? can you do that?

had she not said it with a teasing smile, JIEUN would have thought she was over.

HOMURA could not focus.

she was supposed to be listening to the feedback she was getting on her audition but all she could think about was YERANG.

she wanted to throw up, that's how angry she was.

her stomach could not settle.

her chest was on fire.

MENTOR HAEYEON : - talented but the expectations are too -

does YERANG have a heart?

does she feel anything but bitterness and selfishness?

can someone really be that confident?

PARK HAEYEON : - lacking when it comes to emotion -

who cares if she was a virgin or not anyway?

it doesn't matter.

people shouldn't ask those kind of questions unless they're interested.

. . .

. . .

. . .

was YERANG interested?


pull yourself together, you freak.

MENTOR HAEYEON : - think we can improve by practicing more -

HOMURA doesn't like her.

hates her even.

that's a big deal.

HOMURA doesn't put enough energy into hating someone.


how can someone have such a delicate sounding name and be a scum of the earth type of person.


MOON YERANG is a bitch.


HOMURA is forced to forget the incident for a moment, just so she can be present for her lesson.

MENTOR HAEYEON : did you hear anything i said? did you even watch yourself?

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

KUBO HOMURA : to be honest, no. i'm so sorry. i'm very upset about something that happened between me and someone else.

MENTOR HAEYEON. : if it's affecting you so much that you cannot focus, you need to talk to someone about that. otherwise, i suggest you leave your baggage at the door. we have limited time until the showcase and i do not mean to sound harsh but there isn't enough time for you to sit here and play around.

KUBO HOMURA : i'm sorry. thank you for being patient. i'll pay attention now.

MENTOR HAEYEON : don't be sorry, KUBO HOMURA. be better.

gimme your thoughts about a character, some characters, all characters. doesn't matter. any predictions? anything about iot, really.

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