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"What are you doing here?" Jungkook asked Suri a bit annoyed.

He knew Tae didn't like her and that was the sole reason why they stopped hooking up. He can't go against his best friend's feelings right?!

"Oh Jungkookie! I rushed in soon as I heard that you and Taehyung got attacked! Are you okay now baby?" Suri asked throwing herself on top of Jungkook who looked surprised

"Hey move away." Taehyung said firmly, his tone cold  "Your taking my space."

"Oh I am sorry Taehyung but I just missed my baby so much that I couldn't help it!" Suri said apologetically 

"Its alright-" Tae started to say but Jungkook interrupted him 

"Its not alright! I don't understand why you're so worried about me when I am just a stranger to you?" Jungkook growled and politely pushed the clingy girl away from the bed mostly away from his best friend. 

"Jungkookie! Your know that I have feelings for you, How can you even think that you would be as stranger to me?" Suri asked tearing up

Taehyung felt a little bad, so he said "Kookie, go talk to her and resolve your issues. i don't want to be a bother between you two" 

But what Taehyung couldn't understand was the stranger sensation of jealousy and possessiveness growing inside him even when he said that. 

What was wrong with him?

Jungkook is his best friend! Not someone to get jealous or possessive over. 

But Jungkook belongs to me- A small voice whispered and Taehyung shook his head trying to clear that absurd thought. 

"I am not going anywhere!" Jungkook said firmly to Tae who meekly nodded 

"And you!" The younger the turned to Suri and said in a dark voice "Get out of this room! I already told you this hundred times and I will repeat once more, I am not looking for a relationship. Now get lost, you're wasting my precious time with my Taehyungie!" 

Tae didn't understand why but his cheeks warmed at the last word. 

Jungkook had always called Taehyung as his and every time he did so, the older's cheeks would warm up is much that he would almost be similar to a tomato. 

Suri sobbed badly and it hurt Taehyung's heart to see her cry because he didn't like the thought that she got hurt because of him. But he wouldn't say a word as he knew Jungkook would only get more mad at her for making him feel sad. 

As Jungkook turned and walked out of the room to take the medicines for Taehyung and as soon as he was out Suri glared at the older sharply. 

She leaned in and whispered "You stupid faggot! I know you want Jungkook to satisfy your ugly ass but just keep in mind, SURI NEVER LOSES AND NOT TO BITCHES LIKE YOU ANYWAY." 

Taehyung gasped surprised at how quickly the beta's entire demeanour changed! She really was an evil snake. 

But before he could say anything she continued "Also I am the one who send an attacker at your precious omega brother. Want to know who?" 

Taehyung was fuming dangerously when he heard that but he kept his face in a shocked expression and asked "Who?" 

He was a damn good actor and Suri truly believed that he was weakened by her little surprise.

"It was none other that my brother, Jake. He ahs been lusting on that omegas ass for a long time and you know what, he was going to rape your brother but unfortunately your nosey ass had to reach their right ion time. Well at least he is traumatised, that's enough for me. I always hated his overconfident pathetic face. It will be good to see him now trembling and jumping in terror whenever he sees an alpha!" Suri said laughing cruelly

"You little bitch!" Taehyung swore, his eyes were flashing a dark reddish orange by the end of the entire story "You know what will happen if I tell all of this to Jungkook right?" 

"Oh Taehyung you think I don't know about that." She said smirking "Well let me tell you this, Jake is the leader of a huge rogue gang that had more wolves that our Moonlight Pack would ever have. If you tell this to Jungkook then in the next moment more that thousands of rogues will attack your pack and take all the beautiful omegas there. And as the brother in law of the pack's head Alpha, I don't think you would want for soemthing like that to happen."

"You fucking slut! How can you be so heartless?" Taehyung yelled, his claws coming out

V was furious and that was not good. 

Suri giggled and said "Oh Taehyungie your little wolf can't do anything to me!" 

And That's it! 

V snapped and took over his body, instantly transforming into a ferocious big silver wolf who growled dangerously.

Suri gulped. 

Shit, She always that Taehyung had a weak small wolf because she had never seen him get angry or loose control. 

'Fuck, I underestimated this little bitch. He is so not little in anyway' She thought as she was thrown to one side if the room and for the first time in the day, Suri felt her confidence crumble down. 

She shivered in fear and trembled badly. 

Suddenly the door opened and Jungkook ran in, clutching his heart looking in pain? 

And as soon as V's angry red eyes and ready to attack posture, Jungkook lunged himself on top of the silver wolf throwing V away from tearing Suri into shreds. 

The rolled over to the other side of the room and Suri quickly fled out of the room, scared for her life. 

While inside, Jungkook was having a bad time controlling V. 

"V, STOP!" Jungkook yelled but V was stubborn, he kept fighting and Jungkook could see the deep pain behind those anger filled red eyes. 

Jungkook knew he couldn't dominate V like V did to JK but he knew something else that always worked during the rare times Taehyung gets angry. 

He immediately stopped tacking the wolf and instead he hugged the big grey wolf tightly , loving how soft its fur was.

He slowly caressed V's back loving the way the silky grey fur tickled his hands. 

"Aww look at you! Such a cute little wolfie" Jungkook cooed holding V's face while the werewolf grunted lazily but let Jungkook do whatever he wanted. 

The raven haired looked like an excited child who got his favourite candy when he saw that V didn't fight back or throw him off. 

He immediately started exploring very inch and nook of the grey haired big bad wolf, like opening a gift. 

V groaned and whined in between when Jungkook would massage his sweet spots and make him relax. 

They stayed there together like that for the rest if the day until Jungkook fell asleep beside V, hugging the wolf tightly. If any humans had seen the sight of a large wolf laying down with a another body beside then they would've literally freaked out. 

But thankfully the only people who saw this beautiful sight was Namjoon and Rose who immediately closed the doors and pulled down the blinds to give the two best friends privacy. 

As soon as the door closes, V opened his eyes and let his other form take over.

Since he was a special alpha blessed by the moon goddess, He stayed fully dressed when he came back into the human form.

Taehyung smiled when he saw an adorable looking Jungkook sleeping peacefully but suddenly starts stretching his arms searching for something.

He smiled softly when Jungkook pouts and continues searching. 

Taehyung giggled and moved into the younger's arms, immediately erasing the small frown on the raven haired's face. 

The younger trapped the older tightly in his arms and sniffed his hair deeply while muttering "My safe place."

A bright smile took over his face when he heard that. 

Taehyung snuggled deeper into the younger's arms feeling so much joy that it confused him. Why was he so excited to just sleep in Jungkook's arms? 

But before he could ponder much, another face flashed in front of him. 

It was none other that Suri's sneering face when she told everything today.

Taehyung clenched his fists tightly trying not to get mad when a baby was sleeping soundly beside him. 

However as if sensing him in troubled mood, Jungkook sleepily places soft kisses all over his nape sending tingles down the older's spine.

But the next words Jungkook uttered fully took away all the possibilities of having a peaceful sleep.

"Mm...Tae I love you so much" He muttered dazily and tightened his hold around the deeply blushing older's body.

Fuck...There goes my sleep- Tae thought as his heart started hammering loudly after hearing those words.


UwU ❤❤❤❤❤❤


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