🌻𝔻𝕠𝕟'𝕥 𝔹𝕒𝕔𝕜 𝔻𝕠𝕨𝕟🌻

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Chi-Sun Pov

While the other's were exporting out of the factory Shadow and I hurried to the control room to find the chaos emeralds. When we got there it was nowhere to be found and our lucky guess was that Dr. Robotnik has stolen them.

"That bastard! Where could he have gone?" I asked.

"I think I know. Sonic is meeting with him right now and if I can get there I'll have to take the emeralds from him. I know your fox friend has them too so we'll need to combine them." Shadow said.

"Combine? What do you mean?" I asked.

"It's either a myth or legend to see if those emeralds can unleash the legendary one." He said. "Now go back to the others. I'll deal with it from here." 

"Shadow..." I sighed and ran back to the other's leaving Shadow there by himself.

Your Pov

I was still unconscious when I opened my eyes to find myself in Tom's arms and he was running carrying me and I saw the other's were right behind him. 

"T-Tom?" I asked in a husky tone.

"Y/N! Thank goodness your okay." He said.

"Where's Sonic?" I asked.

"Sonic is fighting Dr. Robotnik and told us to get away so we won't get hurt." He explained.

As I trying to get all the information in my head the memories came back to me and I gasped. Sonic was fighting alone with Dr. Robotnik and we're just leaving him there alone.

"We have to go back!" I shouted at him getting out of his grip as he held my wrist.

"No Y/N! We can't go back there. Sonic can handle this on his own." He protested.

"I'm not letting him do this alone. We...We..." I stopped as Tails came over to me and frowned.

"Your right. We shouldn't have run away like cowards. Sonic needs us more than anything and we have to be there to support him for this fight. He's our friend and we just stood as bystanders." He said gritting his fist.

"What happened to Bethany?" I asked looking over at an unconscious Bethany in Knuckles's arms.

"Dr. Robotnik knocked her out when she tried to save you. She'll be alright." He replied.

"We need to go back and help Sonic." Knuckles said.

"I'm going back. Are you guys coming?" I asked in a brave tone when Tom placed a hand on my shoulder with a small grin on his face.

"I'm coming with you." He said.

"Me too." Tails and Lizzie said.

"Count me in too." Knuckles gave us a thumbs up along with a wink.

"I'm coming too." I heard a grunt coming from Bethany to see her awake as Knuckles settle her down on the ground.

"Are you okay Bethany?" We asked.

"I'm fine. That egghead sure knows how to knock someone out." She muttered.

"I'll show him how hard it is to uncracked an egg." Knuckles grumbled.

"I'm coming too," Maddie said.

"A-Are you sure Maddie?" I asked unsurely.

"I'm positive. We've been through the worst before so let's go help Sonic." She smiled.

My ears perked up as I heard panting and running coming from behind us and I saw Chi-Sun running towards us out of breath.

"Chi-Sun!" I gasped.

"H-Hey, I'm glad I caught up with you guys." She said.

"Where's Shadow?" Tails asked.

"He's back in the factory or robot and told me to catch up with you guys. Tails do you still have the emeralds?" She asked.

"Yeah, I think- Oh no..." He said.

"What?" I asked.

"The emeralds are gone! They must've been stolen while we were fighting in the robot and one of them took them." He exclaimed.

"Great. We're in big trouble now." Chi-Sun mumbled.

"We can still stop Dr. Robotnik and help Sonic defeat him. Who's with me?" I raised my fist as everyone chanted as we ran back to the battle to the scene to help Sonic. I just hope we're not too late.


I was running around on the giant robot and I wasn't alone because there were other robots onboard ready to take me down. I took care of them and my main objective was to find Dr. Robotnik and stop him with his crazy schemes.

"Show yourself, Dr. Robotnik! Where are you?" I asked shouting when I heard something flying in the air as I turned to see Dr. Robotnik sitting in a floating ball half cut open for him to see me.

"I'm right here hedgehog. It seems like you've taken care of the other robots I see." He smirked.

"Yeah, I mean, they are just robots that don't seem that effective to me. It's time to end your games and lock you away for good." I grinned with my arms crossed over my chest.

"I'm afraid your games are about to end." He cackled.

I growled as I heard someone land from behind me and it was known other than Metal Sonic. I thought he was done for but I guess he's not.

"What the-" I was cut off by Dr. Robotnik as he pressed a button in his floating ball causing the robot to change and upgrade super metal and much bigger than it was before. I jumped off as I 'awed' at the size of it and Metal Sonic came down my level as Dr. Robotnik flew over to the robot to get inside of the hole.

The Robot:

"Now Sonic prepare to face the ultimate creation I made myself. Super Robotnik 10x plus ultra!" 

"Woah, that thing is impressive to beat," I said.

"I can't believe that this is a dream come true. A second chance can always happen even if you're defeated from the first battle but now it's time to take care of you. Metal Sonic defeat Sonic while I am your back up." 

"Uh oh," I said.

I saw Metal Sonic's eyes light up red that meant he was taking orders from Dr. Robotnik. We were charging at each other when I saw the arm of the giant robot heading straight towards me as I dodged it by jumping up. I glanced over at Metal Sonic as he grabbed me and swung me backward and flew over again to kick me. I tried to fight back but he was too fast and I'm only the fastest thing alive that the robot was charging towards me when I saw a black blur coming towards me to save me from being crushed.

"Your pathetic." I heard a familiar monotone voice.

"S-Shadow? You're helping me?" I asked disbelieved.

"I have no other choice. Here's the plan you fight Metal Sonic while I take care of  Dr. Robotnik to get back the chaos emeralds."

"This isn't one of your tricks is it?" I asked.

"Am I a joke to you? Just follow my plan so we can defeat them. Got it?"

I watched Shadow running over to the robot and get the chaos emeralds as I focused back on Metal Sonic. 

"Hmph, your not too bad for a robot that has the same body and moves like me," I smirked as he stared at me blankly. 

Shadow Pov

I was running to get where Dr. Robotnik was and he wasn't paying attention when I saw the Chaos emeralds in the panel. I reached down to collect them when I heard him grunt and he saw me.

"Shadow! What are you doing?" He asked in confusion.

"I'm taking these away from you doctor," I replied in an obvious tone.

"You put these back! Your suppose to be helping me defeat Sonic." 

"Not anymore." 

"Y-You traitor!" He exclaimed.

"Sonic Catch!" I threw them as I saw him catch them and I noticed the other's were coming back. I was about to throw them until Dr. Robotnik grabbed my chest fur scowling at me furiously as I tried to get out of his grip making drop the emeralds. (This is taking place in the scene off of Sonic X when the emeralds were dropped in the water near the bridge.) It was bad enough that we're by a bridge and they've fallen into the water.

"NO!" Dr. Robotnik yelled as he tossed me down and I felled to the ground in pain.

"Shadow!" I heard Chi-Sun rushing over to me worried to hold me in her grasp.

"That is it! I am destroying this city and I'm not backing down either" Dr. Robotnik shouted.

"It's over...for all of us." I groaned.

"No, it's not!" Y/N retorted.

"Didn't you see what happened to the emeralds? They fell into the water and Sonic has only two. It's over!" I shouted as Chi-Sun comforted me while formed a fist.

Third Person

Back with the fight between Sonic and Metal the two were still at it and there was no stopping it. However, the fight was about to end shortly when Dr. Robotnik launched a large claw towards Sonic to catch him in his grip as he pulled him closer up.

"I have just about enough of you hedgehog." He snarled.

"You can let me go if that's all right with ya?" Sonic grunted trying to free himself as Metal Sonic stood there glitching and broken halfway to bits. Bethany saw how the poor robot was in no shape to defeat Sonic even if he was programmed to kill him.

"Give up your life Hedgehog." 


"Very well~"

Dr. Robotnik scowled as he took control of his robotic arm he held Sonic to smash him on the ground. Everyone was shocked at the scenery they were seeing as he kept smashing him on the ground causing Sonic to form scars and bruises as he stopped.

"STOP! STOP IT!" You screamed.

"Say goodbye to Sonic!" Dr. Robotnik shouted. 

The horrible fight was now at the ending point when Dr. Robotnik dropped Sonic into the water as everyone remained silent as you felt rage and tears pricked up. 

"N-No...He can't be dead..." You croaked.

The memories between you and Sonic began flashback to you as your eyes changed to gold and you felt powerful aura around you. The power was coming from the bracelet that Longclaw had given you as felt something behind your back and you began to transform into a beautiful guardian. 

'This power...it must belong to Longclaw. She gave me this for a reason to protect Sonic.' You thought.

"Okay, is this another anime character rip off? Because the transformation was unnecessary." Dr. Robotnik questioned.

"Dr. Robotnik I'm going to fight you myself and avenge Sonic!" You claimed.

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