Fairy tail Guild

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You were mainly walking through the town folks in Magnolia passing by with a small smile on your face looking around after coming back from some jobs taking off some of you're day
but feeling positive about it as you can make back opening the doors to see a lot people having conversations and some circling around two people having a brawl which is a pink haired boy with fire magic and a black haired boy with ice magic what do you do when some chairs start getting tossed around as one was thrown at you.

Scenario 2 # If you're already in the guildhall you're just watching everyone beating each other senseless as some other people are chit chatting at the bar getting drunk or others are just looking at the job board to find some type of way jewels in order to just get around their rent time as new people walk in and seeing chairs being thrown their way what do you do

Scenario 3# Make It Up

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