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As weeks passed by, Lukas found himself grappling with a mix of emotions regarding Sam and Miguel's relationship. While he felt a pang of sadness knowing they were now dating, he also understood that sometimes things didn't work out the way you hoped.

One day at school, Miguel approached Lukas, eager to talk about his date with Sam. Lukas tried his best to listen attentively as Miguel recounted their outing, nodding along and offering occasional affirmations. Inside, though, his thoughts drifted to what could have been if he had asked Sam out earlier.

"And hey, speaking of dates," Miguel suddenly said, breaking Lukas out of his reverie, "would you want to go on a double date with us? You and Hannah, me and Sam?"

Lukas hesitated, caught off guard by the proposal. He quickly gathered his thoughts. "Uh, thanks, Miguel. Hannah's just a friend," he replied, trying to keep his voice steady. "And I've been busy with... the tournament."

Miguel nodded understandingly. "Gotcha. You never told me where you're training, though. Is it a local dojo?"

Lukas hesitated again, not wanting to reveal that he was training at Mr. LaRusso's dojo, especially now that Sam and Miguel were together. "Yeah, it's with a family friend," he replied vaguely. "They've been helping me out."

"Nice," Miguel said with a smile. "Well, See you around, Lukas."

"Yeah, see you," Lukas replied, watching Miguel walk away before heading off to his next class. As he walked, he couldn't help but feel conflicted. Part of him wanted to be honest with Miguel and tell him the truth about his karate training. But another part of him feared that it could complicate things further with Sam and Miguel's relationship.


Lukas kept himself busy with training at the LaRusso house, avoiding any unnecessary interactions with Sam.

It had become a routine to evade her, which was clearly starting to irritate her. Sam wanted to talk, to clear the air between them, but Lukas seemed intent on maintaining his distance.

He couldn't shake off the embarrassment of his failed attempt to ask her out, and it was affecting their friendship more than he realized.

One day, as Lukas lingered near the dojo, Robby's arrival on his skateboard disrupted the tense atmosphere. He spotted Sam sunbathing by the pool and accidentally ran into some wind chimes hanging from a tree. Sam noticed him, and their exchange began.

"Hey," Sam greeted him with a friendly smile.

"Hi. Sorry, I was... I was looking for Mr. LaRusso," Robby replied, slightly embarrassed.

"Oh, then I should thank you. He tried roping me into it," Sam said, offering a polite introduction. "I'm Samantha."

"I'm Robby," he responded with a nod.

Just then, Lukas emerged from the dojo, breaking their conversation. "Robby, what's up, man?"

"Not bad. You ready to go?" Robby replied, glancing at Lukas.

"Yeah, let's go," Lukas agreed, feigning nonchalance.

"You don't know where Mr. LaRusso is taking us?" Robby asked curiously.

"Someplace near a lake, I guess," Lukas replied casually, unknowingly dismissing Sam's presence.

Sam frowned, feeling excluded from their conversation. She reached out and grabbed Lukas's bicep gently. "Can I talk to you for a second? Alone?"

Lukas sighed inwardly, knowing he couldn't avoid this conversation any longer. He nodded, and Sam led him towards the dojo, while Robby gave a teasing smile in their direction.

Inside the dojo, Sam apologized sincerely. "I'm sorry for turning you down, Lukas. I truly didn't expect you to ask me out."

"It's okay, Sam. I'm fine," Lukas assured her, though his words didn't quite mask his disappointment. "What else could I do, right?"

"And now you're avoiding me?" Sam questioned softly, hurt evident in her voice. "I still want us to be friends, Lukas."

"Yeah, sure, Sam," Lukas replied awkwardly, trying to maintain a sense of composure. "I've just been really busy lately. Focusing on the tournament, you know?"

"The tournament," Sam echoed bitterly, sensing the distance between them growing. "That's all Miguel and Dad seem to talk about now."

"It's important to me, Sam. I really want to do well," Lukas defended his choice, sensing the tension in the air.

"Did Miguel mention our double date idea with Hannah?" Sam asked tentatively, hoping to lighten the mood. "Your friend? She seems nice."

"Hannah's my best friend," Lukas clarified quickly. "That's all it is, though."

"Oh, sorry, I just..." Sam trailed off, unsure of how to respond.

"It's fine, Sam," Lukas reassured her, though his heart sank a little further. "I hope things go well with Miguel. I should go."

"Yeah," Sam replied softly, disappointment evident in her voice.

Their conversation was interrupted by Daniel's voice calling out for Lukas from outside the dojo. Lukas and Sam emerged to find Daniel, who greeted them with a knowing smile.

"Oh, look at this. My current students and my former student," Daniel remarked with a hint of amusement. "Sam, if you want to join us, there's still time."

"I'm actually going to the mall with Mom and Grandma," Sam replied, trying to mask her disappointment.

"Alright, just text me if there's any bloodshed," Daniel teased, earning a puzzled look from Lukas.

"Bloodshed?" Lukas questioned.

"It's a long story," Sam replied, smiling weakly.

"Robby, give me a hand with this," Daniel continued, changing the subject. "We're taking the SUV."

"Bye-bye, sweetheart," Daniel called out to Sam affectionately.

"Bye, Dad. Have fun," Sam replied, waving them off.

"It was nice meeting you," Robby said politely to Sam before turning to follow Daniel.

"You too. And, uh, good luck with the tree boys," Sam added playfully.

"Tree? What tree? Where are we going?" Lukas asked, puzzled by the cryptic remark.

"Guess we'll find out," Robby remarked with a grin as they headed towards their destination.


"Okay, I'll bite, where are we going?" Lukas asked as Daniel drove them through the woods.

"When I was a kid, Mr. Miyagi took me to this beautiful lake up North to train," Daniel explained. "I tried to take Samantha there once, but after the drought, it's become more of a puddle. So, I found this spot instead."

They parked the car and walked deeper into the woods. The atmosphere was serene and secluded, with only the sounds of nature surrounding them.

"It's very secluded. Kind of peaceful," Lukas remarked, taking in the tranquility of their surroundings.

"You hear that?" Daniel asked suddenly.

"Hmm?" Robby responded.

"You hear that?" Daniel repeated. "I want you to close your eyes and just listen."

Lukas closed his eyes, focusing on the gentle rustling of leaves and the distant chirping of birds. "What do you hear?" Daniel asked after a moment.

"Um... Nothing," Robby replied.

"I agree, nothing," Lukas confirmed.

"Exactly," Daniel nodded. "No phone calls, no internet, no family arguments, just you and Mother Nature. That's why we're here. This is what Miyagi-Do karate is all about."

Lukas smiled, feeling a sense of peace and clarity in the natural surroundings. He followed Daniel and Robby as they made their way to a nearby lake.

"Come on," Daniel encouraged them.

The afternoon was spent immersed in training amidst the wilderness. They practiced kicks by a dock overlooking the lake, sparred in the open space among the trees, and honed their Miyagi-Do moves on the wooden dock.

Daniel even brought out full catchers gear and had both boys deliver strikes to his chest, just as Mr. Miyagi had done with him years ago.

Later on, they found a large rock near the lake and used it as a platform to perform their kata, their movements fluid and synchronized.


"Wow, I feel like I'm, like, Jackie Chan," Robby remarked, feeling energized after their training session.

"Speak for yourself, Bruce Lee was better," Lukas countered with a grin.

Daniel chuckled. "I've got to admit, you're more of a natural than I was."

"What about me?" Lukas asked, eager for praise.

"Yes, you too, Luke. But don't get too cocky, there's always another lesson to be learned," Daniel replied with a playful smile.

"Is that a Mr. Miyagi saying?" Lukas inquired.

"Nah, I just made that one up on the fly. Not bad, right?" Daniel said with a wink.

"So, we headed home?" Robby asked, looking towards Daniel.

"You wish. Training ain't over yet. You may know the moves, but none of that matters unless you have balance," Daniel stated, his tone turning serious.

"I balance on my skateboard every day," Robby retorted confidently.

"I didn't mean balancing your body. I mean balancing your life," Daniel clarified.

The atmosphere grew quiet as Daniel continued. "Look, Robby, we know it's hard growing up without a dad. Believe me, mine died when I was young, so I know."

"My parents died in a car accident, it doesn't get any easier. But when those bad feelings all weigh you down, you gotta... you gotta search inside for the good stuff, you know, and just..." Lukas struggled to find the words.

"Because then you can find some balance in your life. You understand? It's not easy, but you'll do it," Daniel finished, understanding the weight of their shared experiences.

"Mr. LaRusso, I need to tell you something," Robby suddenly spoke up, breaking the silence.

"Sure. What is it?" Daniel asked, his gaze turning to Robby.

Robby hesitated before answering, "Thanks for teaching me."

Daniel smiled gently. "No, don't thank me yet. You're about to hate me."

"Shed that duffel bag and get up on this tree right here. Both of you. Come on!" Daniel instructed, his tone firm but encouraging.

Lukas and Robby obeyed, climbing onto the tree trunk as Daniel directed. The challenge was clear: find their balance amidst the swaying branches and uneven surface.

"All right, now find your balance. Show me what we learned today," Daniel prompted, watching closely.

"Let's start with a front kick," Daniel suggested.

Robby and Lukas both executed the front kick with determination.

"Not bad. Now, try a round kick," Daniel continued, pushing them further.

"Is this supposed to be hard?" Lukas teased, his competitive spirit shining through.

"Yeah, when can we get to the hard stuff?" Robby chimed in, echoing Lukas's eagerness.

"Alright, hot shots. Show me a hook kick," Daniel challenged, raising the bar.

They both attempted the hook kick, but their efforts ended in a tangled mess as they fell on top of each other.

"Ah! Oof!" Robby grunted upon impact.

"Shit," Lukas groaned, feeling the strain.

"There it is. You guys alright?" Daniel asked, helping them back up.

"Yeah," Robby confirmed.

"Me and my big mouth," Lukas admitted with a rueful smile.

"What do we do now?" Robby wondered aloud, ready to try again.

"You get back up and you try it again. You let me know when you can do all the kicks without falling," Daniel instructed firmly, his voice brimming with encouragement.

"Where are you going?" Lukas asked as Daniel started to leave.

"The Devils are playing the Islanders on the East Coast. I'm gonna move to a spot with better service," Daniel replied with a grin, unable to resist the lure of his favorite hockey team.

"What happened to no distractions?" Lukas teased, a hint of amusement in his voice.

"Hockey doesn't count!" Daniel called back, disappearing from view.

"I think my Aunt put money on that game," Lukas mused to himself, shaking his head with a smile.

The two boys exchanged a determined glance, ready to practice their kicks and prove themselves to Daniel.


Lukas and Robby continued their practice session in the secluded woods, the afternoon sun casting dappled light through the canopy above. After their rigorous kicking drills, they moved into a sparring match on the uneven ground near the large tree they had used for their kata practice.

Robby and Lukas circled each other, their movements fluid and controlled, each waiting for the other to make the first move. Finally, Robby lunged forward with a quick jab, which Lukas deftly blocked and countered with a swift kick to Robby's midsection. Robby staggered back but recovered quickly, retaliating with a series of punches that Lukas managed to evade with a well-timed dodge.

As they sparred, their breathing became more labored, and sweat trickled down their faces. Despite the physical exertion, there was a camaraderie between them, a mutual respect forged through shared training and challenges.

After a particularly intense exchange, they paused to catch their breath.

"You're getting better," Lukas remarked, wiping his forehead with the back of his hand.

Robby nodded, a hint of satisfaction in his eyes. "Thanks."

"We make a good team," Lukas said, giving Robby a nod of approval.

Robby hesitated for a moment, then spoke up. "Hey, Lukas... About the other night..."

Lukas's expression turned serious as he recalled the events that had unfolded after Sam's rejection. He had been driving aimlessly, trying to clear his head, when he stumbled upon a confrontation at LaRusso Auto.


The night had been dark and quiet, the only illumination coming from the dim streetlights scattered around the dealership's parking lot. Lukas's headlights cast long shadows as he pulled into the empty lot.

"Hey!" Lukas called out, stepping out of his car to confront the group of guys near the loading dock.

He recognized Robby amidst the group, along with a black kid and another with a beard.

"Robby?" Lukas exclaimed in surprise.

"What are you doing here?" Robby replied, tension evident in his voice.

"I could ask you the same thing. Who are these guys?" Lukas questioned, eyeing the group warily.

Before Robby could respond, Trey, spoke up with a sneer. "Who's this, your boyfriend?"

Robby rolled his eyes at Trey's comment, but the tension in the air was palpable. Cruz, another member of the group, urged Robby to open a door.

"Not gonna happen, Cruz," Robby retorted defiantly.

Lukas noticed a security camera mounted above them, silently recording the altercation. He pulled his hood up, aware of the surveillance.

Cruz lunged at Lukas, throwing a punch that Lukas deftly blocked before retaliating with a punch of his own. The scuffle escalated quickly, with Robby and Lukas using their Miyagi-Do training to fend off Cruz and Trey.

Robby fought valiantly, but he was outnumbered and soon found himself thrown against the wall by Cruz and Trey. Lukas intervened, blocking their advance and gesturing to the security camera above.

"You better watch your ass," Cruz warned Robby before he and Trey reluctantly backed off and left.

Lukas approached Robby cautiously. "You alright?"

Robby nodded, rubbing his sore shoulder. "Yeah, you?"

"I'm fine. Let's get out of here," Lukas suggested, leading the way back to his car.

**Flashback Over**

Robby took a deep breath, breaking the silence that had settled between them. "They used to be my friends... I'm not proud of it, but I used to do some bad shit a couple of months back."

Lukas regarded Robby with understanding in his eyes. "We all do bad stuff, Robby. Can't look back on it. You can only move forward."

Robby nodded silently, grateful for Lukas's acceptance and empathy.

They returned to their sparring, the rhythm of their movements becoming more synchronized as they continued to practice under Daniel's guidance. Despite the challenges they faced, both Lukas and Robby knew they were on a journey towards redemption and self-discovery.


After completing their training session with sparring and successfully executing all the kicks on the tree, Lukas and Robby set out to find Daniel. They walked through the dense woods, following the sounds of nature around them until they stumbled upon Daniel, who was attempting a challenging maneuver.

"Mr. LaRusso?" Robby called out, noticing Daniel balancing on one hand atop a fallen tree trunk.

"Huh?" Daniel responded, momentarily distracted, causing him to lose his balance and fall down.

Lukas rushed over. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I almost did it. Almost," Daniel replied with a grin, brushing off the dirt from his gi.

"What were you doing up there?" Robby asked, curious.

"One of the last things Mr. Miyagi ever taught me," Daniel explained, a nostalgic glint in his eyes. "The most powerful kick in Miyagi-do karate."

"More powerful than the crane kick?" Lukas inquired, intrigued.

"Yep, more than that," Daniel confirmed with a nod.

"How do you do it?" Robby pressed further.

"I wish I could show you. Only Mr. Miyagi could do it," Daniel admitted wistfully. "You have to balance your whole body on one hand, which frees up two legs for the kick. I almost did it once when I was in my 20s, so the fact that I got this close today, pretty damn awesome."

Daniel then turned the conversation back to their training progress. "How'd you guys do on the tree?"

Lukas proudly announced, "Did all the moves without falling. And some sparring while we were at it."

"Good," Daniel nodded approvingly. "Sparring will do you both good as well, helping you refine your techniques and improve in just the right way."

"Now that you've mastered that, you're ready for the next challenge," Daniel continued, a mischievous glint in his eyes.

Robby was intrigued. "What's that?"

"Finding the car," Daniel replied with a chuckle.

Lukas raised an eyebrow. "How are we supposed to do that? This place is like a maze."

Daniel pointed in a direction. "Follow me, boys. I've been coming here since Sam was a kid. I know these woods like the back of my hand."


Lukas, Robby, and Daniel arrived back at the LaRusso home, their training session in the woods having left them tired but satisfied. As they entered, they were surprised to find Amanda and Lucille getting along remarkably well in the kitchen.

Lucille was holding up a dish. "Stick your finger in it and tell me if it's good. What do you think?"

Amanda wrinkled her nose. "It's disgusting."

Lucille protested, "It's delicious, it's delicious, what are you talking about?"

Meanwhile, Jenna arrived from setting the table, causing Lukas to exclaim in surprise, "Jenna? What?"

Jenna greeted them cheerfully. "Ah, look who's here! Come on in."

Amanda joined in, adding, "Yeah, your mom made her famous chicken cacciatore."

Lucille smiled proudly. "Yes, but with the help of your beautiful wife and this other amazing woman."

Amanda blushed. "Oh, stop."

Jenna chuckled, saying, "You flatter me."

Amanda then turned to Lukas, her tone playful. "Why didn't you introduce me to your aunt earlier? We're getting along just fine," she remarked, and she clinked glasses with Jenna.

Lukas grinned. "Huh, this is cool."

Daniel interrupted, suddenly hungry. "How did you do it? Hey! You know what? I don't even care. I'm hungry. Hey, you hungry?"

He turned to Robby. "You want to stay for dinner?"

Robby nodded gratefully. "Uh, sure. Yeah. Thanks."

Lukas eagerly chimed in, "Count me in, I'm starving."

Daniel's mother, Lucille, mentioned, "Uh, he said he couldn't make it tonight."

Daniel sighed, muttering, "Keeps getting better."

Meanwhile, Lukas and Sam exchanged a glance and quietly made their way to the porch.

"Hey... sorry about being distant. I probably shouldn't have done that," Lukas apologized sincerely.

Sam looked at him kindly. "Luke, you have nothing to be embarrassed about."

Sam hesitated for a moment, choosing her words carefully. "Have you ever asked a girl out before?"

Lukas shook his head. "No, I've never had the confidence to."

Sam nodded understandingly. "Well, you did it. And I'm sorry that I rejected you, but I haven't told Miguel about it."

Lukas furrowed his brows in confusion. "Why not?"

"I don't want to complicate things between you guys. He's your friend, after all," Sam explained gently.

Lukas considered her words for a moment. "What about us?"

Sam smiled softly. "Friends again? It'll be really awkward since you practically live here most of the time."

Lukas grinned back. "Alright, you got a deal."

And with that, they returned to the dinner table, Lukas pulling out a chair for Sam as she smiled and sat down.

"Wow, what a gentleman."


Miguel parked his bike outside the LaRusso house and took a deep breath to gather his courage. He approached the front door and raised his hand to knock, rehearsing his introduction in his mind.

"Hi, Mr. LaRusso. I'm Miguel. I'm..."

But as he reached for the doorbell, he glanced through the window and saw a scene that stopped him in his tracks. Inside, the LaRusso family was gathered around the dinner table, sharing laughter and conversation. More significantly, Miguel's heart sank as he noticed Lukas sitting beside Sam, the two of them exchanging smiles and engaging in lighthearted banter.

Miguel's initial determination faltered, and a wave of frustration and jealousy swept over him. He felt a pang of hurt as he watched Lukas interact with Sam, and the presence of Lukas's aunt only added to his unease. It seemed like Lukas was integrating more into Sam's life, and Miguel couldn't help but feel like he was being left behind.

Unable to bear the sight any longer, Miguel turned away from the LaRusso home and walked back to his bike in silence.

His mind was clouded with doubts and insecurities, convinced that Lukas was moving in on Sam. As he rode away, the image of Lukas and Sam's laughter lingered in his thoughts, leaving him uncertain about where he stood in Sam's life.

And it made him mad.

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