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Weeks turned into months, and months turned into a routine of hard work and dedication for Lukas. With every training session, he became more confident in his abilities. His skills improved, and he found himself becoming more outspoken than he used to be.

The transformation wasn't just physical; it was a change in his mindset and self-perception.

It felt great, and Lukas couldn't wait to go back to school with a new positive outlook.

As the first day of school approached, Lukas felt a mixture of excitement and nervousness. He was no longer the same boy who had been targeted by Tyler and his gang.

He had trained, he had learned, and he was ready to stop taking shit from Tyler and his gang.

As he walked through the school hallway, he heard Tyler's voice behind him, dripping with malice. "Well, well, if it isn't the karate kid," Tyler taunted, flanked by his gang.

Lukas's jaw tightened, but he refused to let Tyler's taunts get to him. He had come too far to let his progress be derailed by this bully.

"Just walk away, Tyler," Lukas replied calmly, his voice carrying an air of newfound confidence.

"You think your karate teacher is here to help you this time, Preston?" Tyler sneered, his cronies laughing alongside him. "And when I'm done with you, I'm coming for him."

Lukas's face remained impassive, his confidence unwavering. He laughed, a sound that surprised both Tyler and his friends.

"You really think you can do anything to Daniel?" Lukas challenged. "You tried that once, and he handed your ass to you. He'll do it again."

The confusion on Tyler's face was evident, but he quickly shook it off and threw a punch at Lukas.

Unfortunately for Tyler, it was a move Lukas saw coming from a mile away.

With practiced ease, he blocked the punch effortlessly, his reflexes sharper than ever before.

Tyler's gang rushed in, attempting to overwhelm Lukas with their numbers. But Lukas had spent weeks learning how to evade and counter attacks, and his Miyagi-Do training was paying off. He slipped through their grasp, using his self-defense tactics to his advantage.

Lukas's training had honed his reflexes and instincts. He moved with grace, evading their attacks and using his Miyagi-Do training to his advantage. Swiftly, he neutralized Tyler's friends one by one, employing the self-defense tactics he had learned from Daniel.

The other East Valley students looked on in awe and shock. The boy who had once been the school punching bag was now taking on Tyler Reid and his gang single-handedly.

Hearing the commotion, more students looked on in awe and shock. Some even decided to film the skirmish.

It was crazy to think that three months ago he was being thrown into lockers and trash cans.

As the fight escalated. Lukas was a force to be reckoned with, his confidence and training propelling him forward. It was obvious to everyone that he spent a lot of time doing karate this summer.

"What's the matter, Tyler? You can't keep up?" Lukas taunted, his voice dripping with confidence.

As Tyler's frustration grew, he launched a series of aggressive punches at Lukas, each one met with a swift block.

"What is this?" Tyler yelled in frustration, confusion evident in his voice. "What the hell happened to you, freak?"

Lukas's voice was firm as he replied, "I'm done taking your shit, Tyler."

Lukas continued to defend himself, his movements graceful and controlled. He knew that he couldn't let Tyler's taunts and aggression get to him. He fought back with determination, using his training to his advantage.

Tyler's fury reached a breaking point. He lunged at Lukas, grabbing him aggressively and throwing another punch. Lukas deftly defended himself, his movements a testament to the training he had received. He delivered a swift and powerful kick to his face. Tyler was thrown off balance, crashing into a nearby locker before collapsing to the ground.

The hallway fell silent, save for the groans of Tyler and his friends, who now lay defeated on the floor. Lukas stood there, his chest heaving, surrounded by his astonished peers. He had just proven, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that he was no longer an easy target.

Among the crowd, Lukas spotted his best friend Hannah, she held her phone high to capture the moment.

Her awe and excitement were evident as she cheered him on, amazed by the transformation she was witnessing.

Pride surged through Lukas, but a realization also hit him. He knew he had just made a statement, one that would undoubtedly bring consequences.

He had stood up for himself, but unfortunately, he also knew that there would be repercussions for his actions.


Lukas sat in the principal's office, his heart still pounding from the intense conversation that had just taken place. His Aunt Jenna, who had been called in by the school, sat beside him, her expression a mix of disappointment and concern.

Principal Morales reprimanded Lukas sternly, his voice carrying an air of authority.

"Mr. Preston, your actions today were completely unacceptable. You beat up several innocent students in the hallway, and that will not be tolerated."

Lukas felt a surge of frustration at Morales's words. "Innocent? Tyler and his gang have been bullying me for years!" he retorted, his voice laced with anger.

Principal Morales shrugged off Lukas's explanation. "Regardless, resorting to violence is not the solution. You've crossed a line, Mr. Preston."

Aunt Jenna, who had been quiet until now, spoke up firmly. "Look, I get it, violence is not the answer. But you can't just dismiss the fact which is that little shit and his friends have been tormenting Lukas for so long. He had to stand up for himself."

Principal Morales sighed, his tone more patient now. "I understand your concern, Ms. Preston. But fighting is not how we address these issues. It's my responsibility to ensure a safe and respectful environment for all students."

Jenna's frustration grew as she listened to Morales's explanation. "Safe and respectful? You know what's not safe and respectful? Letting bullies like Tyler get away with their behavior. Lukas finally stood up to them, and now he's being punished for it? This is bullshit!"

Principal Morales raised an eyebrow, clearly taken aback by Jenna's boldness. "Ms. Preston, I must insist that you watch your language."

Jenna scoffed, her anger not subsiding. "No, fuck you. you're being unfair here. Lukas isn't some troublemaker. He's been pushed to this point. This is what constant bullying can do to kids, and with no accountability to end it."

Morales tried to calm the situation, his tone measured. "I'm not disregarding Lukas's situation, but we need to address this properly. I've decided to suspend Lukas for a week as a consequence for his actions."

"What?" Lukas exclaimed, hurt and disappointed.

Jenna's eyes narrowed. "A week? You're suspending him for defending himself?"

Morales leaned back in his chair, his expression neutral. "It's a fair punishment given the circumstances. Let's all try to move forward and ensure this doesn't happen again."

Jenna's frustration was palpable, and she shook her head in disbelief. "I can't believe you're protecting that little asshole just because he's a star athlete. Typical."

Morales's demeanor remained calm, but Lukas could sense the tension in the room. "Ms. Preston, that's not the case. We're addressing the situation objectively."

Jenna stood up abruptly, her voice laced with determination. "You know what, Principal Morales? I've had enough of this. If you're going to let bullies run wild and punish the victims, then Lukas won't be attending East Valley anymore."

Morales looked surprised by Jenna's declaration. "Ms. Preston, that's unnecessary. We can work through this."

Jenna's eyes were fierce as she met Morales's gaze. "No, this is my final decision."

Lukas felt a surge of gratitude toward his Aunt Jenna. He hadn't expected her to take such a strong stand, and it filled him with a sense of validation and relief.

Principal Morales sighed, realizing Jenna's resolve. "Very well, Ms. Preston. If that's your decision, I won't stand in your way."

As the conversation shifted, Jenna turned to Lukas, her concern evident in her eyes. "Honey, are you okay?"

"Yeah," he smiled. "Thanks Jenna."

In the midst of their conversation, Jenna's concern took a different turn. She looked at Lukas and asked, "So, how did you manage to take down four kids at once? You've always been a bit... fragile."

Lukas hesitated for a moment before deciding to come clean.

"I wasn't hanging out with friends over the summer," he admitted. "I was doing karate training."

Jenna's eyes widened, "Karate? From who?"

Lukas held his head down, "Daniel LaRusso, the guy from the car commercials."

"Daniel LaRusso still does karate?" Jenna asked in a surprised manner.

"Yeah, you know him?" Lukas asked curiously.

"Your Dad was always such a huge fan." Jenna replied. "I remember when we went to the 1985 All Valley and he would not stop talking about his kick at the end."

"Yeah, I saw a video. It was pretty impressive." Lukas laughed, relaxing as his Aunt spoke to him.

Jenna glanced at Lukas, her expression a mix of hesitation and concern. "Look, I'm your legal guardian now, and I can't help but worry about you. But if this training is something you believe in, then I'll support you."

While she still had her reservations, she couldn't deny that Lukas had shown strength and resilience. As she glanced at her nephew, her protective instincts kicked in, and she knew that she had to support him in whatever way she could.


Lukas looked up, his expression a mix of exhaustion and relief. "Yeah, I'm okay. Just a bit tired," he replied, his voice lacking its usual confidence.

Daniel sat down next to him, his concern evident in his eyes. "I'm more worried about your well-being than being mad at you," he said sincerely. "Tell me what happened."

Lukas explained the events that had unfolded at school – the confrontation with Tyler and his friends, the taunting and bullying, and how he had finally stood up for himself using the skills he had learned through his training.

Daniel listened carefully, his pride for Lukas growing with each word. "Lukas, I'm proud of you for standing up for yourself," he said, a small smile tugging at his lips. "You used your training the right way, and that's what matters."

Lukas managed a small smile in return, a hint of relief crossing his features.

"Thanks, Mr. LaRusso. I wasn't sure if I did the right thing, but I couldn't just let them walk all over me anymore."

Daniel nodded in understanding. "You did the right thing. But you know, you should probably stop getting into fights. Your Aunt's probably pretty pissed."

Lukas chuckled softly, shaking his head. "Actually, she's more mad about the punishment I got. She doesn't care that I stood up for myself. She's transferring me to West Valley."

Daniel's curiosity was piqued. "Transferring? What happened?"

Lukas explained how Principal Morales had suspended him for a week, despite the fact that Tyler and his gang had been tormenting him for years.

"My Aunt doesn't care that I stood up for myself against my bullies. She's furious about the punishment and thinks the school is being unfair," Lukas added.

Daniel nodded in understanding. "I can see why she's upset. It's frustrating when authority figures don't see the whole picture."

A/N: Right?

Daniel couldn't help but smirk. "You know, Sam goes to West Valley."

Lukas's interest was piqued at the mention of Sam. He had had a crush on her ever since he first saw her in the dojo, but he hadn't mentioned it to Daniel – or anyone else, for that matter.

"Oh, really?" He asked, a little excited.

Daniel nodded, a knowing smile on his face. "Yeah, you might run into her there."

Lukas tried to hide the sudden rush of excitement he felt. "Yeah, maybe."


Luke! You're like a freaking hero! That video is still blowing up online."

A few days later, Lukas had decided to FaceTime his best friend Hannah, who was still buzzing about the video of Lukas beating up Tyler.

Lukas chuckled, feeling a mixture of pride and embarrassment. "Yeah, it's crazy. I didn't think it would get so much attention."

Hannah's eyes sparkled with mischief. "Oh, they definitely did. I bet Tyler's so embarrassed he can barely show his face anymore."

Lukas nodded, a hint of amusement in his expression. "From what I've heard, he's practically a hermit now. Doesn't talk to anyone."

Hannah burst into laughter, her sarcastic tone ringing through. "Well, serves him right!"

Lukas grinned, his eyes shining. "Agreed."

Lukas shifted his focus, remembering that today was his first day at his new school.

It was a tough choice, especially leaving Hannah and not seeing her as much anymore, but he figured a change of scenery was definitely needed.

Hannah's eyes narrowed playfully. "Speaking of which, isn't today your first day at West Valley?"

Lukas nodded, the excitement bubbling up again. "Yeah, it is."

Hannah's eyes widened in mock surprise. "Oh no, you're not replacing me with some new friends, are you?"

Lukas rolled his eyes playfully. "Come on, Hannah, you know you're irreplaceable."

Hannah grinned, leaning in closer to the camera. "Good, 'cause I can't let you forget about the time you used to be a dork."

Lukas chuckled, his gaze softening. "Yeah, those were the days, huh?"

Hannah's playful expression turned thoughtful. "You know, I'm really proud of you, Lukas. You stood up for yourself, and you're going to a new school where people won't treat you like shit."

Lukas smiled warmly, appreciating Hannah's support. "Thanks, Hannah. It means a lot."

"You know who also goes to West Valley? Sam LaRusso." Lukas mentioned, a dazed look in his eyes.

Hannah's eyes widened with mock surprise. "No way! The same Sam LaRusso you can't stop thinking and talking about?"

Lukas chuckled, a hint of embarrassment coloring his cheeks. "Okay, maybe I mention her once in a while."

Hannah teased him, her voice dripping with sarcasm. "Once in a while? Please, Lukas, enlighten me on when you'll ever stop thinking and talking about Sam."

Lukas playfully rolled his eyes. "Very funny, Han. I've got to get going though, school and all."

Hannah waved a dismissive hand. "Yeah, yeah, go have your fun filled day."

Lukas grinned and shook his head. "I'll talk to you later, Han."


The unfamiliar surroundings and the glances from other students made him slightly self-conscious. He had a reputation now, thanks to that video of his fight at East Valley, and he could feel the weight of everyone's eyes on him.

His tour guide, Counselor Blatt, was a quirky and slightly disheveled woman who seemed to have a knack for getting lost even within the school she worked at. As she attempted to show Lukas around, her directions often left him more confused than before. Despite her well-intentioned efforts, Lukas found himself suppressing a chuckle as they wandered through the hallways.

"Okay, so this is... um... well, it's a hallway," Counselor Blatt mumbled, scratching her head in confusion.

Lukas nodded, doing his best to hide his amusement. "Got it. Hallway."

As they continued the tour, Lukas couldn't shake the feeling that all eyes were on him. Whispers and curious stares followed him, making him feel a tad self-conscious. He had never been one to enjoy the spotlight, and the sudden attention was both embarrassing and overwhelming.

But that's what happens when you gain a reputation.

Finally, the tour came to an end, and Lukas found himself near his locker. Just as he was about to take a deep breath and gather his thoughts, he felt a tap on his shoulder. He turned around to find Sam LaRusso standing there, a playful smile on her face.

"Hey, Lukas!" Sam greeted, her enthusiasm evident. "Looks like you've become most popular kid in school already."

Lukas felt a faint blush creep up his cheeks, his usual shyness amplified by the presence of the girl he had been crushing on. "Yeah, it's... um... a bit overwhelming."

Sam chuckled, her eyes sparkling with amusement. "Don't worry about it too much. You'll get used to the attention."

Lukas managed a small smile, grateful for Sam's calming presence. "I hope so."

As they chatted, Lukas couldn't help but notice a figure approaching them – a tall, confident-looking guy who exuded an air of arrogance. Sam's expression brightened as the guy leaned in and kissed her.

"Hey, babe," he greeted Sam with a cocky grin before turning his attention to Lukas. "And who's this?"

Sam smiled at Lukas before turning to Kyler. "Kyler, this is Lukas Preston. He just transferred here."

Lukas extended his hand, his friendly gesture met with a firm handshake from Kyler. "Nice to meet you," Lukas said politely.

Kyler's smile didn't quite reach his eyes as he looked Lukas up and down. "Yeah, whatever."

As Sam and Kyler exchanged a few words, Lukas felt a slight pang of disappointment. He had been getting along with Sam quite well, and a part of him wished he had the chance to be with her more often. But he quickly brushed the feeling aside.

As Sam and Kyler said their goodbyes, Kyler leaned in closer to Lukas. "Listen, new guy, just because you beat up a few East Valley pussies doesn't make you cool. Don't get any ideas, especially with Sam."

Lukas maintained his composure, meeting Kyler's gaze evenly. "I don't want any trouble."

Kyler leaned in closer, his voice dropping to a dangerous whisper. "If I were you, I wouldn't want any trouble either."

Lukas rolled his eyes, feeling a mix of annoyance and defiance. "Thanks for the advice."

With that, he turned and walked away, not allowing Kyler's words to get under his skin as he headed to his first class.

He dealt with Tyler and his posse for years, he can handle a fake tough kid.

When Lukas entered the classroom and took his seat, the teacher paused mid-sentence and grinned at him. "Ah, our new celebrity. Lukas Preston, right?"

Lukas's cheeks flushed slightly as he nodded, feeling a bit self-conscious under the attention.

Lukas nodded, feeling slightly self-conscious as all eyes turned to him. The teacher chuckled. "No need to be nervous. We've all seen that video. We're all very impressed."

"Thanks," Lukas replied, his voice a bit quieter than usual.

As Lukas settled into his seat, the kid next to him leaned over. "Hey, man. That fight was pretty cool. Was that karate?"

Lukas glanced at the kid, offering a small smile. "Yeah, it was."

The kid grinned. "Nice. I'm Miguel, by the way. I take karate too."

Lukas's smile widened as he extended a hand. "Lukas. Nice to meet you."

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