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Sam walked into the Miyagi-Do dojo, her thoughts swirling as she pulled out her phone. A smile crept onto her face when she saw the caller ID—Aisha. It had been a while since she'd heard from her friend, and she was excited to catch up.

"Hey, about time I heard from you. Did you miss me?" Sam said, her voice light and playful.

But the voice on the other end wasn't Aisha's.

"A lot. Please don't hang up," Miguel's voice came through, a hint of desperation in his tone. "Aisha doesn't know I'm using her phone."

Sam's smile instantly faded. Her heart dropped as she gripped the phone tighter. "What do you want, Miguel?"

"I know I screwed up. I made a mistake. I just want things to go back to the way they were," Miguel pleaded, his words tumbling out quickly, as if afraid she might hang up at any moment.

Sam sighed, feeling the weight of his words but also the frustration that came with them. "Yeah, well, it's not that easy," she replied, her voice tinged with sadness.

Miguel's voice softened, laced with sincerity. "Look, I'll do anything. I... I can't stop thinking about you."

As Sam walked into the backyard, her eyes landed on Lukas and Robby. They were training together, focused and intense. Lukas was working through a kata, while Robby followed suit, albeit with a bit more aggression. Sam hesitated, knowing she was about to step into something complicated.

"Look, Miguel, I..." she began, but then trailed off as Lukas glanced over, catching her eye. His expression changed slightly when he heard Miguel's name. There was a flash of something—jealousy, maybe, or concern. Robby, on the other hand, looked visibly tense, still harboring resentment toward Miguel for his victory at the All Valley.

"I can't talk right now," Sam finally said, her voice firm. "Can you just tell Aisha to call me back?" Without waiting for a response, she hung up the phone and slipped it into her pocket.

"I thought it was Aisha," she explained softly, glancing at Lukas with an apologetic smile.

Lukas shrugged, trying to appear indifferent, but there was a tightness in his voice as he muttered, "Whatever."

Robby, always one to speak his mind, chimed in, "You can talk to whoever you want."

Before the tension could thicken any further, Daniel entered the backyard, carrying the calm, authoritative presence that was typical of him. "Hey, guys," he greeted them with a warm smile. "Perfect attendance on day one."

As Daniel surveyed the group, he noticed that one person was missing. He turned to Lukas with a curious look. "So, Lukas, where's your friend, Hannah? I thought she'd be joining us."

Lukas scratched the back of his head, looking a little uncomfortable. "Yeah, about that... she hasn't called me back. Probably busy or something. She doesn't really know about the whole karate thing yet."

Daniel nodded understandingly. "No worries. Maybe next time."

Sam, eager to move past the awkwardness, looked at her father with interest. "So, what's our first lesson?"

Daniel's face brightened with excitement. "You'll see. Follow me."

The group followed Daniel to a large circle of sand, neatly arranged in the middle of the backyard. Lukas looked at the circle, a puzzled expression crossing his face. "A sand circle?"

Sam raised an eyebrow, adding with a hint of sarcasm, "If we're gonna play in the sand, can't we just go to the beach?"

Daniel chuckled, shaking his head. "No, not today. It's been a long time since this dojo's had more than one student, and now we have three. And you'd think with three people, you'd have three times the defense, right?"

The group nodded, waiting for him to continue.

"Wrong," Daniel said with a smile. "One of the cornerstones of Miyagi-Do Karate is, 'Always moving in a circle.' And with the wheel technique, you'll soon see that three people can be as strong as twenty."

The three students exchanged glances, intrigued but skeptical.

"Now, are you ready?" Daniel asked, his voice full of encouragement.

"Yes, Sensei," Lukas responded with determination.

"Yes, Mr. LaRusso," Robby added.

Sam, ever eager to rise to a challenge, grinned. "Let's do this."

Daniel positioned Sam and Lukas inside the circle, facing each other. "All right, let's get in the circle. Face me. Bow."

The two did as instructed, bowing to Daniel. Then they turned to face each other, their expressions more serious now.

"Face each other. Bow," Daniel repeated.

Sam and Lukas bowed to each other, their eyes locking for a brief moment. There was a mix of emotions in that gaze—determination, a hint of competitiveness, and something else unspoken.

"Now, show me the wheel," Daniel instructed, stepping back to observe.

The two began to move, attempting to mirror each other's movements. But instead of flowing smoothly, their actions were slightly off-sync, like a dance with mismatched steps.

"No, no, no," Daniel interrupted, his voice patient but firm. "You both have to be perfectly in-sync. Otherwise, this technique doesn't work."

Robby, watching from the sidelines, couldn't help but comment, "Technique? This feels more like a dance."

Sam chuckled, adding, "Yeah, at what point do we do the hokey pokey and turn ourselves around?"

Daniel smiled, shaking his head at their jokes. "Okay, guys, trust me. You both master this, no one's gonna mess with you."

Lukas sighed, a playful smirk on his face. "Alright, but we look ridiculous."

"Come on. Let's try it again," Daniel encouraged. "And down, Sam, left arm up. Lukas... No, no, together. At the same time."

Lukas frowned slightly, clearly frustrated. "How are we supposed to do it at the same time when we can't see each other?"

"You need to sense what your partner is doing, even if you can't see them," Daniel explained, his tone serious.

Sam, still a bit skeptical, asked, "How exactly are we supposed to do that? The Force?"

Before Daniel could respond, his phone buzzed in his pocket. He glanced at it and sighed. "Shoot, I gotta go help your mom out with something."

He looked at his students, torn between his responsibilities. "Just feel it, all right? I'll be back as soon as I can. All right, keep it up."

As Daniel hurried off, Lukas turned to Sam with a grin. "Okay, I guess I'm teaching the lesson now."

Sam rolled her eyes but couldn't hide her smile. "Don't get cocky," she teased.

"But you like that, don't you?" Lukas shot back, his tone light.

"Maybe a little," Sam admitted, a laugh escaping her lips.


The Cobra Kai dojo was buzzing with energy as more students piled in, eager to start their training. But in one corner, the atmosphere was less than welcoming. Aisha, Hawk, and Miguel had turned their attention to two new recruits, Mitch and Chris, and their behavior was far from friendly.

Hawk smirked, eyeing the newcomers with a look of disdain. "What do you think? Shit-head One and Shit-head Two?"

Aisha chimed in, her tone dripping with sarcasm. "I was thinking more like Mary-Kate and Ass-hat."

Chris, trying to make a good impression, started to speak up. "Well, I'm—"

But Hawk cut him off sharply. "Did I say you can speak?"

Miguel, catching the nervous look on Chris's face, tried to play it off as a joke, though his tone wasn't much kinder. "Guys, look, they're just messing with you."

Chris, relieved, nodded. "Thanks, man."

Miguel's expression didn't soften. "Besides, everyone knows your names are Ass-face and Douchebag."

Aisha snickered, clearly enjoying the banter.

Mitch, trying to keep things light, raised his hand. "Dibs on Ass-face."

Just as they were getting into their groove, the door to the dojo opened, and a tall, imposing figure walked in. It was John Kreese, a man who needed no introduction to those who knew the history of Cobra Kai. Johnny had invited him to observe the class, but Kreese's demeanor suggested he wasn't exactly impressed by what he was seeing.

Kreese looked around the dojo, his face a mask of barely concealed disgust. "Jesus Christ!" he muttered under his breath.

Hawk, noticing the unfamiliar man, turned to Miguel. "Who's that?"

Miguel shook his head, just as confused. "I don't know."

Taking the initiative, Miguel approached Kreese cautiously. "Hey, uh, can I help you, sir?"

Kreese's eyes narrowed as he looked Miguel up and down. "Oh, you're the one who lost to LaRusso's student," he said, the mention of Lukas causing Miguel's jaw to tighten. "No, but maybe I can help you."

Before Miguel could respond, Johnny stormed over, pulling Kreese aside. "What the hell is wrong with you? I said tomorrow."

Kreese shrugged, unbothered by Johnny's irritation. "Oh. Tomorrow, today, who can keep track, huh?"

Johnny turned back to the class, trying to regain control of the situation. "Class, we have a visitor. This is Mr. Kreese. He's just an observer. Pretend like he's not even here."

As Johnny spoke, the dojo door opened again. This time, it was Hannah who stepped inside, looking uncertain as she took in the scene. Hawk and Miguel exchanged surprised glances, but Miguel couldn't hide the small smile that appeared on his face.

"So you made it," Miguel said, walking over to her.

Hannah shrugged, still unsure about the whole thing. "I'm still not sure about this. But whatever."

"We're about to start," Miguel offered, hoping to ease her into the environment.

Johnny, noticing the exchange, leaned in to Miguel. "New girlfriend?"

Miguel shook his head quickly. "New recruit, actually."

Hannah cut in, her voice firm. "Just watching."

Johnny nodded, respecting her decision. "Alright, but you're just watching. Mr. Diaz, warm them up."

Miguel quickly snapped back into his role. "Fighting positions! Front kick. Forward strike. Side dab."

The students all dabbed in unison, but the moment felt off. Hannah cringed slightly, her face betraying her discomfort.

Johnny wasn't impressed either. "What the hell was that?"

Miguel tried to brush it off. "We're just messing around. We have 11 and a half months until the next All Valley."

Hawk, always confident, added, "Yeah, besides, we already know how to kick ass."

Johnny's eyes narrowed. "Oh, yeah? Really, huh? So you know everything. There's nothing left to learn, huh?"

Aisha, unable to hold back her laughter, started giggling, drawing Johnny's attention. "What's so funny, Ms. Robinson?"

Aisha tried to stifle her laughter, but couldn't completely hide her amusement. "I'm sorry, Sensei, you just wouldn't understand."

Johnny's patience was wearing thin. "Try me."

Aisha's laughter bubbled up again. "It's a snake-doo."

Johnny's confusion only deepened. "What's a 'snake-doo'?"

Aisha tried to explain, but her laughter got the best of her, and Johnny had finally had enough. "Quiet!" he barked, silencing the dojo. "5:00 a.m. tomorrow morning. Corner of Fulton and Raymer. You don't show, and you're off the team. Class dismissed."

The abrupt end to the session left everyone a little stunned. As the students began to disperse, Miguel caught up with Hannah, who was already heading for the door.

"So, what do you think?" Miguel asked, hoping to gauge her reaction.

Hannah smirked, her tone dripping with sarcasm. "You guys have a... unique training method."

Miguel chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck. "It's not like that all the time. Sensei Lawrence might be having a day. Ever since the All Valley, you know?"

Hannah nodded, her expression softening slightly. "Yeah, I get it."

Miguel saw an opening and seized it. "We're thinking of hanging out at the arcade later. Might be a good opportunity to meet everyone if you're considering signing up."

Hannah hesitated, uncertainty flickering in her eyes. "I don't know, Miguel..."

"Think about it," Miguel said, his voice gentle but persuasive. "I'll be waiting for you."

As Miguel joined Hawk and Aisha on their way out, Hannah glanced at her phone, her mind drifting. Two missed calls from Lukas stared back at her from the screen. She knew she should probably call him back, but something held her back.

She wasn't sure she wanted to get involved with Cobra Kai, but after the relentless bullying she'd endured from Tyler, she was desperate. Maybe, just maybe, this was the place where she could find some strength of her own.


Hannah hesitated for a moment before pressing the call button, feeling a knot in her stomach as the phone began to ring. She glanced at her reflection in a shop window, trying to steady her nerves. A part of her wanted to back out, to just walk away from it all, but the image of Tyler's mocking face flashed in her mind. She wasn't ready to go back to feeling powerless.

"Hey," Lukas's voice came through the line, warm and familiar. "Where were you? I thought you were coming over."

Hannah's heart skipped a beat, and she quickly scrambled to come up with something. "Yeah, I'm sorry about that," she said, forcing a light tone. "I got caught up with something... school stuff, you know how it is."

There was a brief pause on the other end of the line, and Hannah bit her lip, hoping Lukas wouldn't press for details.

"Yeah, no problem," he finally replied, though his tone held a note of curiosity. "Everything okay?"

Hannah exhaled softly, relieved that he didn't seem to be suspicious, at least not too much. "Yeah, everything's fine. Just had to deal with some last-minute assignments. I'll see you soon, okay?"

"Sure," Lukas said, though there was a lingering hint of uncertainty in his voice. "Text me when you're on your way."

"I will," Hannah promised, and after exchanging quick goodbyes, she ended the call.

She stood there for a moment, the lie hanging heavily in the air. She hated deceiving Lukas, but something about Cobra Kai and what it represented was pulling her in, despite all her reservations. With a sigh, she turned and headed in the direction Miguel had mentioned, mentally preparing herself for whatever came next.


The arcade was buzzing with energy, neon lights casting a kaleidoscope of colors across the room as teenagers crowded around the games, laughter and chatter filling the air. Hannah spotted Miguel, Hawk, and Aisha near the back, their faces lit up by the glow of the screens.

As she approached, Miguel noticed her first, a friendly smile breaking across his face. "Hey, you made it!" he said, waving her over.

"Yeah," Hannah replied, trying to sound casual as she joined the group. "Figured I'd check out what you guys were up to."

Hawk gave her a once-over, his expression unreadable. "So, you're really thinking about joining Cobra Kai?" he asked, his tone half-challenging, half-curious.

Hannah shrugged, not wanting to commit to anything just yet. "Still figuring it out."

Aisha, who had been quietly observing, finally spoke up, her eyes narrowing slightly. "Why'd you really come here?"

Miguel shot Aisha a look, trying to ease the tension. "Aisha, relax. She's cool."

Hannah met Aisha's gaze, trying to project confidence she didn't entirely feel. "Maybe I just wanted to see what you guys were like outside the dojo."

Aisha seemed to consider this for a moment before nodding slightly, the suspicion still lingering in her eyes. "Okay," she said, her tone neutral. "Just making sure."

The conversation shifted after that, and the group started to relax. Miguel was quick to include Hannah in their banter, and though Hawk maintained a certain edge, he didn't seem as hostile as he had earlier. Aisha remained cautious, but she didn't push further.

As the evening went on, Hannah found herself slowly letting go of her worries. She joined in on conversations and games, her initial apprehension fading into enjoyment. She laughed and had fun, though a small voice in the back of her mind reminded her of Lukas and the sense of betrayal she felt.

At the end of the night, as the group was heading out, Miguel approached Hannah. "Hey, we're having a training session tomorrow morning. If you're interested, you should come check it out."

Hannah hesitated for a moment before nodding. "Yeah, I'll think about it."

"Awesome," Miguel said with a grin. "Hope to see you there."

As she left the arcade, Hannah couldn't shake the feeling of internal conflict. She enjoyed the evening, but the thought of Lukas and her dishonesty weighed heavily on her. Miguel's invitation loomed in her mind, and she realized that stepping into Cobra Kai's world might come with consequences she wasn't fully prepared for.

Meanwhile, Miguel's thoughts were elsewhere. His plan was unfolding, and having Hannah join Cobra Kai was a calculated move. As he watched her walk away, he knew that bringing Lukas's friend into their fold was another step in his quest for revenge.


Lukas and Robby pulled up to the Miyagi-Do dojo, and as they stepped out of the car, Lukas noticed Robby's mood had been off throughout the ride.

"What's with you?" Lukas asked as they approached the dojo.

Robby just shrugged, his expression unchanged. "Nothing."

Sam was already at the dojo, working on the wheel technique in the backyard. She looked up with a smile when she saw Lukas.

"Hey," she greeted cheerfully.

"Hey," Lukas replied, returning the smile.

Sam was struggling with the technique and asked, "Was the first turn clockwise or counterclockwise?"

Robby, clearly frustrated, muttered, "I don't remember. What's the point? How's a stupid dance gonna save us in a fight?"

Sam glanced at Lukas, puzzled. "What's his problem?"

Lukas shrugged. "I don't know. He's been like this the whole car ride."

They walked out to the backyard where Daniel was setting up a wheel in the middle of the koi pond.

"Dad?" Sam called out, confused.

"Mr. LaRusso, what are you doing?" Lukas asked.

Daniel looked up with a smile. "Mr. Miyagi built this a few years before he died. He said it was a monument to balance. Today, it's going to help you guys learn the wheel technique. Hop in."

Robby's eyes widened. "You actually want us to get in there?"

"Yeah," Daniel confirmed.

Lukas chuckled. "Could have told us to bring our swimsuits."

Daniel waved him off. "Come on. A little water never hurt anyone. Nice and easy."

"It's cold," Sam complained as she stepped into the pond.

Lukas splashed her playfully. "Speak for yourself."

Daniel instructed them to get into position. "All right. Get on each side. Lukas, you'll be subbing in."

Sam yelped, "Oh, my God, Dad. What did I just step on?"

"It's nothing," Daniel reassured. "Don't worry about it."

Robby voiced his doubts. "If we can't do this on the ground, how are we supposed to do it on this?"

"On the ground, it's hard to sense when your partner is moving," Daniel explained. "On the deck, you're going to feel everything."

Sam and Robby took their positions on the wheel, trying to balance. They struggled, and soon enough, both fell into the pond, with Robby inadvertently bumping into Lukas. Lukas fell in with Sam, and they both ended up submerged.

"Whoa! Whoa!" they shouted in unison.

Lukas found himself underwater, directly beneath Sam. They surfaced, catching each other's gaze.

"Hey," Sam said, her cheeks flushing slightly.

"Hi," Lukas replied, equally flushed.

Daniel observed from the side, laughing. "All right, all right. Not a bad start. You're just finding your footing."

Robby, looking disgruntled, commented, "I don't feel like we're finding anything."

Sam, still wet and shivering, added, "Dad, when was the last time this thing was cleaned?"

Daniel encouraged them. "Come on, guys. Get back up. That was great. You're doing well."


Lukas and Sam climbed onto the wheel once more, the water from their earlier tumble still dripping from their clothes. Daniel stood by the edge of the koi pond, observing intently.

"Remember, use all your senses," Daniel instructed. "Feel where your partner is."

Lukas turned to Sam. "You ready?"

"Yeah," Sam replied, bracing herself.

"One. Two. Three," Daniel counted, and they began the sequence.

"Hey, hey. Slow down," Lukas said, struggling to keep pace.

"Yeah, I felt that," Sam acknowledged, trying to adjust her movements to match Lukas.

"Thanks," Lukas said, grateful for the feedback.

"No problem," Sam responded with a smile.

The wheel wobbled under their feet, and once again, they found themselves in the water, though this time they managed to maintain better balance before falling in. Daniel watched with a satisfied expression.

"Okay, all right. Come on, get back up," Daniel encouraged. "Don't be discouraged. You're getting better each time."

Determined, Lukas, Sam, and Robby took turns, each one subbing out and then rejoining. With every attempt, their movements grew more synchronized, their balance improving. They fell into the water a few more times, but each time they managed to improve a little more.

After several rounds, Sam finally managed to execute the technique without falling. She looked at Lukas, who had also succeeded.

"Hey, took me forever to dry off, but today was awesome," Sam said, brushing some water off her clothes.

"Yeah, it was," Lukas agreed, still catching his breath. "We finally got it."

Robby, who had been practicing alongside them, looked relieved. "Yeah, I think we finally got it," he said, nodding.

Sam glanced at him. "Hey, do you need a ride?"

Robby hesitated for a moment. "Uh, no. I mean, look, I'm sorry about earlier. I just... I'm dealing with some stuff at home. My mom took off, and I guess she missed some bills."

Lukas looked concerned. "It's fine. I get it."

Robby nodded appreciatively. "But I'll see you guys tomorrow?"

"Yeah, sure," Sam assured him.

"Cool," Robby said, giving a small wave before heading off.

As Robby walked away, Lukas and Sam exchanged worried glances. It was clear that Robby's home life was challenging, and they both felt a pang of sympathy. They had been so focused on their own struggles and training that they hadn't realized the extent of what Robby was going through.

Lukas spoke up, breaking the silence. "You think everything's okay with him?"

Sam sighed. "I hope so. It sounds like he's dealing with a lot right now. I wish there was something more we could do."


Hannah had been toying with the idea of Cobra Kai for days now. Each time she thought about stepping away, something pulled her back. She'd glance at her phone, re-reading the messages from Miguel, his invitation to the next training session lingering in her mind. But she was still unsure—caught between the pull of the dojo and her own doubts.

Then, like a haunting shadow, the memories of Tyler and his lackeys crept back into her mind. It wasn't just the bullying; it was the way they seemed to take pleasure in it, the way they relished in her discomfort. She remembered how it started, with Tyler making snide comments, pushing her books out of her hands in the hallway, and laughing as she scrambled to pick them up. His friends—no, his followers—echoed his cruelty, taunting her as she struggled to keep her composure.

One day stood out more than the others.


One Year Ago

Hannah walked into school that morning with her head down, trying to avoid the inevitable. But Tyler was relentless. As she passed by his locker, he stuck out a foot, tripping her and sending her crashing to the ground. Her backpack spilled open, books and papers scattering across the floor. Laughter erupted around her.

"Watch where you're going, nerd," Tyler sneered, his voice dripping with condescension.

Hannah fought back tears as she tried to gather her things. But before she could finish, Tyler grabbed her by the arm and yanked her up roughly. His grip was tight, his eyes cold.

"You're nothing, you know that?" he spat. "No one here likes you. You're just a loser."

One of Tyler's friends, a stocky boy with a cruel smile, kicked one of her books across the hall. "Maybe you should stay on the ground where you belong."

She felt a surge of anger, something deep and primal, as they continued to mock her. She wanted to scream, to fight back, to make them feel the pain they'd inflicted on her. But she was frozen, paralyzed by fear and humiliation.

Later that day, she watched as Lukas confronted Tyler, his fists clenched and his eyes blazing with fury. It was over in seconds—Lukas had Tyler on the ground, folded in half, and Hannah had felt a strange mix of satisfaction and guilt. Lukas had done what she couldn't, what she'd been too scared to do. But it wasn't enough. It didn't erase the shame, the hurt that Tyler had caused her. And more than anything, she wanted to make him pay herself.


That's when Cobra Kai began to seem like a real option. Maybe—just maybe—they could help her find the strength to stand up to Tyler, to make him pay for what he'd done.


Hannah stood outside the Cobra Kai dojo, her heart pounding in her chest. She had told herself she wouldn't come back, that it wasn't for her. But here she was, standing on the threshold, unable to turn away.

Before she could make a decision, the door swung open, and there stood John Kreese, his imposing figure filling the doorway. He looked her up and down, his gaze piercing, as if he could see right through her.

"So, Mr. Diaz tells me you have a few boys picking on you?" Kreese's voice was low, almost menacing.

Hannah swallowed, feeling a nervous knot tighten in her stomach. "Yeah, why do you ask?"

Kreese stepped closer, his eyes narrowing as he studied her. "And what are you planning to do about it?"

"I don't know," Hannah admitted, her voice barely above a whisper. "I want to... I just... I want to hurt them. Make them pay for what they did."

Kreese's lips curled into a smirk, one that sent a shiver down her spine. He stepped even closer, his presence overwhelming. "Well," he said slowly, "maybe I can help with that."

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