Scroll 1-team 5 forms!

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*it was an early morning konoha as students were rushing to the ninja academy to have their last day of class and become fully fledged shinobi some though are taking a bit longer then most to get up*

*at a small apartment complex*

???:zzzzzzz*had spiky raven colored hair with pale white skin and his left side was covered in what appeared to be curse marks he had a sheathed blade next to him*zzzzzzz
Sakura:*slammed open the door*UCHIHA EFRAIN WAKE UP YOUR GONNA BE LATE!!!!!!!!!*she had on a red dress that ended mid thigh and was wearing slightly grey white pants and open toed sandals*
Efrain(???): GAH!*fell out of bed*wait what?!*looked at his clock*oh shit!*closed the door so he could get dressed then opened it back up to wear a grey shirt with a odd pattern on it and dark brown pants with his shurikin pouch strapped to his left leg and had his sheathed sword in hand*

Sakura: hurry up before your late
Efrain: right thanks for waking me up gab I thought I set my alarm!*ran past the dining room table but slowed down to par his little sister sarada's head*todays the big day sarada wish your big bro luck*went out the door and began to roof hop to the ninja academy*
Sakura:*sighed*can't believe he's already 14........well hopefully he doesn't get in trouble

*meanwhile Efrain was making a mad dash towards the school swearing to himself as he saw it coming up on the horizon*
Efrain: phew just in time and with plenty of time to spare!*landed in front of the entrance and made a mad dash for his classroom to see everyone else was there so he was the only one nearly late*

Shino: Efrain your late as usual but I would expect at least today you would show up early.....*he had his hair in a top knot with his eyes being covered by a visor he was wearing a dark green jacket that covered most of his body except for the lower parts of his legs where he was wearing black pants*
Efrain: sorry teach I thought I set my alarm last night.....*took his seat*

Shino:*cleared his throat*alright everyone as you know in front of you are your headbands or head plates tie them or attach them wherever you wish and once you do you will officially be shinobi of the hidden leaf village afterwards you will wait for your jonin sensei' s until then you've all officially graduated
*the class went into an uproar of cheering and celebration as they all put their headbands on*

Efrain:*tied his around his right arm and thought*finally I'm a official hidden leaf ninja! I wonder who my teammates will be hope I get some of the top brass or a hottie hehehe
*soon a few hours passed and only seven people remained*

???:well seems like our sensei's are taking their sweet time....*he had a half cut going on the right side of his head his eyes were a very pale shade of white a clear sign he was a Hyuga he had on a puffy dark red vest and chain mail shirt with his headband tied around his mouth he was wearing dark brown pants with his shurikin pouch strapped against his left leg*

???: oh come on bro the village is a big place can be pretty easy to get lost*he was wearing a bright orange hidori that ended around his stomach the sleeves were massively long reaching down to his calf's with massive beads wrapped around where they ended and some around his neck he had brown hair similar to an oak he was wearing a small scarf under them he had his head plate attached to the strawhat he was wearing he was wearing baggy pants that seem similar to what a kendo practitioner would wear*

(Wow that was a long one......)

???: tch I'm just about ready get out of here and look for them myself*she had bright lemon yellow hair tied into a pony tail she had on glasses with pink rims to them she also seemed to have small red triangles on her eyes it was hard to tell though due to the glasses she was wearing a wine red shirt with a wolf icon on the left sleeve she had on dark purple pants with her shurikin pouch strapped to her right leg her headband was tied around her waist hiding the belt holding up her pants she also had some sorta cloth around her left leg next to her was what appeared to be a grey and black ninja hound with a few scars on him*

(Ok that was also long)

Efrain: hey at least I ain't gonna be stuck with an uptight Hyuga
Hyuga???:*a tick mark appeared on his head and he looked at efrain*wanna say that again Uchiha bastard
Efrain: make you Hyuga bitch*a tick mark also appeared on his head and the two began to glare daggers at each other little did they notice the other three had left with their sensei leaving them alone*

Beads???: uhhhhhh guys the other three people left
Hyuga???&efrain: WHAT?!
Wolf???:*rolled his eyes and curled up on the ground*
Glasses???: oh great guess that means I'm stuck with three of you
Efrain: wait a second that can't be right why would they make a team of four-*the wolf growled at him*of five people and a ninja hound that doesn't make sense

*they all waited another two hours before finally a extremely tall person showed up he was wearing a dark green blue kimono with navy blue stripes and swirls patterning it and opened toed sandals of a more old fashion variety as he kept his hand resting inside the hidori while the other was holding a sake gourd*

???: so you the brats I'm gonna be training?
Everyone:*sweatdropped and thought*oh great we got a drunk.......
Alvie: well the names alvie but you can call me Al sensei actually do call me it's easier that way*took a swig from his gourd*
Glasses???: he's practically reeling of booze*covered her nose*yuck

Beads???: hey for all we know he could be nice
Alvie: alright follow me and if you don't keep up im dropping you as my rookies*began to walk out the door*
Beads???: or I can be wrong......*soon everyone got up and followed him to a rooftop on a shopping plaza where they all sat down against whatever they found to be comfortable*

Alvie: alright let's start simple how about you all introduce yourselves and tell me a fun fact about yourselves*yawned*
Eric: well names Eric Hyuga I'm aiming to be the next leader of the anbu black ops

Damien: and my name is damien akumu Hyuga Eric is my half brother and a fun fact about me is while I like animals they seem to hate me........
Glasses???: explains why Bruno here wants to go hog wild on ya
Bruno(wolf???):*growling at damien*

Hailey: well names Hailey inuzuka and this is my ninja hound Bruno I wanna become the best user of the inuzuka techniques in the history of the hidden leaf!
Bruno: woof

Alvie: well my name is Alvie hebi and a fun fact about me is I would rather be somewhere else besides here
Everyone:*thoughts*he could at least pretend to care........
Alvie: now that we know each other follow me to the training grounds we're gonna have your first assignment*vanished from sight*

Eric: Great just great our sensei is both a drunk and doesn't even want his job.....
Damien: yeah I think we got bottom of the barrel....
Efrain: it could honestly be worst we could have gotten someone like orochimaru....
*that caused them all to shiver and they all got up and made their way over to the training grounds but Damien suddenly stopped at the halfway point*

Efrain: whoa now-*hit the side of a phone pole and fell down*what the heck Damien!
Eric: hold on*stopped and got to where Damien was*need your inhaler?
Damien:*nodded as Eric handed him a inhaler and he took a breath of relief*phew much better
Hailey: well we know who the weak link is
Eric: hey call him a weak link one more time I'll shove that ponytail up your ass
Hailey: EXCUSE ME!!!!!!

Damien: hey let's all calm down before this gets out of hand-*bruno jumped him*AH DOWN BOY DOWN BOY!!!
Hailey: Bruno bad dog over here!*bruno dropped Damien and went over to her*
Damien: why.......
Efrain: we're gonna be late if we don't get moving so ya think you can make it Damien or is one of us gonna have to carry you

Damien:*got up and dusted himself off*i'm not that weak
*they all soon arrived after two more stops so Damien could use his inhaler*
Alvie:*sitting against a tree drinking*'bout time you lot showed up

Efrain: sorry we had to make a few pit stops because one of us had to use their inhaler
Damien:*rolled his eyes*
Alvie: I don't give a damn now the assignments simple ever hear of the bell training?
Eric: yeah supposed to be pretty standard for training rookie genin

Alvie: well*held up three bells*first three to grab a bell get to stay and the one who doesn't well let's just say your gonna have the shortest lived career of any shinobi
*the four gained looks of shock and began to look at each other with the thought of "if I don't beat them I'm done for" and then looked back at alvie*

Alvie: your training starts*leaped into the air and was priming a justu*now


And that's scroll 1-team 5 forms! So what do you all think of the main team so far I know I liked coming up with them well until next time my lovable psychopaths enjoy!

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