chapter 9

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Chapter 9

The Next Day

At Nigam's Mansion

Abhishek was getting ready for his office in his room. He was remembering those times which he had spent with his brother . He also remember it that also he and his brother used to fight over that who will drop ruhi to school. Moreover whatever he asked his brother to get marry his brother say "Dada what's my age now for marry? "

Suddenly has chain of memories got broke when his wife called him for breakfast. He Went down. He had his breakfast with his family and went qith ruhi to drop her school.

At somewhere else

A old man was setting on sofa and crying

Old Man : Oh Allah why Am I alive still why did you snatch my son from me why? Why?  Why? This house used to be a heaven when he used to live here


Boy around age 25 keeps chasing a girl around 26

Boy : Diii. Today Iam not goona spare you

Girl keeps running thorough the hall

Girl : No this time no chance

Boy was about to eatch the girl suddenly Both of them bumped into someone

Boy and girl : Papa

Someone is nonother than old man few years age

Papa : You guys again start

Girl : See papa this idiot start troubling me Again.

Boy : Papa I didn’t did anything. She is lieing

Girl : Papa I didn’t did anything

Boy : Papa she poured whole water on me (Fake cry)

Girl : Drama king. Stop your drama you are not kid. Papa he was not waking uo so I had to

Boy : Diiii (shouting)

Papa : Shut up

Both became silent

Suddenly he brust out laughing

Boy : Papa?

Papa : Look at yourselfe you are no less than a walking water bucket

Boy : Papa you also

Papa : Yeah

Boy starts tickings his papa and they laid on sofa and laughing at each other.

Flashback End

His thoughts of chain was broken by someone soft touch he truned and saw his daughter

Daughter : Papa You are thinking about him agian?

Old man : Don't You miss your brother Princess

Daughter : Papa just Because I don’t crying now. It’s doesn’t matter. I didn’t miss my brother Only I know the fire inside my heart at raksha bandan

She said while storming away from there with tears.

At sidyaz sid

We could see Siddharth and riyaz were beating sm1 mercilessly infront of whole basti. Blood was flowing from every part sm1's body.

Finally Siddharth and riyaz stopped. Riyaz pointed a gun towards sm1. Sm1 started trembling in fear. Siddharth smirked and turned towards the basti people . He said

Sid : So guys tell what was you guys need should I killed him or not

Everyone expect sid, ru and sm1 : Yeah kill him.

Sid smirked and turned towards sm1 and Said

Sid : Sataya (so sm1 is sataya) you didn’t did good to do that

Ri : Just becuse of you all mothers lost there children . They didn’t able to live

Stataya : Please forgive me. Please leave me

Ri : No we will not. You know in this 10 years how much girls reped by you?

Sid : You all the time left by police but not now. We will not going to leave you so sooon. Riyaz!!

Ri nodded. He directly shot stataya on his head. Stataya died on the spot

Riyaz ordered dev and Gaurav to throw the dead body far away from the Basti. After that an elderly Women come infront of them sid and ri.

Elderly women : My name is Ganga. You guys can full my one wish child?

Sid: So tell what is Your wish?

Ri : Tell

Ganga : Just Because of sataya. I was lost my 2 sons but today I got my son's on you 2 people  . So can you please call me Mom

Everyone was Heaving Tears in there eyes. Sid and ri smiled and hugged and say

Sid and ri : Mom we will call you as Our mom. But nor for today for lifetime you are our mom

Ganga was heaving tears of happiness in hear eyes. Sid and ri broke the hug and said

Sid and Ri : Now from today you are our mom and we are yours sons

Then sid and Ri again hugged Ganga

App comment da do barna next chapter belkul vi nahi dunghi

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